Should the atomic bombs have been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


Herman has been littering the board with ill-informed and largely idiotic comments about nuking everything in sight as the solution to all military and political problems in WWII, along with similarly ill-informed and largely idiotic comments about other aspects of WWII.

Innocent civilians? Which ones? the ones at Dresden? The ones in Tokyo? The military declared all targets open to massive bombings by the end of the war to defeat the two Axis super powers regardless of civilian casualties. It was called “Total War”. How many of those “innocent civilians” would have died if we had invaded the home islands? Millions, if the recent landings at Iwo, Okinawa and Saipan taught the US anything it was that the Japanese would fight til the last person could hold a weapon. The deaths at Hiroshima were on a par with the deaths at the fire bombings of Tokyo.

The first raid using low-flying B-29s carrying incendiaries to drop on Tokyo was on the night of February 24-25 1945 when 174 B-29s destroyed around one square mile (3 km²) of the city. Changing their tactics to expand the coverage and increase the damage, 279 B-29s raided on the night of March 9–10, dropping around 1,700 tons of bombs. Approximately 16 square miles (41 km²) of the city were destroyed and some 100,000 people are estimated to have died in the resulting firestorm, more than the immediate deaths of either Hiroshima or Nagasaki.[6] Another example is the Bombing of Kobe on 17 March 1945, 331 B-29 bombers launched a firebombing attack against the city. Of the city’s residents, 8,841 were confirmed to have been killed in the resulting firestorms, which destroyed an area of three square miles and included 21% of Kobe’s urban area. At the time, the city covered an area of 14 square miles (36 km²). More than 650,000 people had their homes destroyed, and the homes of another million people were damaged.

Bombing the Germans after they surrendered? that’s just whacked…

Dropping what dozen A bombs on Japan? The two that were dropped were the only two we had, there was just enough refined uranium for the two bombs, though others were planned and one would have been ready to drop by late August and three more by Sept. and three more by Oct. they were planning on dropping them all if need be if the Japs did not surrender.

I’m getting as bad as Nick debating Kato about the Balkans in a futile attempt to correct fantasy with historical fact, but here goes.

Conventional medical opinion is that the dead don’t come back to life.

Although you sound like a child who is probably still thrilled by zombie movies but, alas, they’re made up stories.

Read up on Japanese and global economics and see where Japan has been for the past couple of decades. Try this:

How about we drop one on you and your town and see how much it hurts? :rolleyes:

Then again, in your case I wouldn’t be surprised if it had no effect. No sense, no feeling. And vice versa.

Precisely how much more muscle (mussels are molluscs) could America have flexed, apart from nuking Japan and fighting in Korea and confronting the Soviets in Europe and upon and under the seas for a few decades, while facing China from Japan and South Korea with strategic air bases in Guam etc?

Anyway, why is it America’s fault?

Why didn’t Canada get stuck into the Soviets? Your main continental centres are closer to Russia. A pleasant ship journey across the Bering Sea, or a quick march through Alaska after the weak Americans gave permission for passage and a little hop over the Bering Strait in a dinghy, and you could have rolled the Soviets up in no time.


Given that the Soviets were occupying large slabs of Germany in August 1945 after Germany had surrendered and when the first atom bombs were available, don’t you think that dropping them on the Soviets might have pissed them off just a touch and provoked something a bit hotter than a cold war? Or should the Yanks have avoided that by dropping them on the parts of Germany not occupied by the Soviets? This would mean nuking themselves, which would be an odd way of avoiding conflict with the Soviets although I’m sure the Soviets would have approved of it, and nuking their non-Soviet allies which although equally satisfactory to the Soviets might have caused a bit of friction in Allied relationships.

Perhaps you’d like to elaborate on war as an educational exercise.

There is no indication that humanity has learnt much from the past few millennia of war, except how to get better at death and destruction.

Truman didn’t become President until 12 April 1945. Germany surrendered on 7 May 1945.

As it’s apparently escaped your notice, Germany had been blasted to hell and back by April 1945.

The first atom bomb wasn’t tested until 16 July 1945, more than two months after Germany had surrendered.

Do you see any problems in carrying out your cunning plan to teach Germany a nuclear lesson a couple of months after it had surrendered and was occupied by Allied troops who would have perished in your nuclear blasts?

And without the Marshall Plan there is every possibility that the faults of the Versailles Treaty would have been reproduced and would have encouraged Germany to try for one out of three.

The Allies didn’t need nukes to wipe out a few cities. Do the names Hamburg, Dresden, and Cologne mean anything to you?

Read up on Carthage, starting with its destruction and obliteration during the Third Punic War in the second century B.C. and tracing it through to its second destruction by the Muslims in the 7th century A.D. and down to is current status as a suburb of Tunis.

Then tell me how a city can be wiped off the map and no human will ever resettle or rebuild there again.

Compare the differences between:

a. Exploding an atomic bomb, and
b. A nuclear power plant meltdown.

Explain why one largely dissipates in the atmosphere and the other doesn’t.

Compare half lives of relevant radioactive substances.

Compare reactions continuing at various time points after the initial event.

Well, it might have had something to do with the fact that Japan surrendered after the first two.

As you seem to have the general intelligence and moral sense of an economist, work out whether it was better value for money if the total cost of the war and the Manhattan Project is divided by two or six.

If you can do that arithmetic, you have to agree that America got three times as much value for money with two bombs as it could have with six.

So, son, for fuck’s sake, stop making your stupid fucking comments in various threads about America not flexing its muscle; atom bombs; WWII; and the Cold War. Just turn on your Disney World bedside table lamp and snuggle up in your Mickey Mouse pyjamas with your How and Why Wonder Book of WWII and look at the cartoons and don’t post again until you can make some fucking sense!

You should read the book “Hiroshima” it tells of a civilian doctor, a German Father of the church, an accountantand other’s account of the nuking. No disguised troopers there. The Japanese Government had propaganda saying death is better than defeat so they cant help it… Also, the US had only 3 bombs. The Fat man, little boy and the Trinity test bomb so no 3rd or 4th nukes.

In a democracy we are entitled to our opinions. I have never used obscene language on this web site nor do I beleive it is proper for you to so either. We don not live in a communist regime where our opinions are censored. I do not believe that a web site about opinions on war subjects requires only the opinions of those that are main stream. I am sorry if I offended you but demeaning another and using foul language is not very productive. Just because you say an opinion does not mean that everyone has to beleive or accept it. The same way my views may be accepted or rejected by others. Please refrain from exercising your communist attitude regarding censorship and degrading any user that has an opinion different fromm yours. Thank You.

Tell someone who gives a fuck.

And, for a change, support your assertions with historical evidence.

Making stupidly ill-informed statements all over the board like you’ve been doing for the past day or two is unproductive beyond fucking belief.

Also, don’t fuck me about by getting all prissy about my fucking language because you lack the knowledge to debate the specific issues I raised in my last post, not one of which you’ve adressed. Instead, you’ve slipped in snide and pointless accusations of me being a communist when you’re trying to capture the high moral ground, which demonstrates nothing except your inability to engage in informed debate and your childish tendency to apply pejorative labels to people who challenge your quaintly uninformed opinions.

You’ve just devoted much more space to prissy pointlessness about my vulgar language than you’ve ever bothered to devote to your cruel and historically absurd opinions in this and other threads about nuking the Axis powers and their people after surrender.

As for not using obscene language, you stupid little fuck, there is no way that fuck printed infinitely could ever begin to approach as remotely obscene your ignorant, callous and repeatedly expressed criticisms in this and many other threads of Truman for not nuking people who had already surrendered in Germany and Japan.

Now, how about demolishing the points in my last post with rational and informed historical criticism instead of getting your adolescent lace-trimmed little panties in a twist over rude fucking words to deflect attention from your lack of knowledge and distressing lack of humanity in the casual way you advocate nuking people?

As for your sudden concerns about a democracy, Truman represented one and that is precisely why he didn’t launch the unwarranted, unlawful and sadistic nuclear strikes you’ve been advocating all over the board.

So, sonny boy, fuck you and fuck everyone who thinks like you. Because your nuclear blood lust as expressed in various threads is far worse than anything the worst people did during WWII, and it’s a long, long way worse than anyone saying fuck.

Which, if you’d ever been in uniform, you’d know constitutes between forty and eighty per cent of most soldiers’ speech. Or better, as in the case of a mechanic when things went badly who said

‘Fuck! The fucking fuker’s fucked.’

I hope you’re not offended by the errant ‘The’ in that comment.

I guess your communist beliefs and anger management issues are something to be desired by those that have a conversation with you. In an intelligent discussion, it is mostly the imature and narrow minded individuals who exhibit dispaly’s of hostility through their limited vocabularity by resorting to demeaning and vulgar language. A difference of opinions should not result in your ownership of the subject matter. In a Democracy we should be able to voice our own opinions without being attacked. The war is over but maybe you think the war is still on by the way you attack peole with different opinions. Did you know that after the war, there were many soldiers who didn’t know the war was over for many mths thereafter as they were on remote islands cut off from civilization? Please do not attack my or anyone elses opinion with profanity and try to be mature about your responses. Not once have I displayed any vulgar in any of my posts as I am a gentleman. I will not lower myself to your standard of communication. I still maintain that the A-bomb should of been dropped on Japan and if you don’t like this opinion then you are entitled to it as this is a democratic free speach society and not a communist censored environment you may be accustomed to.Thank You

Now that you’ve got that off your indignantly heaving little chest, how about dealing with each of the points I raised at #421?

As for an intelligent discussion, you have yet to make an intelligent comment in this or any other thread.

You are starting to look like a psycho-troll, not to mention a normal troll with your other posts and curious interaction with another new member. It’s like watching Jekyll and Hyde talking to himself. Don’t push it, nut boy.

As for not attacking you with profanity, I haven’t and won’t. Check the proper English definition of profanity as distinct from common American usage, which is irrelevant to you in Canada.

Meanwhile, you self-proclaimed hypocritical little gentleman who wants to nuke the poor bastards in Germany and Japan after surrender and chooses to condescend to me, get fucked!

Well well…You are from Austraila after all, so I guess I have to expect a lower level of communication from the island where England use to ship all their convicts to…And thats a historical fact)(as you say I have nothing factual to say, well the aforementioned is a fact)…Maybe if you lost 6 brothers, 8 uncles, a father in law and many other relatives to the Japanese and Germans during war, you would feel a bit resentment to overkill that I have been conveying. Just because something is said does not mean it is a belief, but rather an expression of resentment to the past. Probably all you lost during the war was your pet hamster cause you were to busy studying to become a communist!

Oh mate Rising Sun
I have been absent just for one week and what was happend:shock:
You are the “communist” now:)

Not sure about Nickdfresh, but i’m proud of you:)
You are advocating the Japs after all they did for the australians…

If you had any knowledge of history, you wouldn’t make an even bigger tool of yourself with fresh idiotic statements about historical facts because you’d know that England didn’t send all its convicts to Australia, not least because England was sending them somewhere else in the century before it discovered Australia. You wouldn’t know a historical fact if it leapt up and bit you on the arse.

As for losing most of your male relatives to the Axis powers, all I can say is that it’s astonishing that anyone currently aged twelve could lose six brothers in WWII while you as the prick in the family survived. Your mother must have been unusually fertile unusually late in life. And I can understand why she’d regret it.

Actually, the hamster I lost in WWII was an uncle. And nobody in the family was sorry he didn’t come back because he used to shit everyone with his constant spinning of the wheel. After we got the telegram, we were seriously pissed off that the value of hamster cages had dropped during the war, even fairly large cages like Uncle Merv’s which was at least two feet high to accommodate convict stock used to skulking in the prison hulks.

Now, troll meister, how about responding in detail to #421 instead of demonstrating that you’re a troll, and a fucking shithouse one at that?

Your last response actually made me laugh for a change. I think you should lighten up a bit and don’t take life so seriously. Why do you have to get so agitated just because I have a different opinion than yours. Who cares if England sent all its convicts to Austrailia or not. I was just trying to lighten up the thread so you would not be so rude. Anyways I am going away for the weekend so I will be looking forward to discussing Atomic bomb theories with you when I get back. In the meanwhile, cool down and chill man. All the users can see your a bit anal, so take a chill pill and talk to you another time. P.S> There are some nice commie websites I can refer you to if you insist on being so antagonistic and up tight…

May i ask you dear sir herman?
Did you see the Communists just in the Comics or in the Holliwood propogandic movie too?
How many real communist you personally knew?
And WTF the Rising Sun who is one of the “stronghold of democraty” in this site ( in a good sense of this word:)) has deels with “communism”?
This is speaking by me, whose father was an communist with convictions…
He was not a ComParty beurocrat who used the Party for his personal carier( this sort of people without views look at any party from their egoistic perspectives), but simple worker.
Who believe in social guaranties , free ( literally free) education , even hight and medical service.
So you may ask me about communust anything you want in future.
Just do not please call the Rising Sun in a such way;)
You try to make the “attach a label for” him, this funny but stopid.
You obviously don’t know him a much time.
Where have you got the idea about Truman planns to bomb the post-war Germany in aim to “get revenge”?
Even the “Best communist” Stalin did not dream about it:)
Although you may be know that the War in East was the most fierce and bloody.

This is what happens when twelve year old Canadians log on. They drink the snow and the bear piss in it goes to what little brain they have.

They think the bloody Komsomol is everywhere.

Still, what can we expect of a people who club poor little fur seals to death, and want to nuke Germany and Japan after they surrendered?

If proper communists like you had stuck around, you’d be in trouble, not me. :wink:

Well, who is? :smiley:

It’s what makes me an international citizen of great repute.

Glad you’re back. I thought you’d died or suffered something terrible like going to Chechnya or, horror of horrors, driving a Lada. Nobody expects anyone to survive driving a Lada :smiley:

But feast your eyes on what a hundred grand can do to a Lada.

Now, troll meister, how about responding in detail to #421 instead of demonstrating that you’re a troll, and a fucking shithouse one at that?

Mate, he doesn’t know east from west, or his arse from his wrist (although they’re often connected ;)).

I said I was going away for the weekend and you still blabber on with foul language behind my back. Be a true English man and speak politely when I come back and stop critisizing everyones opinion.Be Polite

But even 12 years canadian have to go to the school sometimes:)
And ther teachers should tell him something about WW2…

They think the bloody Komsomol is everywhere.

:smiley: :wink:
That’s holy true…

Still, what can we expect of a people who club poor little fur seals to death, and want to nuke Germany and Japan after they surrendered?

Actually what should we expect from a rather fair communist-terrorist like mr herman2 is:)
If he plan to nuke the post war Germany, who know what he can plan further:)

If proper communists like you had stuck around, you’d be in trouble, not me. :wink:

That’s exactly why i/m in a trouble.
The neo-communist herman try to steal my “communist monopoly” in this forum fro himself:)
But the most fun - he names you, the diehard liberal, as a “communist”?:wink:

It’s what makes me an international citizen of great repute.

You are the international sitizent who can travel to the everywhere around globe even to the USA ( unlike me the second-sort russian “communist” who are forbidden to go even to the Europe)

Glad you’re back. I thought you’d died or suffered something terrible like going to Chechnya or, horror of horrors, driving a Lada. Nobody expects anyone to survive driving a Lada :smiley:

I/m too glad to see you such new :slight_smile:
BTW why you dislike a Lada so much?
Is this associated in your memory with “Soviets threat”?Or nigtmares?
Or may be in your childhood the Lada crossed one of your foot?:slight_smile:

YA, the Lada’s should have been bombed long time ago. Thank god they never made their way over here…piece of crap they are. The only thing good enough for the Lada is a A-bomb on its hood.Thats for sure…

Hmm, that makes me curious about the quality cars the canadians manufacture :confused: