Serious Issues with Erwin.

His ID: pod_biohazard
As I know he is on msn (personally I have his ID on yahoo messenger).

Unfortunatelly I am unable to discuss with him in any way (after his attack on me last month).

Also do not forget that we’ll have to give some explanations to the British users (harmed by his posts lately) for our lack of reaction.

Well Erwin is on his 3rd warning. Maybe should give an informal warning in there to remind everyone what warning he is on and give him his last chance before a 4th. Next warning and he is gone for a week. Hopefully this will calm him.

Well Erwin is on his 3rd warning. Maybe should give an informal warning in there to remind everyone what warning he is on and give him his last chance before a 4th. Next warning and he is gone for a week. Hopefully this will calm him.[/quote]

Or frusterate him enough to not come back :?

I’ve been rather hoping that he’d got so angry he’d burst, leaving us all in peace. I did enjoy fes’s map of South America. It’s a shame Erwin couldn’t think of an original response.

i propose banning all falkland related discussion, that erwin is just turning this forum to a falkland related forum

That may be worthwile… those threads are subject to many well, heated discussions, if you will.

Guys, please help me deleting the useless posts in Argentian Military:

I am tired already deleting craps…:smiley: :smiley:

Which posts do you find as useless? I haven’t yet taken the time to read all 16 pages :oops:

Harassments between Erwin and the Brits and so on (generally off topic posts, on-topic meaning Argentinean Military).

Tiger, please hold on. I will ask FW and Gen. Sandworm about it.

Harassments between Erwin and the Brits and so on (generally off topic posts, on-topic meaning Argentinean Military).

Tiger, please hold on. I will ask FW and Gen. Sandworm about it.[/quote]

M’kay :shock:


Not very heated… One side is filled with impotent rage and the other does a verbal equivalent of poking with a stick.

Either way it’s banned and moved to the Archive Room.

Now I have sorted out the thread and re-opened.

It was 17 pages. Now it have 9 pages.

:shock: :shock: Jesus H. Christ! :shock:

Wow… nice cleaning up Dani… about 8 pages worth :lol:

It is very hard to delete many posts. You have to delete individually.

I’m aware… that’s why I’m so impressed. :o

Very interesting! Sounds like a public apologies. Good to him!
Anyway, I wonder how long it will last the actual peaceful mood on Erwin! I hope that he will not break the relationship with his actual Chilean ( :lol: :lol: ) girlfriend.

Anyway this relationship remember me the words “Never say never…” :lol: :lol:

Edited to add “mood” :oops:

Very interesting! Sounds like a public apologies. Good to him!
Anyway, I wonder how long it will last the actual peaceful mentatility on Erwin! I hope that he will not break the relationship with his actual Chilean ( :lol: :lol: ) girlfriend.

Anyway this relationship remember me the words “Never say never…” :lol: :lol:[/quote]

:lol: :lol: Oh Dani you break me up… :smiley:

Ok, As a lot of members asked to the english version of the discussion, I was translating it myself the entire day, and I didn’t notice that the topic was locked, I am sorry about my discussion in spanish.
Only to that all the member could see it.


Pay attention guy, the Army launched a dirty war, did disasters. Although it obtained the final objective, did it by means of subhuman plans, disappearing and murdering to every aquiel that have itself considered suspicious, without carrying out a just investigation.

Not all of those 30.000 boys were urban guerrillas, not all of those 30.000 boys they were of the ERP or Montoneros. Only they believed that there could be a better world and they fought for which they thought, not alone those of ideals political of left, also those that alone they demanded for somewhat simple, something as simple as improvements in the transportations, improvements in the education and to demand against the lack of respect to the National Constitution. To them also they killed them, without no problem, that considered suspicious or that that participated in any march of any type of claim was passed to the secret centers of detention and torture, in order then to be murdered.

The Armed Forces Argentinas could have carried out an exemplary government and to have earned the war against the subversion in a just way, but they preferred to do it in the way more facile and less complicated for them. Now they have the weight of 30.000 deaths, millions of Argentines struck by the last military process and years of grudge and civil displeasure toward the armed forces.


Look boy, Isabel Peron and other constitutional presidents ordered to the armed forces to repress to the guerrillas, you believe in all that propaganda that you see, but is ok, all the stupid boys believe it.
Inform yourself, that s.hit of the 30.000 deads does not exist! Forgive me but you are a great idiot telling that those people were not guilty, all were part of terrorist organizations.
Why don’t you stop of saying that stupidities, read what I am writing, I’ve answered to all your idiot questions.
Inform yourself, lefty (communist), That’s why you hear Leon Gieco (an argentine singer-author)


1-Isabel Peron, and Fernando De La Rua, were the worst argentine constitutional presidents from all the history. Don’t try to defend her. She was a person unable to manage the country in all sense, put by the great Gral Peron only to obtain a second “evita”, loved by the people.

2-The Army and security organizations had as objective to defeat the guerrilla organizations as Montoneros or ERP (Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo, People Revolutionary Army). When the Army occupied the government didn’t try to detect the main nucleus of those organizations. They only arrested and disappeared thousands of not guilty people (as journalists, religious, etc). The army used the less difficult possibility, disappearing to all who looks like a suspicious.

3-The left and guerrilla organizations claims more than 50000 deaths. The Army ensured that the deaths were less than 8000. And more than 8000 bodies were founded since 1976 in common graves. International non-governmental organizations as the Red Cross or the United Nations said that the most appreciable number is 30000 deaths. Ok?

4-The people who looked for a better world were victims, marching and claiming just causes. I wasn’t talking about the victims from the Tucumán woods, were the ERP and the Argentine Army fought several battles.

5-Are you saying that the people supported and were in agree with a military government? Where you listened that stupidity? Since the first day until the last day (even so in the South Atlantic War, when the motto of the people was “Yes Malvinas, No process -military government-”) the people were against the military government.

6-You are talking about Leon Gieco as insulting me or condemning me… he is one of the three more known author-singers from Argentina in all over the world. Why don’t you try to hear better music?
7-Don’t start to insult without reason, you are only showing your weakness when you haven’t got any idea about the topic is talked, trying to win something insulting. Always the insult was the last source that someone use when he hasn’t got any fundaments. We can see it at football, in the streets, and now at the internet forums.

8-You said that you had more knowledge than me about the subversion war. From 40000000 argentines, 39500000 think like me, and 500000 like you.

9-You never demonstrated having real knowledge of any topic discussed here. We talked about the Malvinas war, we talked about the rights over Malvinas, we talked about football (you reached the point of saying that Veron was bribed by England in 2002), we talked about the argentine armed forces, we talked about aviation, we talked about women, and you are always attracting the attention from all with something. If you don’t have knowledge, so try to be quiet.


1-I’ve answered before. I don’t defend to Isabel Peron, he sent to the armed forces to fight against the subversion.

2-False. That “innocent people” had wrong ideals and killed a lot of argentine army recruits only with the relationship that they gave to him with the capitalism. Remember the French or the Italians, remember the groups that supported to the guerrilla. Influence from all over the world, France, Italy, Cuba, Africa carried out this tragic outcome.

3-Yeah, there are bodies, but only 8000 were by the army’s job. As I’ve said, read more, brother. Red Cross? United Nations? The international organizations only take the majority’s number, actually people who supported the subversion but not using the violence.

4-Marchs? All that marchs were related with the guerrilla’s movement, since the holy girl with 18 years old were involved, as that girl that put a bomb under a general’s bed, saying that she was a friend.

5-False. I’ve heard that on the web. Some old women reacted against Galtieri but they were only the “May’s Square mothers”. About the Malvinas I am not denying that, but I am talking about all the Juntas, specially the 76’ junta. All acclaimed them when declared the war, and you know it.

6-LOL LOL. Ceratti is a real good singer. To have famous as Mercedes Sosa, I prefer to don’t have anyone.

7-I react like that when I see the diary stupidities

8-How do you know that percentage thinks as you? Of course if you hear the tv propaganda, that all the time are saying that the military are all mother fu.ckers. These propaganda can manage all, as you can see so many stupid boys of 14 years old, saying that the military is a shit, as all the people teach to them.

9-Of course, you know more of Malvinas, but the WW2 I know, by far, more than you, but I am not answer to this because I am tired. You are saying the same bullshits than the “lefties” and communists. What are you going to do? Are you going to say to James Lloyd that I am an stupid when I insult? LOL


*I don’t answer about the first 7 points because a simple thing: you choose one of the bands (from the minority) and I the other (from the majority)

*Me? Leftie (communist)? No! I have a lot of friends who are Che and Castro fanatics, and I live discussing with them, telling to them that the communism is a failure and it is not useful as economical or social model. You are choosing the personality of the people without idea why are you choosing that. I am a leftie, Firefly is a gay… You always are mixing all and you only limit to insult to all without a real fundament to answer something.

*I never loved to England. I only respect them.

Ohh, I forgot:

*About the WWII, I challenge you whenever you want, whatever you want, wherever you want.


Firefly asked for man photos, and he is English. How the hell you don’t want to name him GAY? You know that the first that one think, when you think in English is that they are gay, I answer all, and then I insult, and instead of read it, all are asking that I’ve answered before. That’s make me feel nervous, and here I cannot fight with clusters, how do you want that I stop myself?

1)You don’t answer because you don’t want to, or because you can’t to?

2)Leftie because you get on well with the enemy. They are capitalists, and they prefer that we would be communists in order to destroy our government. The communism doesn’t interest to me, the WWII doesn’t interest to me anymore, could we return to Julieta Prandi and Pamela David? Of course all in order to don’t disparage the mother land.

You respect more to the british than the argentines, you love them. Here all would insult to Blair, but you would suck his pinis. If all would protest to the british embassy, you would put yourself as a human shield. Don’t fuck with me. I wasn’t born yesterday.


*I respect to panzerknacker a lot, he is a good guy. If you are argentine and you respect me, I’ll respect you. If you are Chilean and respect me, I’ll respect you. If you are german and you respect me, I’ll respect you. If you are Chinese and you respect me, I’ll respect you, If you are from Mars, and you respect me, I’ll respect you… and yes, if you are british, and you respect me, I’ll respect you. In this cases about personal chats, the person is above the natioanility.

*I am not answering you the first 7 points because you are going to say: THE DEATHS WERE ONLY 8000, UN AND RC ARE BULLSHIT. I’ll answer, NO! THE DEATHS WERE 30000, THE ARMY LIES. And we wouldn’t listen each other.
I’ll answer OF COURSE THEY WERE JUST CLAIMS, FROM INOCENT PEOPLE. And we wouldn’t listen each other and we couldn’t find never a point in the middle.

*I repeat: Leftie? Me? LOL, if my friends could see this.


It doesn’t exist that from 30000 deaths, read books little boy, read! Then you are repeating all that you hear as a parrot, that’s why you were turned out from the web group “Malvinas, We still winning”. Read my posts.
Guerrillas were the extremists leftie groups that looked for the power by the Force, trying to obtain a Socialist Nation, in order to stay as Cuba, a shit. The nationality isn’t relevant, but the nationality carry culture, thoughts and codes. I’m interested in my culture, I notice when they are discriminating us. Wake up!

Insult me if you want, I am saying what I think and without any problems. But you are loving to that who hates your country, the nation is the friend, not the enemy, and England is an enemy, that’s the true.
You are a leftie, León Gieco, the “Iluminados por el Fuego” film too.


  1. I was never turned out from Malvinas, We still winning group because I was never part of it, and I never was interested to be. It’s a group of mad fanatic people. There they tell that the Invincible carrier was sunk, there say that the Attack to the Belgrano wasn’t a war crime, until they said that Argentina won the war!!! You could be perfectly with them.

  2. I thought that you wouldn’t understand the nationality/personality topic. If I want to say to somebody: Hello, What’s your name? Where are you from? Have you got a family?, What’s your age?, Do you like music? Do you like cars?, I don’t have the necessity of keep my feelings as Argentine. If I am talking about my land, about the Malvinas conflict, if I am talking about the Chilean conflict, of course I’m the first Argentine there. I was always like that, you can find it in all my posts here.

  3. I wont answer to you again any post. Write if you want, but I wont read it or answer it.