Sport isn't what it used to be

Yeah, but when you add year-round weight lifting, the fact that players are relatively well rested/not winded and able to sprint at their targets, steroids, and human growth hormones to the mix, the injuries get nasty quick…

Thats why all the armor is needed, but there is a label in the helmets to the effect that use of it may pose a risk of injury. Not to mention the tow truck fees for moving them when they do fall over.:slight_smile:

Georgia is warm, (read molten) and very humid, and loaded with wonderful bugs of all descriptions, and venomous-ness. The law requires one to own a minimum of 4 dogs, 3 vehicles, (only one of which may run, and have 4 wheels) and that one must be a truck, with 2 shotguns in the rack, and a skoal bumper sticker (which can also, and often is, used to keep the doors closed.) Texas may also be considered, drier, few bugs, and alot less silly PC crap.

Do they need labels showing front and back?

Can they even read? :wink: :smiley:

Maybe, I dont know if anyone has asked. maybe this guy can help…
“NFL representative answers questions on protecting players from head injuries.”


Having visited NZ, I can confirm about all the PC nonsense you have to deal with, but if you think it’s bad there try here in the UK, especially under the last government. In my last job I was made to take remedial equality and diversity training twice!

A recent example of PCness getting out of hand occured when one tory MP bumped into the speaker of the house’s, John Bercow, car. The speaker said to the MP ‘i’m not happy’ to which the MP retorted ‘well which dwarf are you then?’ The PM repeated the joke at a dinner and was roundly criticised and threatened with legal action by the PC brigade - utter madness.

You may think it’s not so great in NZ but trust me there are much much worse places.

I assume that this remedial training was in addition to the standard equality and diversity training.

The remedial aspect suggests that either you were a slow learner or the previous training was deficient. :wink: :smiley:

As I’m sure you’re not a slow learner, maybe you should think about suing the previous trainers for failing to equip you with the necessary sensitivity which led you into error.

I worked (well, I attended it most days and got paid for five days a week) in an institution some years ago where PC was a hot issue for the femi-nazis. Naturally, it became an article of faith; institutional policy; and the reason for the creation of sundry disciplinary committees by the weak management the femi-nazis cowed into submission by using the same aggressive and bullying tactics they accused men of using to oppress them. As if any bloke without a death wish would take those dykes on.

Anyway, the femi-nazis put out a very nice poster with a picture of the upper torso of a woman with a magnificent set of tits, under which was the text: IS THIS HOW YOU MAKE EYE CONTACT?

I, along with every other bloke there who wasn’t gay, responded “Yes. Der!”.

What is wrong with these people. Don’t they understand that it is the response to such stimuli which allows the species to mate and breed?

Oh, yes, sorry. I forgot about every lesbian’s right to have a child without yucky contact with a nasty man, except for him squeezing a bit of reproductive protein into a turkey baster.

Well, at the time I was often in trouble for using ‘robust’ language. Back then I was a manager for a large UK chain of department stores, primarily it’s food departments. 90% of my staff were 50+, female and lazy. That’s not to say that all women of that description are lazy but this lot had a job for life with a lot of perks that they had retained on old contracts and were pratically unsackable - and they knew it.

I got very fed up of their workshy ways very quickly. During a morning team briefing I decided to share my ‘enlightened’ views of man management that I had learned from the various cadres I had attended. And it went something like this…

Right, you useless bunch of workshy cts. I’m sick to the back teeth of your can’t fking do attitude. It is not fking good enough. You are all fking replaceable, this is a business not a f**king social club…

You get the gist. That is what earned me the first session of remedial equality and diversity training. I remember being sat in the training room of the regional headquarters with 7 other equally non-pc male managers, and the waking sense of horror on our faces as we realised the 2 day hell of pc-ness and powerpoint we had been condemned to. Funnily enough 4 out of the 7 were on my next remedial training course.

From which we deduce that most managers learnt **** all from the first course. Which demonstrates a clear deficiency in the course and its instructors.

However, and I don’t imagine this mattered much to the company you were working for as it headed for bankruptcy on the proud vessel PC, did anybody do anything about the workshy ****s and their practices? Or did that get lost in the PC complaints?

Lost in the pc complaints i’m afraid, and by some miracle the company has stayed afloat. Personally I wouldn’t say the training had failed, just that we were a stubborn bunch and very much set in our ways and had little time for the pc brigade and the over-sensitivities of our some of our staff.

Scaley, the PC-Fascism ruling the UK is one reason I’m reluctant to even visit the place, despite vast and prolific ancestral ties, well up the social ladder.
It was, unfortunately, the UK which chiefly led to the introduction of the same PC-Fascism here, whilst at the same time the feminazis from the USA were busy adding their particular poisons to the waters in the reservoir.

UK is a place I might visit one day, but I’ve NO intent to ever actually Live there.
My view of the UK is much like that of Both Julius and Claudius Caesar: “the place is cold, damp, sunless, perpetually grey, and worse, cheerless.”
Nothing since the time those immortal words were uttered has changed the fundamental truth they express.

Warm, Kind, And Respectful Regards Scaley, Uyraell.

I would like to add that we have had some cracking summers of late so we’ve had some sun, I even got a tan this summer!

If the UK has, indeed, as you say, had some sun, then I congratulate you on your tan, and recommend you be of good cheer: `Tis likely the only sun the UK will see this century, much as the Summer of 1909 was the only sun the UK saw last century. :stuck_out_tongue:

Warm, Kind, and Respectful Regards Scaley, Uyraell.

Ahem - proof of sun in the uk,

Lovely sunny day this June about 28 degrees, and look just for Rising Sun an Aussie flag on the far left!

When visiting Scotland there has always been good,sunny weather, I was told by locals this was God given as compensation for the presence of the Southern neighbors. :slight_smile:

More like to keep them up there, have you tried Tennants? It’s gopping.

Proof Accepted. Though I take this opportunity to register my surprise at said proof. :slight_smile:

Warm and Kind Regards Scaley, Uyraell.

No havnt tried it, I dont drink nowadays, and in those storied days when I did, it was Rye Whiskey with occasional drafts of German Beer. (not Tucher’s)

Proof indeed!

Just look at the tans on those horses.