Sport isn't what it used to be

Thank you for that clarification!

I thought the Yankee tankee was suggesting introducing linebackers into cricket!

Although, it’s not an idea entirely without some interesting possibilities for livening up cricket.

I can’t stand tennis, but in my childhood international tennis was, so far as the players were concerned, a polite and silent game which resulted in a handshake across the net at the end.

Since McEnroe and sundry subsequent arseholes, the most egregious of the recent crop being the obnoxious Lleyton Hewitt, they quarrel with the umpire; start grunting when losing and the more they’re losing the louder they grunt; smash their racquets; shout and scream; and generally behave like a two year old having a tantrum who would benefit from a solid kick up their infantile arse.

If a silvertail game like tennis has lost the plot so far as polite and decent behaviour is concerned, why should we be surprised that other games a few steps down the social ladder have turned feral?

In order to stop taking over the recommendation for medals thread, I think we should vent here instead about the declining gentlemanly conduct in modern sport.

Rising Sun, here’s your opportunity to pontificate on Aussie cricket fans, along with my personal hatred of British tennis fans, or as they’re called now ‘Murray Maniacs’, the fickle sods call him a Brit when he wins and a Scot when he loses.

Either game would do, from what I saw of the W/W match, only one man could play well enough to lose a tooth. I thought the uniform should be pinafore’s, and that a dozen or so raw meat eaters of 21 stone would make for a more interesting time.:mrgreen:

Being completely honest, I’ve never really followed ANY “sport” unless you want to count the occasional motor race or American Football.
Most other “sports” leave me completely cold and bereft of the tiniest atom of interest.
And that is describing that matter in warm, glowing, and closely intimate terms.

Why do I have that attitude?
Both of you gentlemen, Scaley and RS*, have hit upon the matter of crass crowd marketting leading to various “fandoms” performing various stupidities at every opportunity, and endless advertising in both electronic and printed media, ALL of which I hated, loathed and resented.

Add all that up, and the causes of My utter disinterest in “sport” becomes more than apparent.

And yes, gentlemen, I’ve had that attitude about “sport” from the time I could first walk.
Quite literally lifelong disinterest.

Warm, Kind, and Respectful Regards my friends, Uyraell.

Which is precisely why there are such “sports” as womens’ soccer and womens’ rugby.

Uh huh. Remind me what sport it is again where they all wear a load of body armour just in case some nasty man causes them to fall to the ground?

They are very strong 21 stone raw meat eaters,sometimes the armor doesnt help much…




Yeah, and? Rugby forwards hit 20 stone, while backs are more like 15 stone. Their main job is running though, which makes them somewhat lighter.

Well i’m sorry to hear you find most sport disinteresting. I love sport, there’s few things I enjoy more than the adrenalin rush of playing rugby, stamping on some bloke in the scrum, tackling some skinny back into oblivion, all very primeval. Of course the great thing about rugby union is after you’ve smashed a bloke’s face in you help him up after and buy him a pint in the club bar after. And also if you live in NZ how can you not like rugby??!!?!?

But yes, I really hate the over commercialism of sport and the idiot fans that go with it. Look at the English football domestic leagues. Apalling, virtually everything is sponsored by some firm, all the players are cads and spoiled playboys and the fans moronic in the extreme. Everytime I see English (or any British nation’s) fans abroad chanting ‘engerlund’ I cringe. In fact it goes so far that if i’m travelling abroad I will always ensure i’m as far away as possible to anyone I see wearing a football shirt.

Don’t know about women’s rugby, but over here women’s soccer is - how shall I put this with my customary delicacy? - for ladies who are very ladylike.

You should see my club’s women’s rugby team, put it this way there are female orcs (a la lord of the rings) and they play for my club. In fact I was out friday night when I bumped into them on one of their socials and some of them tried to drag me back to their lair. Luckily my escape and evasion skills served me well :army:

[QUOTE=pdf27;173419]Yeah, and? Rugby forwards hit 20 stone, while backs are more like 15 stone. Their main job is running though, which makes them somewhat lighter.

Are you taking me as being serious? A fruitless effort as I almost never am. That one exhibition game is the one, and only game of any type I have ever attended, sports being only a source of humor for me.

To me this sums up English football fans perfectly.

Good one.

Because, I Hate, Loathe, and Detest NZ: despite the fact that My Family were Founders here.
For a whole host of reasons, which I’ll detail in pm but not open column, rugby, cricket, and horse racing and netball represent all the elements in NZ that, in various guises and degrees are reflections of the reasons I hate the ***king place.

Warm, Kind and Respectful Regards Scaley, Uyraell.

“There’ll ALWAYS BE an England: though why, I’m not quite sure. The bloody English Won’t Live there, and most others are too poor!”

(And yes, My European ancestors were Brits, at least, in the last 2 centuries they were, though Germans before that.)

No fence sitting Uyraell, how do you really feel? :slight_smile: Still plenty room here in the States. you may find Chicago, to your liking.

Unfortunately, Chicago is both too far north, and withal hath an disadvantage this One would not wish to allow an opportunity to indulge.
As time has passed, I’ve become more at ease with the thought of living in a Southern State, such as Georgia.

I might travel to Chicago for a certain necessary meeting; but I’d not, I think, choose to live there.

And yes, my friend, I have reached very definite views about NZ, especially in the last 2 decades.

Hitler and the Nazis may well have lost WW2, but believe me:
Fascism is alive and well and ruling in NZ, though today it goes by the names of “Equal Opportunity”, “Political Correctness”, and Feminism.
All of which makes stark and abject mockery of the nation My ancestors Founded, Fought For, and Died For.
And all of which therefore give me legitimate cause to hate the nation I was born in.

Warm, Kind, and Respectful Regards TG my friend, Uyraell.