Should the atomic bombs have been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Canadians don’t really make cars. Most of the cars we make or import are from Japan like Toyota,Honda etc…thats because we didn’t send enough A-bombs over to Japan when we had the chance and now they make more and better cars then the rest of the world. That just proves my point about why we should of sent a half dozen at the time when we had the chance.

Rising Sun: Tone the language down a tad please, there are children present :wink:

herman2: Start backing your posts up with facts and stop throwing around the unwarranted accusations. While some of them are quite funny (the guy you accuse of being a communist spent a notable fraction of the cold war carrying an M-60 around!) they also mark you out as a troll, and are likely to make your stay here a short one.

Are you again began to drop shit to the best the car that word even seen Lada NIVA?:slight_smile:
That has been developed specially for Soviet Invasion of Australia … via the ocean :shock:

The real miracle of Soviet automobile hight-thech production…
The Toyota Land Cruiser just sucks…:slight_smile:

What is the “canadian manufacture”…:)?
Is this existed?

[li]YOU did not have any A-bombs at all.
[/li][li]Even they (not you) did not have “half dozen” of A-bombs.
[/li][li]Mr.23posts, with your attitude towards civilian lives you could greatly benefit from a good old Communist political class. They would have put order into your brain mass.

Mate, one of our blokes crossed the Atlantic in a jeep while your blokes were still marvelling at bicycles in Berln. :smiley:

That Lada submersible would be the pride of the Black Sea Fleet, since the Ukranians got it, wouldn’t it? (Stand by for Kato’s response.) :wink:

Toned down even more than a tad. I’ve gone the whole tadpole. :smiley:

I don’t think so. He’s gone away for the weekend and apparently expects everything to stop until he returns, which is in the nature of children who think the sun revolves around them. The real sun, not the Rising Sun*. :smiley:


Excellent. I do like it when members turn all cooperative!

I missed that little gem of contorted logic, but it’s so good it can’t be allowed to go unnoticed.

This, to the extent there is any logic in Herman the Second’s thought, produces the logical process:

  1. Canadians don’t really make cars.

  2. Most Canadian cars come from Japan.

  3. Japan couldn’t make cars now if it had been properly nuked in WWII.

Therefore: If Japan had been properly nuked in WWII, Canadians would have few cars now.

Where would Canada be now if it had sent the A bombs it didn’t have (without the technology to build one and without even a reactor that went critical before the end of the war ) to Japan to be dropped by the Canadian air force that wasn’t there without the bombers needed to deliver a nuke?

Herman, my boy, you are a tonic to an old man.

It costs about thirty to forty bucks to get in to a gig for an unknown comedian during our comedy festival, but you’re producing world class comedy for free. Plus I don’t have to pay for parking or go out in the cold. Keep it up, Sunshine.

Sooner or later a grown up Canadian on this board is probably going to put you over his knee and spank your naughty little bum until you stop embarrassing that fine nation which made huge sacrifices and fought well during WWII. None of which you appear to know about, being preoccupied with nuking everyone in sight in the apparent belief that Canada actually had nuclear capacity and delivery systems in WWII and was in control of Allied policy in the war against Japan.

P.S. Most of the cars you import from Japan would be ‘like Toyota,Honda etc’. What else do you expect from Japan? Mercedes, Ferraris, Peugeots and, perish the thought, Ladas?

Last night was feck night. :smiley:

Tonight is incisive logic night. :wink:

I don’t know about this cooperative thing. Sounds a bit commie to me. As you said, I was toting an M60 around (When I couldn’t persuade or just successfully beg someone else to carry it. Do you realise that enemy actually target machine gunners? It’s best not to be seen with one of those things in the field. ;)) during a notable fraction of the Cold War, ready to repel the commie enemies of Our Sovereign Lady, Liz. Admittedly, the most notable part of my notably tiny fraction was inaction, as distinct from in action, but I have a reputation to uphold here. I don’t know what that reputation is, but being cooperative sounds a bit sissy. Couldn’t you think of me as obeying orders? Sounds more military. What? :smiley:

:smiley: I’m happy now that I posted on this thread, now I get updates in my mail so I don’t miss anything… :smiley:

Does anybody with sense nuke a nation wih nonexistent nukes just for cars?

Ur, the ground around it was devastated already anyway.

Why should it have been nuked?

What would the point of that be when conventional bombing had already done about as much damage to the surrounding areas as an atom bomb?

Do you know the extent of damage suffered by the palace from conventional bombing during WWII?

Do you understand the difficulties the Potsdam Declaration caused for Japan in surrendering?

Are you aware of the pre-surrender concerns by Japan and the negotiations relating to the preservation of the imperial line and its immunity from war crimes charges?

Do you understand the extent to which that issue prevented Japan’s surrender?

Do you know why MacArthur, wisely as it turned out despite Hirohito being up to his neck in Japan’s war planning and conduct and crimes, wanted to ensure that the Emperor would survive to reign over the Occupation?

Do you actually understand anything, or have anything to contribute to historical discussion beyond empty assertions about there being insufficient nuclear assaults on Japan and Germany?

And I’m still waiting for a rational or, just to make it easier for you, even an irrational response to #421.

Japan’s A-Bomb Project. they were trying to build their own.

Japan did not get very far in the project, certainly not far enough to figure out how it would use an atomic bomb. But almost no one seems to doubt that if the Imperial Army had succeeded in building the bomb, it would have tried to use it against America as well as in China and other countries where fighting was fierce.


as Germany went down they sold off everything they had on the bomb to Japan. including Uranium. it was sent by submarine around Africa and on to the empire.

The researchers did get some from a mine in northern Korea, and then in March 1945 a German submarine was on its way to Japan with a cargo of 1,235 pounds of uranium oxide.

the story goes the scientists that built the bomb petitioned Truman not to use it. instead a test of the bomb was considered. on a remote island with a Japanese delegation present. but this was nixed. if the bomb failed it empower Japan to fight on. here’s that doc from the scientists.

someone mentioned the leaflets that were dropped. originally in Japanese. translated. note the warning to evacuate the cities



you can find these docs and many more [URL=“”]here

the story and discovery of the [URL=“”]I-52](

Meh. My job (when I finally finish being trained for it!) involves wandering around the place with a radio on giving orders and trying not to get shot. I figure I’m both a higher priority target and less able to shoot back than a gunner :twisted:

Not yet, although if everything goes to plan I should geet my pip at the end of September. Then I’ll properly be able to give orders and all :shock:

You’re the sort of bloke I like to have around.

A higher priority target.

My ideal platoon would be composed entirely of officers, apart from me, all of at least field and preferably staff rank; all wearing their badges of rank clearly; and all committed to an order of precedence which has me at the back of the line.

Ideally, they’d also all be a few inches taller and at least fifty pounds heavier than me. Not so much as to make them bigger targets as to give me something to hide behind. :smiley:

why would you go at all if all your gonna do is hide???

I never said I wanted to go.

I’m only talking about what I’d like if I’m cornered like a rat and am forced to go.:smiley:

Amusingly, the Japanese were actually closer than the Germans to building a nuclear weapon. They’d worked out the critical mass, but that was about it. Before they got the chance to build anything, B-29s came along and burned the lab to the ground along with the city it was in.

The Germans were complete clowns, having decided that manufacturing one was utterly impractical due to flawed theory (they thought critical mass was of the order of several tonnes) and bad science (they failed to notice when testing Graphite for use as a moderator that it was heavily contaminated with Boron and Cadmium).