Serious Issues with Erwin.

He have four warnings so far:

You mean posting photos on Erwin’s sig?
I received a complaint from MoS concerning this but I noticed that Erwin eventually changed (again) his signature.

Meantime, before Christmas I made a last informal warning to Erwin before his next formal one. So, at slightest break of any rule you have a go for the next warning.

I noticed that. Young members (as age) especially. That 14th year guy from Chicago and so on.

I am going to have an MSN chat with Erwin and tell him just where he stands I think, unless Dani has an objection to it. Of course I will record the whole thing for us Mods to see.

No objection. Anyway, he knows very well where he stands. He also hope that in eventually of a new warning (by me or Firefly - he trusts Tiger :smiley: ) he might appeals on FW or Gen. to reconsider his “abusive” warning" :smiley:

Well I had a long and interesting conversation with Erwin. I told him that he was on the edge of a ban. I also advised him to step back from any provocative situation and let the Mods sort it out.

He feels picked upon by certain Brits here ( I cant deny he is wrong in this though as I can agree to a certain extent. I told him two wrongs do not make a right and that he comes across as abusive where the other Brits dont.

My take on the situation is that some of the Brits do bait him and some of them think it is them that run this forum. I had a PM from Stoat asking why Erwin wasnt banned yet? I replied by saying that was our decision and not his!

In all honesty, when you sit down and have a 1 to 1 conversation with Erwin he is a very decent and apparently nice guy, he admitted that he was a bit to hot-headed when it came to Argentina. But at the same time the forum does not exist for him.

My conclusion is that Dani is right and some form of usergroup could be used for the more volatile subjects. Rather than just create 1 single Argentinian one though perhaps we could float the idea to the forum and ask their opinions. Maybe we could have a Modern politics user group etc, Fluffy Bunny already PMed me asking that all non ww2 related subject should not be allowed. While I’m not sure this would be the best way to go I’m also not convinced that what we allow now is best either.

Any thoughts? I know this is difficult without the Gen and FW though as they have the ultimate say.

yeah, i have been tried these days. Unlike Canada, we cannot rely on cars becuase its very expensive, at least 2-3 times more expensive than canada and gasoline is at least 20% more than canada. i have been rely soley on foot and public transportation to travel around, which takes a lot of energy.

SO any thoughts?

i dont mind banning him, this is just getting too far
i suggest he just pull an ironman, and would be ban for any mistake he make in the future

Just on for a sec! If youve talked to him and told him to calm down. IMO thats the best kind of informal warning you can give. If he doesnt listen then we will have to ban him. I personally would hate to see him go but we have a job to do and we cant just overlook his actions just coz we like the kid. So hopefully Firefly you got thru to him. If he doesnt change he will have to go. Sorry Erwin thats the way the world works. Shape up or ship out.

Yes hopefully he will remain calm. I wouldnt like to see him banned in the same way as IRONMAN, but hey, as I said, the site is not for him.

I honestly think he is too hot headed and some of the Brits know this. I am watching for it now.

To be noticed:

In archive:

FW or Gen, either we kick out Erwin at slightest wrong move or we have to add private discussion rooms (like usergroups).

Anyway, an answer to Eagle is requested and I am out of words now.

I have answered Eagle and told him we are thinking about his request etc.

I also advised him that if he really wanted to talk about the Falklands, why not set up his own forum. I have offered to help him with this.

Thanks Firefly! Good answer. :smiley:

After a chat with Gen, I have a request:
Firefly and Tiger, until further notice do not warn Erwin. Give him if necessary an informal warning. not a formal one. Let me handle with him. As Gen said, he’ll shape up or ship out. I will warn him if necessary.

Sounds good to me.

One more thing to add: for the moment no Falkland related threads will be moved to the Archive 2005.

I am unsure about this thread.

Forgot to add: What we have to do with Eagle’s avatar? We’ll allow as an unspoken exception?

i suggest we ban him right now, he is just making too much trouble
and i will join the forum at full rate again next week, when i go back to canada, sorry

It was a request of Gen. Sandworm not to ban him right now if he will calm down. Gen. wants to make a final attempt to discuss with Erwin.

Well the thread is an example of what is locked and does no harm for people to see I dont think.

About avatars - we either have a rule or dont? As I keep saying this is WW2 In Colour, if after asking them to change it a few times, I would ban them from having an avatar altogether. He could put it in his sig as there are no rules on those, are there?

Interesting ideea!

He could put it in his sig as there are no rules on those, are there?
No rules for sigs with exception of normal ones for posts (without insults, non-offending, etc, etc)

Gen and FW we want to enforce the rule on avatars. Waiting for your confirmation as well as for your comments on Firefly’s ideea.

ok, i will take a look at erwin’s avator