Site comments

nice to have you bdl :smiley:

I’m no good at any of the technical stuff, but I’ll help out if I can, it’ll give me something to do between exams and assignments

im 15 (16 on sunday) from Sydney Australia

my Parents r Greek and yer, i just wanna say Hi

WELCOME Minimalistix. :lol:

thanx, and also dont underestimate my knowledge on history just because im young :smiley:

In this site you are learn much about ww2 history :wink:

Welcome mate!,we are here to exchange opinions,so,enjoy the forum :wink:

do you think we should have members playing voice for the characters?
that might sound stupid, but also can be fun:P

i will enjoy it and did join this forum to broaden my knowledge on WW2 :wink:

You will really like this forum and learn too much about WWII, 'specially with South African Military’s NAME THE WEAPON IN THAT PICTURE of doom quizzes. I am a youngun too 14 w00t

welcome to the site

Hello my new friend, welcome to the forums!

And Happy Birthday :slight_smile:

thanx :smiley:

Happy Birthday!! :smiley:

We have more Greeks living in Australia in our forum!

yes,but don´t feel desceptionated when you hear me talk in english!!! :lol:

While I am fully aware that the posting of a PM received from another member is against site rules, does the membership not think that perhaps this may not be such a good idea ?

It seems to me that some PMs are sent from one party to another for the sole purpose of winding up or insulting the recipient.

If a member has something to say to another could it not be couched in such terms as are acceptable to the site as a whole ?
To send a PM to someone in the certain knowledge that it must remain hidden from view of the body of the membership smacks of cowardice.

Admittedly the site admin branch can be notified by the recipient of such comments but that too seems to be a case of ‘running to the teacher.’ :slight_smile:

Please post an explanation of your choice so that we can see why you voted the way that you did, otherwise it will be a slightly unrepresentative poll.
But don’t post your explanation via PM ! :lol:

Mate, you agreed to follow the rules of this site. For any proposals you should use the existing thread.
You are not allowed to make polls on existing rules.
For any comments you could send PMs to the admin(s).
Until further notice this topic will be closed.

WTF??? They made polls on existing rules!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Maybe it would be better if the posts in Off-topic and Site Issues section not to be counted. For God sake if they would go as they did, we’ll have more posts and threads in off-topic than in WW2 sections.

I think we should make something, where normal users can vote on lets say a new rule that they thought up and, if theres a majority rule it will then be voted upon by the mods and then it goes to the admins. Something democratic :smiley: We should try to meet the needs of our members, and well ya… just an idea :slight_smile: