should iraq have been invaded?

Maybe they have but where is it ,UN not find nothing.

I agree but was it Mass Destruction? What would you term it?

I don’t think the US and its allies went to Iraq thinking they would find ICBM’s with nuke warhead’s, when they talked WMD’s I believe they were talking about chemical weapons.
Do I think chemical weapons should be classified as WMD’s?? I don’t know, if the stock pile is big enough yes. I would bet money Sadam would have given chemical weapons to terrorists if he did have them, if he hasn’t already.

With Iraq no threat, why invade a sovereign country? The answer: President Bush’s policy to secure Israel. […] Bush felt tax cuts would hold his crowd together and spreading democracy in the Mideast to secure Israel would take the Jewish vote from the Democrats. You don’t come to town and announce your Israel policy is to invade Iraq.
Senator Ernest F. Hollings “Bush failed Mideast policy is creating more terrorism” The Post and Courier (USA) May 6, 2004

Yes I agree, but my whole point is that can a Chemical weapon be classified as a weapon of mass destruction? I dont think it can, I think it was an easy way to persuade a somewhat ignorant public about chemical weapons. Deadly yes, but unless unleashed in Mass quantities (and Im taking front artillery etc here) it is only an irritant to an attacking or defending force.

The Iraqis just didnt have the capacity to fire that many chem shells…

My pinion though, and I stand to be corrected.

I think that after 9-11 We just couldn’t take the chance of some terrorist scumbags getting hold of chemical weapons.
Was it a good excuse to go into Iraq??? Yes…was it necessary? I don’t know…I think we just got tired of getting punched in the nose and turning the other check.
I don’t think they can handle democracy…Im not sure if they really want it.

Was those weapons range enough to strike the US?
They sure can’t handle a “democracy” forced by weapons.

C’mon ppl think!

Read up on the Aum Shinrikyo (?sp) cult in Japan. They’re the ones most famous for the Sarin gas attacks on the Tokyo subway, but they had actually carried out multiple Sarin gas attacks before that date. It’s just that nobody noticed that the attack had taken place because they didn’t do any damage! The subway attacks were only marginally effective, and then only because of the very large numbers of people in a confined space.
I’ll defer to people like Fuchs who do this sort of thing for a living (I’ve never even been inside an NBC suit before, although I’m apparently meant to get issued one this time next week!) but I suspect chemical weapons in practice are really not as effective as they are cracked up to be by the popular (OK, gutter) press.

Read up on the Aum Shinrikyo (?sp) cult in Japan. They’re the ones most famous for the Sarin gas attacks on the Tokyo subway, but they had actually carried out multiple Sarin gas attacks before that date. It’s just that nobody noticed that the attack had taken place because they didn’t do any damage! The subway attacks were only marginally effective, and then only because of the very large numbers of people in a confined space.
I’ll defer to people like Fuchs who do this sort of thing for a living (I’ve never even been inside an NBC suit before, although I’m apparently meant to get issued one this time next week!) but I suspect chemical weapons in practice are really not as effective as they are cracked up to be by the popular (OK, gutter) press.[/quote]

Your spelling is correct, and yes, I do believe that the media and such make chemical weapons seem worse than they really are. The real threat seems to be a nuclear holocaust.

Consider yourself lucky !
I feel like I’ve spent years in the damn things.
(Wearing the ressie while on the job is a sure fire way of getting rid of a troublesome bint though.)

Like you I’ve been waiting for Fuchs to put his threepenn’oth in, I’m sure he’ll be here as soon as work permits.

For the love of God. It was only a fancy of the Royal Family, the Bushes.

As my english is really bad, and it could spend me the entire night to post why I am completely against of the Iraq War. You can see Farenheit 911. The documentary have a lot of reasons which I share.

The United States are dominating the world. If you are in disagree with them, today or tomorrow they will dissapear you. Look at Iraq. Look at Iran. Look at Venezuela. This countries haven’t got a really millitary power of threat to the United States. But such is the world, unfortunatly.

Are you accusing the United States of occupying all countries that defy us?

there is no way that any country could justify an attack on another country just because they thought that they had chemical weapons. to use a chemical weapon you need to plant it into another countries food supply, water supply, or any other mass consumed supply. in this case, the battle would have been with the FBI/CIA against terror cells in the US, not against the entire country of iraq. now, if the FBI or CIA was tipped off about terrorist cells in the US endorsed by the iraqi government, then you can go to war. but bush told the american people that iraq was an immenent threat because they supposedly had WMD which could potentially reach us, or used against our allies. a WMB is a NUKE, or some other kinds of bomb that can cause MASS DESTRUCTION. a chemical weapon kills alot of people, but that is not destruction that is murder. i believe that destruction refers not to spreading a sickness, but to being able to flatten cities and kill many people. in conclusion, if the government believed that they would only find chemical weapons in iraq, then that is no reason to attack them because the only way to deploy a chemical weapon is to be in the target country and release the weapon yourself, there is no firing mechanism. plus, there were no reports of a terror cell in the US who had planned to use a chemical weapon.

Potential Use of Crop Dusters as Terrorist Delivery Systems for Fuel-Air Type Bombs.

Good thing most people didnt think like most of you during WWII or you guys might be speaking German now.

there were no reports of a terror cell in the US who had planned to use a chemical weapon. ??? WTF Do you know what a crop duster is??

edited::Sources tell TIME that U.S. officials suspect that bin Laden conspirators may have been planning to disperse biological or chemical agents from cropdusting planes

well of course bin ladens people always wanted to attack the US with a chemical bomb…cuz there are enemies, but im sure they wouldnt mind nuking us 10 times either. its alot easier said then done. plus, if the reason that we went to war was that we had solid evidence from a captured terrorist, and the CIA could confirm that the evidence was true. if this happened bush would have said this, not made up a story about nukes that would come back to bite him in the ass when none where found. also, doesnt: if we dont attack this country then your family and all ur friends could all become fatally ill just from drinking our water, sound alot more convincing then: we need to attack this country because they might have nukes, that they might be able to use against us.

The 2003 invasion was the right war for the wrong reasons.

Hussein, by his very presence was a destabilising influence & constant threat to his neighbours & needed removing.

The UN no longer has credibility as a force for good, due to their appeasement towards many despotic & dictatorial regimes.
They have become the League of Nations of our time - toothless, worthless & corrupt.

Places that need to have the Carrot shoved up their bottoms & the Stick applied to their heads include;

Myanmar for abusing its people

North Korea for virtually everything

Iran for its Nuclear ambitions

Syria for supporting Hussein & its anti-Western/pro terrorist stance

Zimbabwe/Rhodesia for Mugabe’s destruction of the most vibrant economy in Southern Africa, his corruption & nepotism & human rights abuses against all perceived opponents of his schtzoprhrenic lunacy.

Venezuela for allowing a maniac to rule

The age of quiet diplomacy has passed & the age of the warrior is dawning once again.

The World turned upside-down :frowning:


And then you say: well of course bin ladens people always wanted to attack the US with a chemical bomb…

Well which one is it? :?: You seem to have both opinions?? :roll:

my point is, that bin laden supports would always WANT to attack the US with a chemical bomb, anything to hurt the US. but this does not mean that a plan materialized. bin ladens guys want to hurt the US in any means possible but they are only going to try what they think they can accomplish.

Not all, but the most of the countries which defy United States or put in compromise the United States’ leadership are attaked, by military, political or economical forces.



Unfortunately Farenheit 911 was not a documentary, it was filmed in the style of a documentary in order to lend it authenticity.

Michael Moore is a master of this type of film and uses it regularly to further his political leanings.
A very effective form of propaganda to those who have not researched the details.