should iraq have been invaded?

I can sound strange,but im agree with cuts!

Faranheit 9/11 shows alot of the truth of the war, these things did happen or MM would be sued for slander, etc, but as Cuts says, Micheal Moore puts a specific spin on them.

Watch Bowling for Columbine as well, same thing, all true but spun.

And he always, no matter what the subject, get’s it back to his “home town of Flint, Michigan”.

I’ve read a book of his where he stated a good cure for NI was for a Catholic priest to bless the water supply, and then they could run around with fire hoses and christen the protestants…

Thought about telling him that the fire service in NI was regarded as part of the apparatus of the state by most of the extremem catholics ie the IRA.

See other thread, Effectivity of chemical weapons, dont want to drag this off topic.

I give you all of that except Venezuela. Is it mad to want to use your own countries oil wealth to benefit your own country?

well besides invading a country, or putting sanctions on them, there isnt alot that the US can do to harm a country, is there?

Im sorry I dont understand what you mean there.

before my post you guys were talking about how the US does harm any country that does not agree with their ways. but, i am asking you, other then invading a country, or putting sanctions on them, is there really anything else that the US can do to harm that country?

How about political pressure ?

Or how about trying not harming them ?

or thinking long term and not trying to fit a war into a 4 year term of office

Patience is a virtue apparantly

I would also add, is it wrong to disagree with the US? I mean you may not be right all of the time eh?


there are two possible means of making people comply shown here ! invasion and sanctions are not the only options.

iraq is a mess…they missed the deadline for the consitution to be finished for the 3rd time :x

better than getting the constitution through first time.

Bear in mind that a correctly drawn up and accepted unilaterlally constitution will prevent a civil war. I think its a bit Rihc to complain that they are taking their time. Admittedly we are having to spend longer out there as a result of this issue not being resolved, but its not like we have to be going anywhere else anytime soon, is it? it?

maybe its to do with profit / loss analysis. Funding a war (sorry peacekeeping operation) versus regaining oil revenue.

So how about having the Iraqis vote on the US military presence?

If they vote for it, it would support the US military because the Iraqi people ASK us to keep helping.
IF not, fine. Here´s your fully liberated and democratic country, Iraq. You´re very welcome for our deposing Saddam. Good luck to you, we have other fish to fry. Call us again if you decide you need help.

That would work for me…What do you guys think?

well its not just that the consitution is taking too long to be finished, but also it is not going to be accepted by all. the Sunni’s, if i am not mistaken, are opposed to the consitution and are going to refuse to ratify it. by doing this, they can prolong the process to finish the consitution until at least mid october.

The odd part of this is that the Sunni’s (who mostly object to our presence) are opposing parts of the draft Constitution which could lead to a Fundamentalist Islamic State (which we don’t want either).
They are also opposed to the increased autonomy & separation of the Regions (which we don’t want either).
The Shia are looking to have a far greater say in where the oil revenue goes as well (mostly to them, I shouldn’t wonder).

yes, iraq is teetering on a civil war.