Site comments

Agree with you SAM! I Asked Cuts to make a proposal (and not a poll :smiley: :smiley: )

Edited: FW-190 Pilot and Gen. Sandworm doesn’t said anything about polls on the rules. If am I wrong you could unlock the topic (that’s why I wrote: “until further notice…” :smiley: :D)

watch then comment… If it’s true I will slap the gov.

Yes, the great 911 conspiracy theory. Its amazing what some people will either make up, or believe.

I think its all Bullhockey myself…

Bullhockey? BullHOCKEY? :shock:
Holy guano batkid, where have I heard weird chit like that blathered before? Are you feeling alright Firefly? You’re looking a little… rusty. :wink:

Keep a open mind guys… you know how the gov can make up really good lies because they have the power too. They can kill you if you try to tell the true and no one will know what happen to you.

I like a good conspiracy story now & again, but that seems to be some serious tin-foil hat stuff.

I’m sure that there’s some covering up of intelligence failures, but nothing of this magnitude.

Total Bullshit…i can find people that say we didnt go to the moon, that Clintol sold drugs and Elvis is still alive. :roll:

I’ve had it on in the background, and it just gets madder & madder…

I was going to comment on it but it is so full of holes and life is far too short.


In WW II they were common occurrences of bombs to reach airplanes flying below.

A RAF B 24 Liberator being bombed by aircraft friends. :shock:

I can only imagine the bombs didnt have time to fuse, or it would have been Captain Whammo for those guys.

In that first picture what hte fuck were they intending to bomb anyway? Im sure the oceans fish stock were very important to the war effort!

Editted for coffee induced cynicism

It’s an RAF Liberator, btw… (look at the roundels).

As for what it’s bombing, something on the coast maybe?

It could have been over a bomb jettison area. There were several of such areas declared off the British coast, where returning (often damaged) bombers could get rid of their load, as it was considered to be too dangerous to land with live bombs on board.
A theory about the disappearance of the bandleader Glen Miller, who disappeared while flying in his small plane from Britain to Paris to organise a concert for the Allied forces, was that he accidentalystrayed into one of these areas and got his plane hit by a jettisoned bomb. During the particular night the crew of a returning RAF bomber spotted asmall plane beneath them just as they released the bombs.


What always gets me about conspiracy theorists is their assumption that when it comes to covering things up, Governments are incredibly competent, capable, and dispose of resources like silent black helicopters…but when it comes to things like, er, Governing, they consistently prove themselves capable of the most ridiculous fuck ups. Unless of course, they are doing it on purpose to lull us into a false sense of security… :shock: :roll:

You ever notice that who ever believes this particular theory, also believe that Area-51 does tests on kids, that their friend if Jesus, and still believe in Easter Bunny ?

Dunno bout the rest but ive just rented a car from Elvis in Santorini!

three words : michael moore booshet.

I agree Ale, any one who has worked for or had close links to the gov will understand your logic.

My 2nd Bn was flown back from BATUS by Aeroflot as it was cheaper than crab air. Never mind that the safety record of Aeroflot is, dose Aeroflot have a safety record?

My son showed me a film on the aircraft that hit the pentagon. It was full of half truths and assumptions that could not be proved or had simple explanation, far to simple to be believed.