Site comments

it isn’t very nice to hear that from a not longer a mod,but im combat photographer so,i stay here.

and 1000ydstare started the problems!,and also he insulted more than irish duck (who is a good guy on his posts comparing to 1000ydstare).

don’t take this personal,but im beginning to think that you are unilateral.

I have noted that 1000yd, bluff and flash (I think that’s all of them - I may have overlooked some who only made a few posts) don’t help calm discussions down. My view is that the threads that the complaints relate to boil down to six of one and half a dozen of the other. Both sides are equally bad. There is thus no aggrieved party.

I also noted that you resigned your mod status and it wasn’t withdrawn from you.

explain me what is withdrawn.

That you decided that you would stop being a mod - you resigned. If it had been withdrawn from you then one of the chief mods would have stopped you from being a mod.

In employment speak, you resigned from being a mod, you weren’t fired.

Alles Klar?

Edited to conserve space:
I wasn’t trying to rub it in, I was trying to clarify ‘withdrawn’, like you asked me to.

yes,i know.
you don’t have to repeat that to me.(

…resulting largely in you no longer being a mod.

Erwin, calm down!

Crab, generally speaking, like Gen. Sandworm said long before, I had a lot of complaints from British users. Should I tell them from on to send directly to you their complaints?

Please do. But also bear in mind that the fights break out where I have no moderating powers, so there is limited use in doing so. So, in a thinly disguised bid for power, I could beg for mod privileges in Off Topic. Alternatively, and I know this has been discussed before, we could send Walther in there with a blue beret and mod capbadge.

Sorry mate, also Walther is “persona non grata” for some Argentinean users…

Bugger. Well, I’m off to set fire to the forum Reichstag then, so I’ll be chief mod in no time at all :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

i think that duck is a fuckhead, i suggest banning him too

He has yet to even try to make a useful post. I’ve never seen him do other than start fights over an irrelevant topic.
Send him to IRONMAN’s house for tea and biscuits.

I’d second that, he’s a real asshole


Joined: 11 Aug 2005
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:55 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Not only that, but it gets worse. Found the following in the back of a drawer at Somerset House. I can only assume that it got chucked in error. I’ve no webspace atm, so I’ve transcribed the content:

COBRA – 1/6/82



1.1 At 1802 Zulu, 30/5/82, contact was lost with HMS INVINCIBLE. No further contact was made and a patrol of Sea Harrier aircraft reported wreckage at the ship’s last known location.

1.2 HMS INVINCIBLE is thus presumed to have sunk with all hands. Search and Rescue operations are being undertaken, but no survivors have yet been found.

1.3 Given the state of public morale, PM, 1SL and 2SL are of the opinion that the loss of HMS INVINCIBLE should be concealed from all parties.

1.4 To facilitate this, it is proposed that the dockyard at Ulaan Baatar be contracted to build a replacement vessel in secret. It is estimated that such a vessel may be completed in approximately 18 months if procurement is expedited.

1.5 To explain the disappearance of INVINCIBLE, BBC and other broadcasters will be informed that the ship has been detached to the Antarctic patrol, covering the area south of 60 degrees latitude and that the nature of the operation demands total communications blackout.

1.6 HMS INVINCIBLE’s air wing must also be replaced. As per procedures laid out in RAF A.P. 1564, a suitable obituary for the wing’s commanding officer has been prepared and will be released by DCC (draft attached in section 2.1). New pilots and aircraft will be procured via RAFC Dartmouth and BRNC Cranwell.

1.7 No further action appears necessary at this time

2.1: Proposed obituary, CAPTAIN WILLIAM BUSH.

2.1.a: The Ministry of Defense is saddened to report the death in action of Captain William Bush RN whilst carrying out bridge demolition operations. Captain Bush was commissioned into the Royal Navy at an early age, serving under Captain Sawyer in HMS RENOWN before gaining the command of HMS NONSUCH. He was decorated numerous times for gallantry in action, most notably for his part in the battle of Omdurman and leaves behind two sisters.

MEMO PREPARED BY: Dr. U.T. Cobbley, et al


hahaha o yes where did you find it???


who has killed Kennedy??

sorry, you are ban
you have 10 mins to convince me why i shouldn’t


edit: I’ll give him 10 minutes to explain to FW why he shouldn’t be banned. At 3:43 sharp, this thread is closed.

lock it, tiger
you are mod in here, use your power more often

I´m only telling the true here.

All the people insult me and noone was banned, why me?

if i leave others should leave too.

lock it, tiger
you are mod in here, use your power more often[/quote]

I’m giving him time to explain to you why he shoudn’t be banned, if he has any arguement. He seemingly doesn’t so anyway, THREAD CLOSED :!: