Russians admit fault

Maybe they can argue how a criminal regime–that drugs its dissident college students and throws them out of C-130s over the Atlantic so their parents can’t find their bodies–has the right force a population under its control…

Now that would really be moronic…

I talk by myself and representing only my views, I am no an advocate of any particular argentine goverment neither receive a wage to do that so cant reply that statement.

Yammy! Those juicy south American banabas from this years harvest are quite delicious according to the latest gourmet reviews. “Yammy-yammy-yammy. I’ve got love in my tummy!

Obviously I meaned Banana Republic of Equator, we also have the DUICF, Democratic Union of Indianic Cocaine Farmers ( known in some sources as Bolivia ), the dangerous AUWTS ( Andinian United Wallet Thief States, also called Chile), the large caliber FAASDSA ( Fully Armed Amazonian Samba Dancers of South America, oocuping the former brazil territory ) and the Bundesrepublik von Coweaters und GrillenMeisters (that will be us )

My kind of place!

Although given the way Argentina treats government debt, accusing the Chileans of being pickpockets is a bit rich :wink:

My kind of place!

It is, not to mention the hochfrauen and hochfraulein populating the place.
Jokes aside I think the Katyn remembrance should be elevated to the same status as the holocaust, Is important to remember how evil and terrorific the communism can be, and i say that specially for the large generation of che Guevara shirt carries still wandering around.

Out of curiosity what makes you think Britain or France couldn’t have done more to help Poland? The outbreak of war in 1914 was unexpected but nations were able to attack quickly. What would have prevented the French and British from attacking in 1939 within two weeks of the beginning of the war?
Another step in the right direction.