Show your military unit-emblems (with pride)!

It’s been the motto of the Prince of Wales ever since he took it off John I of Bohemia at the Battle of Crécy in 1346…

Well, they should try to fix it sometime. Ich Dien doesn’t really make a lot of sense - at least not in modern German. That’s why I didn’t see what Dien is supposed to be - and Ich on its own wouldn’t have been much of a motto.

Dunno. Keep in mind that the German BGS/Bundespolizei (German Federal Police) adapted the Wehrmacht’s “Sumpftarn-Muster” (marsh/tan pattern) - and no one cared.

Because none of those Left idiots found out. If they want to ban War Merit medals because it’s too militaristic for them, then you can trust them going apeshit if they found that out.

Errr… what? The Germans have got naff all to do with the Prince of Wales nowadays, and it would be an insult to the King of Bohemia the Black Prince had to kill in order to get the motto to change the spelling now.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear. I wasn’t serious about it - It’s obviously old spelling.

Defintely go for the armoured route. My first unit was an officer training corps and the training was very heavily infantry based which got boring after a year or two. I transferred into a tank unit after that, far more fun.

The only worry I have is that tanks aren’t really a weapon of the future, at least in my point of view.

I could also imagine (battle) helicopter pilot being pretty damn cool.

The emblems of Anti-Air Defence troops of RF, where i did serve just 7 years back.

I would be very hesitant to post it too.:slight_smile:
I/m puzzled what does mean such a emblem - the genocide of local indians of middle west?
Fear to asc what you did in 98th DIV?Collect the scalps and heads of poor people?
If you calls it as the “reservist training” - what to hell are you going to do in Real army?

The 98th was activated only in WWII (as indicated by its higher number), but unlike most was never deactivated after the War and turned into a New York regional reserve division.

The Indian head is an Iroquois, who were never in the mid-West and were based in New York and Canada. The Iroquois was a confederation of tribes, some of which fought for the United States during the American Revolution and War of 1812 while some fought for the British and Canadians. They also were very active in the French and Indian Wars previous to American Independence. I suppose we could have scalped Chechens in Afghanistan…

If you calls it as the “reservist training” - what to hell are you going to do in Real army?

It was a training cadre unit of “drill sergeants” rather than an infantry division it was initially, designed for training an expanded, conscript wartime army…

Your concern for the Indians is understandable, coming from a man whose unit emblem has arrows as one of its main symbols. :wink: :smiley:

Tanks aren’t the future? Wash your mouth out with soap and water young man :evil:

You never know what’s around the corner (Iran anyone?) :shock:

Even if we went to war with Iran, I can already tell you that the tanks would do nothing but a mop-up/symbolic role, because this is how the war would most likely occur:

Step 1: Bomb the shit out of the cities
Step 2: Send in the drones & helicopters to bomb the shit out of the ruins
Step 3: Send in the Infantry & Light Armoured with Helicopter support to mop up the remainders.
Step 4: Profit.

(This obviously ignores a possible Iranian nuclear retaliation strike, which I have no idea how the world would react)

I’m saying that tanks are a weapon of the past because with the rise (and deadliness) of helicopters and drones, Armour is only really needed in a personnel support role, for which heavy tanks aren’t ideal/necessary.

Tank battles like in the days of WW2 are a thing of the past, Heavy tanks have become little more than a symbol/leftover of the mechanized warfare of the 20th century, just like Drones/UAVs will be of the 21st.

Ummm, Schuultz, were you actually paying any attention to the invasion of Iraq? Heavy armoured vehicles are a vital part of combined arms warfare, and no form of aerial weaponry can substitute for that. Several of the effects of armour (mass, shock and persistence for starters) cannot adequately be substituted for by any form of aircraft now, and IMHO probably never will be.

Edit: oh yes, and 3,000th post…


Now you’ve joined me in the elite Red X / No rank shown cohort.

Is this a warning to other mods not to be too ambitious?

Or have we progressed beyond mere mortal ranks?

Nope, it’s just your crummy computer. Mine shows my rank as three pips, and yours as a crown and a pip.

Any idea why mine’s been showing nothing for the past few weeks?

I’ve tried all the user settings with no effect.

It goes back to the time when there was some work done on the site by admin or whomever.

The practice of scalping fallen enemy was more the idea of the European settlers than the Indians they fought against. Although I believe that a few Indians started the practice to horrify the settlers, to scare them off. The settlers however made a case to their governing bodies, who then instituted the “scalp bounty” a few coins paid for each scalp delivered to the local Magistrates. The Indians expanded the practice in retaliation.

This is wierd. At work I can see both ranks, at home I can only see mine (and then only with Opera, not IE).