So, how did YOUR country screw up in WWII?

In my opinion, the screw up were those by the politicians that allowed our countries be caught wrong-footed.

The allies were caught with their pants around their ankles by both Germany and Japan. Both of those nations had been preparing for years for the war.

Yes, our countries did screw up. it was a learning curve, and for some it was longer than it was for others. Some of the cock ups made by our own generals can make me rather angry, particularly when one considers the casualties which resulted from it, but it’s easy to criticise with hind-sight.

It would be interesting to hear from any German or Japanese for their opinions on how they screwed up.

Well, Britain and France was rearming at a pace that made Hitler gamble in 1939, as he knew that time was no longer on his side. Take a look at Britain´s programme for naval construction of 1936. They certainly prepared for a war.

As for DENMARK in World War II:
The government decided sometime in the second half of the 1930´s, that Denmark, given its geography vis-a-vis Germany was indefensible and staked everything on neutrality in a coming conflict.
The evolution of military technology since WW I, when Denmark sustained its largest ever peacetime army, in one way justifies that view, but was all screwed up, beacuse that same technological advances insured that Denmark would never be allowed to remain neutral in a conflict between Germany and Britain.
The relevant authorities in Denmark knew very well that something was brewing before the invasion of 9apr1940, but not exactly what the Germans had in mind and so didn´t bother mobilise the forces, which was perhaps just as well as it meant that only about 25 Danish military personel lost their lives that day.
The screw up was to allow the Germans a walk over. That what happens to countries with no credible defense. The Danish forces of WW I, though in no way a match for the German army, at least made Germany think twice and conclude that free access to the Belts and the loot of Danish farm products, could not be had without weakening other fronts, withdrawing troops that was sorely needed.
As the Southern part of Denmark was under German control 1864-1920 (There was some serious political screw ups on the Danish side leading up to 1864, but that´s another story), some danes were forced to serve Germany in WWI. My grandfather had no less than 15 uncles + his own father who served in the German forces. No one ever saw anybody of higher rank than major… two served in submarines, one spending a day caught in an anti-submarine net in the English Channel, all 16 survived, by some miracle.

That’s true. Some WWII things are easy to “see” now, but were difficult to foresee during WWII-era.

But some of the WWII issues were plain to see even then: For example information about Operation Barbarossa was leaked to Allies by so many ways that it was pretty ridiculous - not to mention the unbelievable massing of divisions to east or Hitler’s ranting about getting lebensraum from east.

Too bad that there is so little information available (in English) about Japan and WWII - especially compared to the number of volumes written about Nazi Germany.


Well, Churchill had decyphered intelligence reports of Barbaossa, complements of Enigma, and gave them to Uncle Joe, but he, the latter, chose not to believe them.

Did the Germans or the Japanese screw up - we paid for the rebuild of the german cities whilst being in the throes of limited supplies in this country. And from the little I know about Japan, all Japanese school children have to visit at least one of the two sites bombed with the h bomb. perhaps in reality England got it all wrong, I dont know I may be well wide of the mark

Bikini Attol?

Aaaah, Neil, we’ve been hearing that one since I was a nipper. No, we, the British, didn’t get it wrong when we fought against Germany and Japan. However, perhaps our Trades Unions got it wrong fifteen, twenty or thirty years, or so, later.

You ought to become an accountant, if you are not one already - pedantic.

Errare est humanum

Then again, why should Stalin have trusted Churchill, after the way Churchill had supported the ‘Whites’ against the ‘Reds’.

Look at it from his point of view: Wasn’t the above, a ploy, by Churchill, to drive a wedge between the Soviets and the Nazis, and bring the Soviets into the war on the side of the British?

Nah, I’m an engineer. My job is to spot mistakes in the few-orders-of-magnitude range which might cause major issues. I figure the difference between a simple fission weapon and a full blown thermonuclear device is one such mistake.
Besides, nuclear weapons are a bit of a hobby of mine!

i think my country screw up in ww2 by starting it :smiley:

Fascinating hobby!

So, Nigel almost had us on the brink of a nuclear disaster? :D:D

hi 32bravo, no nuclear disaster just a point of view the second world war ended in 1945 but dont u think its been a monetary war since. and thats a big screw up

We also screwed much… many of our own people were got killed as the result of not being prepared for war. Molotov-Ribbentrop pact at the end played a negative role. Many Polish officers were executed. Some nations were deported for various reasons, which is not unusual as such, but it lead to many people’s suffering. So on and on.
Baisicly all the sins of a rough super power were commited.

Market driven democracies; supply and demand; the ability/inability to compete in the global arena.

No, I don’t think it a ‘screw-up’. It’s just an ever changing over populated world. However, as I’ve probably lived considerably longer than I have left on this here planet, I’m not about to lose too much sleep over it.

The next crises, in my most humble opinion, will be caused by the over-production of bio-fuels.

Yes, that is the point that this fallen world is irreperable. It is all just patching, not a solution…

Yes, fire-fighting rather than planning. To plan would be to lead, and the necessary planning, in this case, would be rather unpopular with the electorate. So, we have short-term policies to deal with long-term problems.

Let everyone ensure they don’t overfill their kettle or coffeepot and ensure that their TV isn’t left on standby, and they will believe the world is saved. :slight_smile:

I’m not living in Germany, but…

Goddamnit! I was just writing up Hitler’s mistakes, and my mouse fucked up and instead of scrolling down, it operated the back function in my browser! I lost all of it. Be back to write it later.

Liner notes for me:


  • Weird stuff he did


  • Weird things he did


  • Weird stuff HE did


  • Never fight em in the winter.

Battle of Britain

  • big mistake.

To be updated.

  1. Putting Lloyd Fredendall in charge of US forces in North Africa at the beginning of the campaign.
  2. Relieving Patton for his “slapping” incident.
  3. Eisenhower approving Monty’s Market Garden Plan.
  4. Roosevelt agreeing on the partition of Europe post-war, essentially condemning millions of people to totalitarian control…especially Poland (France and England declared war on Germany after they attacked Poland and then essentially abandoned her to the Soviet Union after the war).

My country ? My country should have sold out to Nazi Germany, invade Russia together and screw the allies.

Instead Poland got stabbed in the back by Russia, sold out by western allies, twice and ended up economically a decade behind the west due to our russian ‘guests’ who drained our economy dry.