
well would that apply for all countries ??

I dont know. I know for the USA you can enroll. Anyone from Britain please inform me of the roll!

I’m not sure what you mean, please elucidate.

Sorry bad choice of words. Does any one have any details in regards to the enrollment/joining/acceptance to be a British sniper!

The most important thing is to have (as MoS stated) a rifle suitable for active service… :lol:

PS I’m prepared for the incoming!..

:lol: :lol: :lol: It may have been a British design but if its made in Aus it works!!! Tic Tacs are ade in Lithgow Australia!!!

PzKpfw VI Tiger wrote

By the regulations, using them is fine, as long as you don’t abuse them.

Could you explain this mate. In the Brit army, it is quite simple if you use drugs you are out, sometimes by the end of next working day!!!

What do you mean by using them, is that cleared drugs such as brufin?

Skennerton, “The Lee-Enfield story”, page 316

The first batch of an order for 2500 units went to store on 10th of November 1944 and the limited number appear to have seen service in the Pacific; the principal sniper rifle in Australian service during World War II, however, was the No.3 Mk I*(T). Some British comparative tests using the Australian No.1 [No.1 Mk.III H.T.] sniper rifle alongside British and Canadian No.4 (T) models found the No.1 to be markedly inferior, even classified as “unsuitable for active service”.

What do small mints have to do with it ?

Or did you mean tactics ?

First you must be in the British Army, any national from a Commonwealth country is eligible to apply, I know snipers that hail from Australia and from South Africa.
Some countries have sent troops on the cse, but it is very expensive and there is no guarantee of passing. Furthermore to be of any use to that country they would have to become a Master Sniper/Sniper Instr.

The Sniper Cse, while generally for Inf, is open to those teeth arms that have a need for it.
One can apply via the chain of comd or one may be recommended for the cse, generally only experienced sldrs are taken.
Before starting any trg the applicant will be assessed for suitability and if accepted most Bns conduct an in-house ‘beat-up’ or pre-cse cse run by Bn Sniper Instrs and Snipers.
In most Bns it is of a similar duration to the Badge cse at Brecon.

The potential sniper is picked from a select group of experienced, proficient trained sldrs and should be a volunteer.
He needs the following skills & qualities
a. Above average competence in all basic Inf skills and well above in fieldcraft.
b. Outstanding marksmanship ability or potential.
c. Physical fitness, good stamina and mental robustness. He should not wear spectacles and should be a non-smoker. Good hearing is also important.
d. Intelligence, initiative, common sense and great patience.
e. A mature personality who can accept the mental and emotional stress of cool, careful and deliberate killing.

There are seven sniper skills which are all important and independent. The sniper must master them all.

  • Sniper knowledge.
  • Navigation.
  • Camouflage & concealment.
  • Stalking.
  • Observation and recording.
  • Judging distance.
  • Marksmanship.

Sniper knowledge covers a miscellany of skills including, but not limited to:

  • Use of comms eqpt & VP
  • Location, identification & indication of tgts, and control of indirect fire and a/c strikes.
  • Duties of an NBC sentry, operating under NBC conditions and NBC reporting.
  • Int including friendly & en forces organsations, eqpts & minor tactics.
  • AFV recognition.
  • Combat survival, E&E and R to I.

Nav includes air photo interpretation.

Does that answer your question ?

Second Try!
With the eye vision regulations. Does anyone know the regulations for the AUSTRALIAN sniper course. If you get it?? cuts you said you knew aussie snipers right. If your still in contact with them ask them what it takes to be a sniper and what eye standards must you have

I have sent you a PM, but on reflection thought that the gen could be useful to other readers.

One shouldn’t base any possible military career purely on one particular speciality, job or cse.
Being a sniper isn’t just about shooting, in fact that is by far the easiest part of the cse, nor is it everyone’s cup of tea.

Forget everything you’ve learnt from Hollywood, they make films to earn money not to train soldiers.

My advice to you would be to enlist, or better yet get a commission, become a damn good soldier and take it from there - you may be recommended for the cse anyway.

Thanks cuts. When I enlist I’m trying to get the most out of life by challenging myself and I think doing a marksmen cse is one of the many things I can do! As you said

Forget everything you’ve learnt from Hollywood, they make films to earn money not to train soldiers.

The media does screw up the perception of things. One of my mates reckons he will be a sniper becuase he says " He is a heaps good shot" when really the sniper is an “EXPERT” on Self camoflouge, stealth and all importsnt able to stalk or wait without any sound created. All these things he can’t dp! But I it means a great challenge for me to try I will do it and put all I have into doing it and trying can lead to succesion. Have a nice day! :wink: