Site comments

[quote=“Erwin Schätzer(argentina)”]

pm are privates,thats why we have them,if it difficult to understand.dont post them more and ready.

horrendously offensive,lol,if i answer,you will cry again with horrendously offensive.

try to don`t write these replies in site feedback,if you want to discuss,use the pm :wink:[/quote]

PMs along with e-mails are electronic communication and as such come under the relevant international laws of comms.
Basically the content becomes the property of the recipient when he or she has received the communication.
However if the site policy is not to publish complete PMs then I shall abide by it.

Personally I didn’t find your PM to me ‘horrendously offensive,’ if you read the post through a couple of times that should become apparent. I only find it depressing that young people can be so easily swayed by such obvious propaganda, and then are unable to listen to an opposite view…

I am more than happy for everyone to read any site discussion or debate I might enter into, and therefore see little point in swapping notes with you.

well,i suppose you understand to no make public pm.

propaganda? lol .

we don`t use any bigger the hate england has to us,and we have to england.

I saw lots of times the opposite opinion.i saw it more times than argentinian oppinion.
all comunication mediums are at your fucking side,we have 150 channels in tv normally,fromm those 150 channels,50 are internationals ,the international channels are at your side,so be happy.

but we will plane how to recover them from years,and one day,i know,we we`ll recover them.


We will be working on the rules and posting them soon. Please post your ideas in the FAQ and Rules topic. This site is still fairly new and we are just getting settled. I am going to delete the Erwin vs Bluffcove topic because that is something I feel you can discuss in a PM and in adult manner. I do not want to see people fight. I had problems with Wildboar and Ironman now they are doing much better. Now its Erwin vs Cuts and Bluffcove. I understand you want to correct someone on his view however this is not always possible. So try and if they dont agree the other person is entitled to there opinion.

I felt we were really making a break through his last post was practically remission!

Could you please resurrect the thread but lock it.
I feel it needs to be read, and its a principal of free speech that needs to be upheld. It is only banter, and only between us two. There is no need for its removal, we both chose to have our conversation in the open so that it could be seen and learnt from.

No one was harmed in that discussion were they, if he didnt want to discuss he neednt have come into the thread.

Uh…no…and you can discuss it with each other in PM’s till your heart is content. I cant have a topic of you 2 going at each just coz you both seem to be to hard headed to accept each others opinion’s. Maybe in PM’s you will learn to disagree.


the last post wasnt disagreeing, if you still have it read it, he had conceded!!! oh go on!

FAIR PLAY, Have you seen IRONMAN around hes got some views on the cold war I wanted to discuss!

what??? :expressionless:

Hi Erwin, I have another forum that would love to hear you views, cant guarantee that youll get the same sort of caring MODS as you did here, fancy typing out your last post again?

we can use msn. i like this forum

WOW here is a perfect example of a PM from Bluffcove to Erwin. Now you know how to type them. :wink:

we can use msn. i like this forum[/quote]

Great idea as well!

Mate no offence but im not giving you my MSN, I have respect for you in as much as Im happy to explore your views on a forum where the results can be seen by a wider audience but I dont think it would benefit either of us as individuals to have this argument, the purpose of my Forum bound discussion was to put forth an alternative view to that expounded by the Argentinian youth, and frankly I have too much else to do than explain to the entire world one at a time why you are out of line.

Thanks but no.

no more msn,i no want more spam :lol:

Very true Dani, unfortunately either or both of those topics are the reason(s) behind nearly every war.

“Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

great moderators we have here,you don`t need to advice me when you correct one of my post,because i you and fw190 pilot know the best for all.

i think we need to clean this forum of those new members,they`re only british fanatics of falklands.
this is a WW2 forum!!!

Now I agree that we do need a modicum of censorship on this site, however, having read through the forum in question, I have noticed that the only fanatical one is you Erwin. People have constantly asked for proof of your allegations and you have always replied insultingly and with shocking disrespect for those on both sides who lost their lives.

Please find a way of putting your point across that is not so offensive. If Simon Weston can find it in his heart to meet with the Argentine pilot who nearly killed him, surely you can show some respect to both parties - as those (in the main) who have replied to you have.

Oh and BTW, I don’t believe sucking up to the moderators will get you very far. It just makes everyone think that you are worried that you might be banned. And worry you should. Rude little twerp.

(Mods - hope this was polite enough for you, I have held back quite a lot of things for PM but I feel that my views should be shared)

like i told Gen.Sandworm before;“it’s the fate of the forums;nature of things and all that”.

It seems that Erwin has the MOD’s support, ostensibly because we are being cruel, he is wrong at times and disrespectful at others. but it is our side that must mind its tongue for fear of offending him.

It reminds me of a few places I’ve served Bluffcove.

Uphold all treaties, conventions, ROE and any other constraints imposed while the other side may breach them with impunity.
Fighting with both hands tied behind you back.

Such is life for the soldier of a democracy
