So, how did YOUR country screw up in WWII?

Perhaps you’d care to elaborate as to how Poland was “sold out by the western allies?”

Please continue discussion of “Poland being sold out/stabbed in the back” in this thread:

And if we’re talking about Polish screw-ups, not allowing their soldiers to deploy their key, secret anti-tank rifle has to rank as one of the biggest, and unknown, blunders of WWII.

It may well have had some effect against the panzers…

Oh yes it was one of the biggest blunders, definitey up there with Dieppe and Market Garden, yup.

I would also like to mention that the Tiger was the most succesfull german submarine and the Panther was the best german combat race rad, yep sure was.

Do you have anymore off topic nonsense to offer?

Really, I want to know…

Truman screwed up by not sending enough A-bombs to Japan and he should of sent a few to Germany and even Italy. He had enough bombs so I don’t know why he didn’t use them. The war would have been shorter then.

Truman got into office on April 12, 1945, and the war in Europe was over on May 7 and May 8, 1945. Italy capitulated on September 8, 1943. The first A-bomb was tested on July 16, 1945. All of those dates are somewhat close,(except Italian surrender) but the dates wouldn’t allow Truman to drop a bomb or two on Germany.

well,. like most colonized countries,… it was like,. whoever wins,… is our lost

Had enough bombs?

As far as I´m informed (and I could be wrong), they were quite out of bombs a short while after 9aug1945…

You’re right. The third one was ready around mid-August, and then several a month could be produced after that.

Truman only had 2 tactical devices and one prototype as far as I know.

Thank you. And those he sent to Japan.

no. the 2 were the ones Truman sent to Japan… not even a 3rd nuke

Yeah, you said he had two and a prototype. He exploded the prototype in New Mexico, and sent the other two to Japan. I was talking about the 2 that were done and ready to go.

After the invasion of Sicily the inability of the US to stop the German troops there from getting to the Italian mainland and having to face the same troops all over again there.

Not capitalizing on the initial landings at Anzio. Not taking the “High Ground”.

Three words…Mark Clark, Rome.

Not realizing the potential in the use of Hobart’s “Funnies” at Normandy.

The use of “Elite” troops like the Rangers and Paratroops as line grunts.

The whole re-placement system.

well said …the yanks pinch every thing

Hence, “Yanks: overpaid, oversexed, and OVER here!” :smiley:

that would really shit me if i
was a pommie lad in 1940s

I am French.

I would suggest some time around Napoleon. The French did so badly in WW2 because they suffered so badly in WW1, and that in turn was because they industrialised far later and less completely than other European powers like Britain and Germany (hence giving them a lower population and massively lower industrial base). Hence, you have to go back to when the Industrial Revolution kicked off (during the Napoleonic Wars) to find out why France never really joined in.