Republicans VS Democrats

Not sure what you mean, can you give an example??

Well there’s the “faith based” initiative funding, which requires aid recipients to behave in ways acceptable to a religious organisation to recieve government money. There are also the moves in many “red states” to teach creationism as “science” rather than the religious education (RE) that it is.

I am really surprised there are not more people insulted by this post. :shock:[/quote]

Me either… And Russ said that, not me whistles and a Democrat isn’t a Communist, a Liberal is, I am not a Liberal, nor Socialist, nor Conservative :slight_smile:

Mate a Liberal is not a Communist. Where would you get that idea?

In my country a Liberal is centre left. Toni Blairs Labour government are supposed to be left of this (some still are), then further to the left are the socialists, then and maybe then are the Communists.

I dont think you have any understanding of real left wing politics. Please go to google Uk and search socialist or communist, see what you come up with? I would do it for you, bu every tim I do, it seems to be ignored.

Then search liberal.

Ah Joe McCarthy must be smiling in his grave…

Just to make things more confusing, there is the classical liberalism that myself and Stoaty tend to subscribe to (as written about by Locke and the like). In the US this would probably be described as Libertarian.

I find the polarisation of republicans and democrats in the US an anathma as to an outsider the issuse of disagreement form a norrow band in the social spectrum.

I wonder if this polarisation is due to a small number of high profile political comentators on talk radio and the selective journelism of Fox News. Anyone who dissents from the GOP line is a communist traitor, all terrorists are Muslims and Iraq/911 are indivisisible.

I’ve listened to US talk radio and it never fails to amaze me that the degree of veciferous bile it pours out is both believed and tolerated,The first time I heard Rush I thought I had tuned into a comic parody.

I post from the UK and like a fair few of the other UK members( or the thug gang as eric von dinakironman would call us) also post on another site, I can guarantee that their are many points, social, religious and political on which we would not agree however we would not consider each other unpatriotic as regardless of our personal views or beliefs we have, are or will be willing to put our balls on the block in defence of our country.

Right thats me done I,m back off to Arrse to see if their are any new pictures of Charlotte Church’s norks( well a man has to have a hobby and she does have a fine set of satans space hoppers )

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Have you been drinking again? Thats the only thing that could explain your view. 8)

I just gotta smile… :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Mike I’m sorry but I call it as I see it I listen to a lot of US talk radio and read most of the major news papers online, I keep hearing this accusation of left wing media bias but on the whole the reporting in the press seems pretty balenced as long as you avoid the editorials,talk radio however is another matter altogether.
To an outsider it sometimes appears that America is moving back to the reds under the bed era of Joe Mc Carthy with it’s knee jerk reaction to any voice of dissent.
I agree with Firefly the Democratic party in no way equates with even moderate socialism let alone communism.

Well…If you heard it on the radio or read it in the paper it must be true…NOT. Look people can spin newspaper post’s or radio shows to fit whatever agenda they support. Its really kinda simple, people are either for more government or less, for more taxes or less. Im for less.
Ive worked hard to get where Im at, Ive earned everything I have. I resent people who want to sit around and collect free money and do nothing to better their lives. The democrats like to reward people like that…thats enough for me…thats why I vote republican.
The communism jab was just an insult nothin more…even the dems are better than that. :lol: :lol:
What is funny is that communism jab bothered you more than some of that shit posted from stalingrad. :shock:


LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:


What is funny is that communism jab bothered you more than some of that shit posted from stalingrad.

The Communism jab didnt bother me at all, I just find it funny to hear Republicans call Democrats communists when they disagree with them. I then pointed out how far from communism they are.

Frankly, at the end of the day I dont really care who gets into power from the mainstream parties. They are all self serving gits nowadays and I see no real diffrence between the actions of New Labour and any Conservative governement should they have been in power. I honestly think thats why guys just dont vote here anymore, no real alternative.

Firefly, I agree with you about the self serving. When I vote it for the lesser of two evils. There are lots of things wrong with the republican party here in the US that I would change if I could, but for my life style the republicans blow the Dems out of the water.

Why the hell can’t the Libertarian Party get more people… That is the best one and you know it :smiley:

I say this country becomes a Libertarian majority one :?

I’d become Libertarian, but not enough people are in the party, too bad, because Libertarians own Republicans and Democrats, but Democrats are the closest thing you can get to one

Can someone please explain in laymans terms for us mere mortals what exactly libertarianism means.

Libertarian Party of the US