Site comments

Wildboar I deleted your recent post in General WW2 discussion>Allied Country with Best Fighter Plane in WW2. I do not want to delete posts. I prefer to edit them as i did with another of yours. I also had to edit one of IRONMAN’s. Actually I dont want to edit posts either. So, Please rephase that post if you want and keep the SLANT’s out. I have warned the both of you already. FW190 and I have no problems with editing or deleting posts. No we cannot ban you. However, we will do whatever is necessary to keep the site fun and a learning experience. If you or anyone else has a problem with this please pm us.

I just deleted his post when you replied with your. They are both in need of rephrasements. I did not want his post on there nor did i want your response to it. It was not professional in my opinion. Please PM me if you have a problem with this.
edit message by IRONMAN to aviod flame war

erwin’s post is great, but move to other military unit

sorry sir,i created it on off topic because argentinian army don`t participied on ww2,and down of other military units says:
For the discussion of other military units in WWII that are not mentioned above.

but you`re right,coz this is a military unit,thanks! :slight_smile:

NP ive moved it when i saw it. Its now in Off topic.

Cuts I deleted one of your posts in Falkands Conflict. Do not post PM. Hence the whole reason for PM’s PRIVATE MESSAGES. Cuss all you want in there. just dont post em. And to all please watch the cussing on the site.

Bluecloff or Bluffcove or whatever i deleted one of your posts because i felt it was a bit to insulting.

great moderators we have here,you don`t need to advice me when you correct one of my post,because i you and fw190 pilot know the best for all.

i think we need to clean this forum of those new members,they`re only british fanatics of falklands.
this is a WW2 forum!!!


General, I would be very interested in your definition of ‘decent,’ please elucidate.[/quote]

Cuts…K so ill give ya bit of leyway … coz so far im not impressed. With anything you have to read between the lines. Ive said this before and ill say it again. THIS IS NOT A FORUM FOR HA HA I KNOW MORE THAN YOU AND YOU ARE STUPID Sometimes people post info that is wrong. Ive done it and then someone will come and correct me. Ive corrected others. It happens. You dont need to run anyone into the ground for posting “WHAT YOU FEEL” is misinformation.

And “Cuts” to “elucidate” on what my definition of ‘decent’ is… its whatever I feel and whatever I might be drinking at the time i read your post. :wink:

Erwin i deleted one of your most recent posts in the Falklands conflict because it was insulting. Keep em decent.

yes, i know,i was insulting because the rest did the same.
keep up the good work :slight_smile:

i just edit tons of his message to avoid possible flame war

It seems that we have already 2 topics blocked.
It is not suprising for me. When politics and/or religion is involved…

I agree :roll:

Thanks for putting your reason here General.

If that’s your ruling then I will stand by it and refrain from posting full PMs in future.

As a question and not to knock your decision, how are the general membership to gauge if a PM is offensive or not if it can’t be viewed ?
(What one person might find horrendously offensive another might not - we could fall into the realms of legislation here instead of carrying on in a mature manner.)

General, I would be very interested in your definition of ‘decent,’ please elucidate.[/quote]

Cuts…K so ill give ya bit of leyway … coz so far im not impressed. With anything you have to read between the lines. Ive said this before and ill say it again. THIS IS NOT A FORUM FOR HA HA I KNOW MORE THAN YOU AND YOU ARE STUPID Sometimes people post info that is wrong. Ive done it and then someone will come and correct me. Ive corrected others. It happens. You dont need to run anyone into the ground for posting “WHAT YOU FEEL” is misinformation.[/quote]

General, as I’m aware I’ve not made any inference that anyone was actually stupid - misinformed perhaps, although I did say that the use of racist comments and made-up tales would result in appearing ‘boorish and stupid.’

I agree that anyone can make an error, especially if they don’t check their source material.
As you say someone will come along and post the correction and you tend to thank the person for putting the information right.
This does not happen in all cases as we have seen.

When any post contains information that is obviously wrong, and that information comes from a dubious source with blatant extremist political views one would have thought that those site members, especially moderators, with specialist knowledge of the subject would be supported.
Had someone posted a denial of the KZ camps, would that have been left alone ?

I don’t believe I’ve run anyone into the ground, I did ask some questions so that he could elaborate on his assertions but these were met with derision and insults.
However I kept to a broadly polite path in the hope that the thread could settle into a mature discussion.

That the information posted was incorrect is supported by a number of sources and in the interests of truth should have been challenged.

Oh dear, a floating level of acceptability…

(I hope I’m correct in assuming that you are being ironic with your use of the winking emoticon. :lol:)

My name is Bluffcove, Im surprised Erwin didnt recognise it. It is where I used to live.

Suggest you look to the East of Rio Gallegos if you try to find it on a map. Its very nice. they have some great fishing there, something to do with minerals in the water and two huge ships that lie just off the shore in about 125 feet of water.

If we are getting into who has insulted who, Id like to thank Erwin for his posts showing burning ships. That my friend is Classy!

you`re welcome :smiley:

Hey ref!!!

pm are privates,thats why we have them,if it difficult to understand.dont post them more and ready.

horrendously offensive,lol,if i answer,you will cry again with horrendously offensive.

try to don`t write these replies in site feedback,if you want to discuss,use the pm :wink:

come on then, where are you.
MODS we arent in anyones way and I promise not to engage him in other threads over this matter. But I feel we should talk this through and maybe redress the balance