Should the atomic bombs have been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

i said it was needed to end the war… it really was but then again i never like hearing stories about millions of men, women and children dying so it is wrong in my opinion but so is war

While watching Pearl Harbor on TV today, it really reminds me what POS cowards the Japs really are. Too bad we didn’t finish bombing Japan into radioactive glass after we got more nukes a few years down the road.

It would have been good riddance to worthless vermin.

Then we wouldn’t have had one of our strongest allies in East Asia for the last fifty some odd years. Who do you think bankrolls the USA’s economy? (Until China came along.:mrgreen:)

Congratulations on a spectacularly uninformed, uninformative, and brutally racist first post.

That sort of moronic shit isn’t welcome here.

And neither will you be if you continue it.

I figured I’d let the mods say something like that!:smiley:

Don’t feel inhibited about posting when you’re confronted by such grossly offensive bile.

Advocating genocide ain’t going to get you far here, junior…

Being Japanese, I would have to object to the label of “vermin”.
Japan has done some terrible things, but promoting genocide of a people just because you were a war with them is objectionable to say the least.

It wasn’t extermination. The war on japan in world war 2 (in my eyes) was something close to the Soviets fight on everybody. All we had the choice to do was walk into ambush after ambush on dug in islands and hope that our men were in numbers large enough to kill the ambushers before all of our men were cut down. From spider holes to tunnels, we didn’t stand a chance against them on their land. We could not have forced them backwards without the loss of over a million men, half of which probably would have died without knowing what hit them. I’m sorry but the Atmoic bombs were the right choice. You must remember that while these people who died wer “innocent” it was their empire who began the war and the consequences were harsh. While this is unfortunate, it was a move that had to be made.

Does it mean you share this opinion on GErman population too?
Finaly their Reich has started all the mess and they loved Hitler pretty well till the end of war.
Why then the Red Army should care and treat the GErman population proper , after german have genocided about 10 mln of civils on the East before?


Now what the Japanese military did at Pearl Harbor was a low down dastardly thing, but the kids and folk back in Tokyo had nothing to do with that, just as I didn’t have anything to do with slavery in the U.S. (that was well past 140 years ago!)

Now I have no beef with the two atomic bombs dropped. We wanted the war stopped without a huge bloodbath an invasion would have taken for all sides. But to bomb them just out of spite is even worse than their sneak attack on us.

I know in the Philippines they did terrible things, and the war in the Pacific sometimes became close to being the ’ battle of annihilation’ the Germans and Russians were doing to each other, but thank God it didn’t become that. I feel if we had invaded Japan, as in Operation Olympic, it could have become that bad.

It didn’t and Japan and Germany are our allies now.


Now in a way the Germans did get their ‘atomic bomb’. They, unlike the Japanese population, knew what was happening to the Jews. They knew, from talk with soldiers, what was happening on the Eastern front. Instead of the ‘bomb’, they got prison. Prison under the USSR.


In fact, Einstein made the discovery of this nuclear reaction, but he didn’t want Roosevelt to give permission to drop the already-made atomic bombs. So he sent a message to Roosevelt, but by the time the message got to him, he was already dead, and the new president had already given permission to drop the bombs. I think that although the bombs were detonated, and a whole ton of people had been killed, it is stilll necessary to detonate the bombs since this seems to be the only way of finishing the war at the moment.

Einstein did not discover nuclear reaction. He put forward a theory which facilitated the work of those who worked practically in that field, including producing the atomic bomb.

Einstein didn’t own, control or even work on the Manhattan Project, not least because he was excluded from it as a potential security risk, although his 1939 letter to Roosevelt was instrumental in creating that project. Einstein was in no position to give or deny permission to Roosevelt to use a weapon Einstein did not develop which utilised a process Einstein did not discover.

EDIT: I misinterpreted the post as Einstein not wanting to give permission to Roosevelt, which was wrong and my mistake. Rather then delete my mistaken post, I apologise for not being more careful in reading the post to which I responded wrongly.

Also, the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs weren’t made on 25 March 1945 when Einstein wrote his letter nor on 12 April when Roosevelt died. The first bomb wasn’t tested until nearly four months after Einstein wrote to Roosevelt.

Roosevelt never sent any such message. He merely wrote another letter on 25 March 1945 introducing Szilard to Roosevelt, with no idea what it was that Szilard wanted to say to the President beyond that it concerned unsatisfactory communication between scientists and the government.

I am writing to introduce Dr. L. Szilard who proposes to submit to you certain consideration and recommendation. Unusual circumstances which I shall describe further below introduce me to take this action in spite of the fact that I do not know the substance of the considerations and recommendations which Dr. Szilard proposes to submit to you.

In the summer of 1939 Dr. Szilard put before me his views concerning the potential importance of uranium for national defense. He was greatly disturbed by the potentialities involved and anxious that the United States Government be advised of them as soon as possible. Dr. Szilard, who is one of the discoverers of the neutron emission of uranium on which all present work on uranium is based, described to me a specific system which he devised and which he thought would make it possible to set up a chain reaction in un-separated uranium in the immediate future. Having known him for over twenty years both from his scientific work and personally, I have much confidence in his judgment and it was on the basis of his judgment as well as my own that I took the liberty to approach you in connection with this subject. You responded to my letter dated August 2, 1939 by the appointment of a committee under the chairmanship of Dr. Briggs and thus started the Government’s activity in this field.

The terms of secrecy under which Dr. Szilard is working at present do not permit him to give me information about his work; however, I understand that he now is greatly concerned about the lack of adequate contact between scientist who are doing this work and those members of your Cabinet who are responsible for formulating policy. In the circumstances I consider it my duty to give Dr. Szilard this introduction and I wish to express the hope that you will be able to give his presentation of the case your personal attention.

Very truly yours,

(A. Einstein)

Hey, I just realised there is another Herman on this forum!. Just so you know RS, its not me! I swear…cause there’s only One Herm:Dan meister!

Fear not, herman the second meister, for your uniqueness is well known and my eagle eye fastens not upon you. :wink: :smiley:

/fixed :mrgreen:

If the US had invaded the Japanese homeland without dropping the bomb,there would have been a hugh loss of American lives.

Yes, and probably many more than they anticipated.

Not in battle but as a result of tactical use of atom bombs against Japanese forces. American forces would have entered contaminated areas 48 hours after detonation but would also be likely to have been in sufficient proximity to the explosion to suffer ill-effects.

It was anticipated that about half a dozen atom bombs would be available for tactical use in the first phase of Operation Downfall.

Using them would almost certainly have produced huge numbers of Japanese civilian casualties as well as Japanese soldiers.

One way or another, Japan was going to get nuked by the end of 1945.

It’s not all about YOU, egorka and chevan. How funny. Sine the Japanese military was NOT ready to capitulate, Japan was not ready to capitulate. End of story.

I’ve read about Flying Tigers squadron fighting the japanese before Pearl Harbor, if this is true, it would change general perception of japanese unjustifiably attack on December 7th, there are others signals of american intervention on China against japanese interests as well.

According to columnist Pat Buchanan, Roosevelt also committed an act of war against Japan in August 1941, when he secretly approved sending a crack U.S. Air Force squadron, the ” Flying Tigers,” to fight alongside the Chinese Nationalists. Although these fliers were officially “volunteers,” Buchanan claimed that they were “recruited at U.S. bases, offered five times normal pay [and] sent off to fight Japan months before Pearl Harbor, in a covert operation run out of FDR’s White House … Though their planes carried the insignia of the Chinese army, [they] were on active duty for the United States.”