Republicans VS Democrats

oohhh noo!
here comes the british code!!!.

lets talk something they dont understand here.

alguien habla espanol aca?,o tengo que cargarmelos a todos con una carabina por no contestar?.

seguro que dani entiende lo que digo :wink: ,jeje

Yo puedo hablar un poco de español, y no tengas una carabina, erwin!

Ja, en als je andere talen wil praten, dan praat ik een beetje nederlands tegen jouw, je stomme reetje!

:lol: :lol:
stoat,conservo una carabina del ejercito argentino que me regalaron en el mismo.
si tengo :smiley: .

no sabia que tenias la letra: Ñ :smiley:

Dani no uniforme puede ahora ayudarle Erwin MWAHHAAHAHAH :o :?


Wahahahaha :lol:

Slight digression

Was going to ask what are the income tax rates in Holland like? Germany is sacking me off now I need to base myself elsewhere, Poland has crossed my mind but I’m undecided as yet.

A lot of my relatives live in Holland :smiley: , they say everything is perfect except for the excessive flooding

I’m not planning on joining the brain drain just yet, but the thought has crossed my mind. Not for tax reasons in my case though - I’m in engineering, and if I want to keep in it I fully expect to have to move somewhere else before I retire just to follow the work. India’s looking plausible right now…

Income tax rates here are … um… punishing. But not as bad as Belgium or Germany. Unless you get a job in an international organisation & thereby get semi-diplomatic status :smiley:

This should give you a rough idea:

Slight digression

Was going to ask what are the income tax rates in Holland like? Germany is sacking me off now I need to base myself elsewhere, Poland has crossed my mind but I’m undecided as yet.[/quote]

Fuchs,go to a the chemicals weaponry topic,we were enough here :lol: :lol: :lol:

That’s a pretty accurate summary of it, in a simplified way. Just about bang-on.

Hmm, hasnt the present US government turned around a huge surpluss into a huge defecit?

How much defecit can a country take?

China owns massive US debts.

What happens if they are called in.

The line between Democrat and Republican, conservative and liberal is not that clear-cut. Each has seemingly cross-over agendas. Furthermore, you can be a Republican and have some Democrat views, and vice-versa. As for your comment on his being from the south, I should inform you, that southerners tend to have a better understanding of political agenda than people from the northern US. This is what has led to the majority of Presidents of the US over the last 30 years having been southerners.

And where are you from Ironman?

War is expensive. The US has suffered two other such defecits in the last 30 years and recovered from them with speed. This one will be no different. As for foreign debt, there is an mind boggling amount of money owed to the US by other countries. Other countries have owed the US tons of money since the 18th century. Much of it has simply been forgiven by the US, even as recently as 2002 the US forgave $123 billion of foreign debt. It can be hard for some to grasp how this is possible. It’s possible because the gross national product and economy of the US is so incredibly large.

As for debts being called-in, if the US called-in it’s debts, it would break the bank of numerous countries. But you can’t simply “call-in” such debts. The debtor would refuse to pay all-at-once, because they couldn’t without going under. And nobody expects anyone to be able to pay up in that way.

So what would happen if, say China called in its US bonds? Currently running at about 1/4 of US debt?

Its an interesting premise. China provides the West with just about evrything, look on all your clothes labels and electronic goods labels, where are they made?

I would guess it either says made or assembled in China.

They will be the next dominant world power.

Hardly. First of all, China only manufactures a small portion of the products that come into the US, and most of those are unnecessary, ornamental items - not technological ones or mechanical ones, or those which are a requirement for the US economy. I know this because I live in the US. I shop at the stores, I see the labels. Most of what is imported into the US from China is clothing and ceramic poupourri burners and table lamps. Stuff like that. We don’t need them to make that stuff. :lol:

The US, unlike almost no other nation in the world, has the natural resources, industrial capacity, and educated workforce to produce every single thing it uses. What would happen is that prices would go up somewhat, on clothing especially, the government would at first subsidize industry to ease the transition, the US would suffer a moderate economic inflation, and China would go totally, belly-up bankrupt. The US would only suffer in that a pair of jeans would cost $40 instead of $22, and a Chia Pet would cost $12 instead of $3,99.

so,you are republican or democrat ironman?

I am an independant Sir. However, I am a moderate-conservative.

democrats are better then republicans, it is simple.

with clinton, we had a surpluss

with bush, we have the biggest deficit in history