Should Argentina be given back to its original owners?

A full third of the population live in BA, and 90% of the population live in large cities.

The Argies don’t seem to like living in the sticks.

Anyway, why isn’t this all seen as Off TOPIC? Shouldn’t you be cutting posts and getting the thread back on track Panzerknacker?

Or are you hoping this thread will die off, so you don’t have to answer any of the flaws in your countries desire for territory?


Forgive me for intruding, I thought I’d posted some of this information yesterday, guess I must have screwed up.

The Argentines get quite passionate about the British return in 1833. But the timeline and full historical record is usually selectively quoted.

Argentina first asserted a claim to sovereignty in 1820, which was disputed by the British at the time.

Whatever, for a variety of reasons they did not establish a permanent settlement until 1828 when Governor Louis Vernet was sent to establish a penal colony. The Argentine colony never consisted of more than fifty or a hundred settlers, and these few colonists made few attempts to farm, raise livestock, or otherwise conduct themselves as permanent residents. Interestingly Vernet actually asked British permission to land on the islands, both in 1826 and again in 1828.

Did he at least tacitly recognise a British claim to the islands? More likely simply hedging his bets to protect his investment. He also asked the British to take his colony under their wing should they decide to re-assert their claims to the islands. He also agreed to prepare a report for the British Government about the viability of a colony on the island and regularly did so.

The colony was removed by an American warship in 1831, following Vernet’s arrest of (I think it was 3) American sealer’s ships. In truth that was probably the catalyst for British action who still smarted from the American War of Independence and the War of 1812.

When the British re-took the islands in 1833, they simply turned up and sent a polite note asking for the Argentine flag to be replaced by a British one. Whilst the Argentine commander thought of resisting, the 80% of his forces who were British mercenaries refused to fight their countrymen. The change over took place without a shot being fired. Most historical accounts suggest that the British asked the Argentines to leave, interestingly Onlsow’s report to the admiralty refers to his inability to persuade them to stay.

William Dickson, Vernet’s deputy, was appointed as the first British representative on the islands since they’d left. A number of Falkland Islanders can trace their ancestry to members of Vernet’s original colony.

Removing the Argentine colony on East Falkland in the manner they did was, as recognised later by the Foreign Office, a little high handed. However, the islands had never been brought under control by the Argentine administration, they existed in a state of anarchy and most nations using the islands simply ignored the Argentine claim.

So the claim they were forced to leave, is historically inaccurate, no force was used by the British, though you have to recognise there was an implicit threat of the use of force. Also they were asked to stay by the British and chose to leave. You have to wonder how things would have turned out if they hadn’t.

I don’t know, perhaps if the history was viewed more objectively the passions would be cooled. But there is a tendency to exagerrate the history to justify actions in the present.

Hi-Ho Silver!

That is an outstanding post!

Welcome to the forum.

I often wonder about the Argentines way of life, after so long under the Junta and the dirty war, do they actually think for themselves or just accept the spoon fed propaganda?

LoneRanger expect to see your post deleted by Otto the mad Cut and Paster, who prowls through the forums like a knife wielding maniac, drunk on the power of his mod-ness.

Basically, you have posted the truth. Which apparently doesn’t sit well in Argentina… unless it affects somebody other than them.

See such episodes as Maradona handballing his way to victory, Belgrano being sunk through incompetance… etc.

A full third of the population live in BA, and 90% of the population live in large cities.

You mean in the province of BA.

The Argies don’t seem to like living in the sticks.

No idea what you mean with this.

Anyway, why isn’t this all seen as Off TOPIC? Shouldn’t you be cutting posts and getting the thread back on track Panzerknacker?

This born off topic :rolleyes:

Or are you hoping this thread will die off, so you don’t have to answer any of the flaws in your countries desire for territory?

No, If wanted that I did not participate. And also no I dont see any flaws in the claim wich is in my opinion completelly legal. Man… “desire for teritory” sound so imperialist :twisted:

LoneRanger expect to see your post deleted by Otto the mad Cut and Paster, who prowls through the forums like a knife wielding maniac, drunk on the power of his mod-ness

If with “Otto” you are refering to me I tell you 2 things:

-Download your tone

-Worry no more, I am passing the moderation bussines to the others Mod in this section since I am tired to deal with people who think every is against them.

I’m sure a good lawyer would explain that posession is 9/10s of the law. :slight_smile:

Now, can we get back to the sheep-farming please, it was far more interesting.
I might point out that a lot of Welsh people settled in Argentina, and that is why there is sheep-farming there.

Ah that could explain, I thought I’d posted that information last night.

Many a true word spoken in jest…:wink:

Seriously tone it down abit. :roll:


Ah that could explain, I thought I’d posted that information last night.[/QUOTE]

An awful lot of things vanished into the ether last night.

But vanishing into the night seems to have been a regular occurrence in the Argentine around the time of the Falklands unpleasantness, so perhaps it’s to be expected.

Seems like some of the lads here have forgotten whats written in the first post in this section.

Make no Bones about it, this section WILL be closed if such things as sniping at Mods and being deliberately baiting continue.

I know you are all decent, smart and knowledgeable guys and we have been through all this before, I fought for this Section to be allowed to be here and promised the other guys that the Brits wouldn’t Cock it up. Seems like I may have been wrong

If you have any comments about anything at all in this Section please feel free to PM me and I will address any situation forthwith. However, I would think twice before posting anything else of the nature you have been lately.

There will be no infractions or anything from me I will simply Lock the Falklands section and archive the whole bloody lot.


This isn’t intended as sniping at mods but I’d be interested to know the answer. I thought I’d posted a comment last night, I was surprised to see it missing this morning. To be honest I’d assumed that I’d cocked up being new here but I was wondering if it was deleted and if it was why?


BTW quite content to chalk it up to my cock up rather than a conspiracy.

I have no Idea. I will look into it and get back to you.

Software glitch?
The same situation there: