Serious Issues with Erwin.

yes, i did that yesterday
should be expecting his return soon

I have just asked Erwin to ged rid of this line in his sig:


I really think he has a massive problem with not being a Mod anymore and is deliberetely trying to stir things up yet again. However I dont think anyone should be allowed to permanently use foul language in every post as we all know Feck means Fuck.

I think its ok for the occassional post, but not for permanent ones. any ideas?

Oh and I also sent him the following PM.

Hi Erwin

Thanks for the warm welcome as a Mod, I can assure you as stated in the forum I will be impartial when it comes to dealing with any queries or problems in the forum.

I have however asked you to delete this


from your signature. I honestly dont think it does you or anyone else any favours to constantly read offensive language.

Thanks in advance


I suspect because Im the new Mod and of course British, he may try and play with me. Be assured he will not be allowed to.

Well Captain…Ill let you handle Erwin. Be a good for you to test out your new powers. :slight_smile: Anyhow just keep him under control and if he get to reckless give us a heads up before you give him a formal warning.

BTW totally agree with the sig thing. Needs to go.

Cheers Gen S. Powers flexed and applied, he has changed his Sig.

do we allow him to do that?

FW, generally, if anyone are asking for changing his name, acccording to the last rule issued, it must have a very solid argument to do that.

On the other hand only you and Gen. could change names.

Therefore it is up to you if you change or not. Prior to any changing, a brief announcement would be welcomed. For the reason(s) invoked, if they are not postable you could issue a short note. An example would be like Gen and I did long ago with Bluffcove’s request to be allowed to open his second acount. His reasons were posted in our room in two words: PERSEC reasons.

If you (or Gen., of course) are unsure if the reason(s) behind the request are strong enough, you could ask for our opinions posting them here.

So, what would be Erwin’s reason? :smiley:

thats the point of me posting this new topic, which is to ask your opinion about this issue. I personally dont have problems changing his name once, but if there is some reasons you want to oppose it, now its the chance.

Because if people see erwin changing his name, then everyone would be asking for change, the one on hanz is my mistake, i guess. I am not prepare to make another one.

Well I voted yes. But he should understand that this will be the only time he is allowed to.

Its no big deal I dont think, as long as everyone wasnt wanting to change their name once a week that is!

I agree with F-F. I also voted yes, but I also agree that we can’t allow members to change their names at will.

What is his reason for the change???

I suppose he may not want his real name on a Forum. I can understand that.

Erwin is not his real name.

Aha. Then why does he want to change it then?

Maybe just because Clauss did? :? But Clauss had a reason I suppose.

Well, Clauss von Stauffeberg to Phantom had the reason that another Stauffeberg joined the forum.
Phantom to Hanz had the reason told us by FW in other thread in our room.

FW, I couldn’t express any opinion prior to know his reason(s) for changing his name. Remeber the rule issued: You have the right to ask only once for changing the name ONLY backed up with solid arguments.

Once again: if you want to change his name, you are free to do this. I ask you only to inform us before (and also a brief description of the reason(s) would be welcomed).

If you ask my opinion on his request, I will ask you “On what basis he asked?” He asked “I want to change my name because it’s a new rule allowing this!!” ? :smiley: :smiley:


X-pence is Bluf Cove again. WHy oh why does he do it, Master of Puppets etc.

So as he has done it again, what number of warnings is he on.

Can we ban him now?

Or just give him like 6 Formal Warnings :twisted:

Hold on. Please investigate. Firefly, please ask him by PM if he is Bluffcove.

(You remember my PM to you concerning Canaris and IPs…) :smiley:

After his reply please brief us with his answer.

Edited: Anyway, for his post , if he is Bluffcove, he is in danger of banning.

Meantime, do you think I was rude with tobias?

I already sent tobias a pm about his avatar.

Im sure Bluff Coves adress is not a Global IP and he is just being a prat.