States that do not appear to support the 'War on terror'

Australia has become an island of Bush-licking cowards,” writes an ex-pat living in Los Angeles. You’d think someone so opposed to Bush would decline to live under his tyranny. Anyway, Ed Koch disagrees:

An Australian militia unit that held off the Japanese in PNG, despite having almost no training and the wrong colour uniforms and no support from GHQ in Canberra. General (later Field Marshall) Thomas Blamey was an ignorant fool who then accused these men, who saved Australia, of being cowards and relieved their officers of command.

These lincs are totally unrelated to this thread but since the V.C Cross linc was posted , I figured what the hell, …anybody can print what they want…

First of all,

I don’t agree with the mods turning this argument into a separate thread of this name, and make it appear as if herman had called all Indians ever cowards, simply based on their ethnicity. This is not fair towards him, as it’s simply not true, and maybe RS* should consider renaming it.


In an act of civil vigilance (:mrgreen:), I’d like to tell the two of you to get back on topic, India’s involvement in the current War in Afghanistan. The past does not matter here, unless there is a direct causal link between it and India’s involvement (or lack thereof).


herman, calm down. No need to get that angry about this, just send RS* a polite PM and ask him to rename the thread, because you feel like you’re treated unfairly.

[i]So, India is, and by implication Indians are, cowardly in matters of war?

Anyone care to identify the only Allied ‘national’ group whose troops had the option of walking out of Japanese captivity in WWII but who chose not to?[/i]

What the hell are you talking about? I did not say in matters of War…the thread you took my words from was about AFGHANISTAN. Stop smoking the Kangaroo dung and get your implications correct. If i say a black idiot hit my car do you say that all blacks are idiots??

No, it wasn’t created by “the Mods”. I created it.

Obviously I mistook your following comment, which is the first post in this thread removed from the Things Which Piss Me Off thread where this discussion no longer belonged, as implying cowardice by India:

Plus your later comment implying cowardice by India:

And this:

I apologise for inferring from these delightfully subtle comments that your accusations of Indian ‘cowardism’ could be interpreted as implying that India and or Indians are or were cowards. Clearly when talking about ‘cowardism’ you were referring to certain attitudes of some Indians to cows.

Anyway, give me a title you’re happy with, which is consistent with the content of the your comments, and I’ll consider changing the title to make you happy.

If you like, I’ll delete your opening post and just leave your present second post as the opening post, in a thread reasonably titled something like “India not cowardly, just corrupt in hiding behind the lives of American and Canadian young men” on the basis of your present second post:

So, if India as Afghanistan’s neighbour doesn’t feel the need to join a futile attempt to occupy it while Canada and other countries thousands of miles away do, might that suggest that maybe India after millennia of living in the region has a rather better idea of how to handle things than the West with its usual clumsy approach to such things?


What about the US, Britain and France happily fucking over the Middle East for most of the 20th century, along with the Zionists still fucking it over at turbo speed now and for the foreseeable future, not to mention Britain exercising colonial control over India for a couple of centuries? Might not 9/11 be a reaction to decades of oppression and exploitation in the Middle East supported by America and its allies? Who, for example, trained SAVAK to torture the people of Iran to prop up the Shah for Western interests, which contributed to the Islamic Revolution in Iran which was reviled in the West for being so terribly anti-American?

How many people have been needlessly killed in Iraq as a result of the unjustifiable invasion by America and its allies in the most recent Western invasion of Iraq, which has nothing to do with 9/11?

America hasn’t endured a fraction of the pain it inflicted on millions of people around the world before 9/11. That doesn’t justify the deaths of thousands of innocents on 9/11, but neither does 9/11 absolve America of decades of interfering in other countries and supporting their oppressive dictatorships and the like in American interests. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

Provide evidence to support that comment.

Why don’t you demonstrate why India has a moral, geo-political, or legal obligation to join in an invasion and occupation of Afghanistan by countries thousands of miles away from both India and Afghanistan in pursuit of interests solely related to those distant countries and without regard to the interests of India or any other countries in the region?

Apart, of course, from India being required to conform with whatever Canada chooses to do in Canada’s own interests which, one might think, are fairly marginal in Afghanistan.

Hasn’t India spanked Pakistan in just about every conflict? :smiley: I think they’ve won every major conflict ever fought? Tough to be cowardly and victorious at the same time.

I think it should also be noted that the Indian gov’t was supporting the Taliban’s (an hence al-Qaida’s) main enemies and rivals, The Northern Alliance, before the US was all throughout the 1990s and early 2000s prior to 9/11. I don’t know if this was mentioned yet…

I think it should also be noted that the Indian gov’t was supporting the Taliban’s (an hence al-Qaida’s
…go figure…maybe the Indians and the Australians should unite and form their own allegiance and live in Never Never Land with Peter Pan. Canadian lives will pay the price.

How about we rename this threat “Indian responsibility to the West?” or something along those lines?

First, it’s not ‘the mods’. It’s me only.

Second, see the second, third and fourth quotes from Herman in my last post.

Third, Herman chose to use ‘coward’ and its variants repeatedly, not me. So he lives with the consequences of his gratuitous action and offensive labelling of Indians, which would be just as offensive to Canadians or anyone else if the positions were reversed.

Actually, this started in the light hearted Things That Piss Me Off thread, where it was seriously off topic.

Once someone raises a nation’s cowardice, one has to expect that responses will not be limited to the battlefield chosen for the attacker’s advantage but that battle will be taken to all positions in the field, and beyond.

I find it highly objectionable to throw around ‘cowardice’ and its variants about any nation, especially when that is based upon a narrow conception that any nation which does not conform with Herman’s views about Canada is a coward.

Anyone with a grain of understanding of the history of India and what is now Afghanistan would know that it is impossible to discuss the conduct of either towards the other now without an understanding of their pasts. And of Pakistan’s history. And Partition. And the British colonial era. And much more than just a stupid comment that India is a coward because it hasn’t blindly followed the arrogant West into the West’s latest Vietnam, as Canada has to Herman’s great satisfaction which results in him moaning about Canadians dying in a misconceived and untenable occupation (not a ‘war’) they have no more business being involved in than anyone else from other remote parts of the planet.

No, he’s being treated most fairly by me responding to his uninformed Canada-centric rants as if they’re reasoned comments based on evidence instead of stupid comments based on the assumption that India is devoting its resources to making a profit out of Afghanistan, as if America isn’t FFS!

Let’s get down to one of the major reasons for the invasion AND occupation. Anyone care to identify it?

What responsibilty does India owe to the West? For what?

How about renaming the thread “Western responsiblity for several centuries of shamelessly exploiting India, but that doesn’t matter as India is a cowardly nation because it won’t follow Canada into inflaming a conflict on India’s border of little benefit to Canada but with potentially catastrophic consequences to India after Canada and the rest of the West piss off like they always do after fucking up similar ill-considered enterprises.”?

Or maybe “Why Indian foreign policy should be determined in Ottowa, by otters.”

Or maybe “Why Indian foreign policy should be determined in Ottowa, by otters.”

…oh so now your making fun of Canada and calling us Otters by mispelling our Capital Ottawa. That is just plain NASTY! Just so you know, I never really did like FOSTERS-it tastes like piss:lol:
…anyways I have had enough of this thread. PLEASE RENAME IT and I will be eternally grateful to YOU, Not the MODS, just You (The dictator that you are putting up threads on this forum under my Fine name when I never even created this thread). Use your Mod Powers and do what is right and PLEASE rename this thread. I don’t need the Indian subscribers burning down my house tonight. Ok? Please!

Yeah, the conditions are just perfect for that at the moment.

(The reports are complete bullshit - those blokes would have been mincemeat if attacked by 70 people - but you can’t expect the press in Australia or India to eschew facts for sensationalism.),8599,1921482,00.html

Yeah, well, otters don’t taste so good either. :smiley:

As stated earlier, you offer one or more thread titles suitable to you and I’ll consider them.

I always thought Otters rather good, at least as good as Foster’s :lol: :lol:

And as for XXXX, it has to be better. :lol:

Nobody in the 39th Bn got a VC in the extended and generally successful fighting retreat Blamey criticised, although it was a better campaign than he could have imagined and one he didn’t command in any real sense but for which he was later given credit.

Blamey addressed the men after their efforts and is variously reported as having been firm with them or hostile to them. Given that it is well documented that the officers and NCOs on parade had to stifle an immediate mutiny in response to his comments, he was probably hostile.

The comment which upset the troops most was along the lines that “It’s not the man with the gun who gets shot, but the rabbit who runs from the man with the gun.”

The troops, who had fought hard for weeks with considerable success against much larger, better equipped, better trained, and battle hardened hardened Japanese forces, were upset.

Several days later Blamey visited troops from that campaign in a base hospital. It is reported that the patients were sitting up in bed and munching on lettuce leaves like rabbits, and that Blamey chose to ignore this and went out of the ward as if nothing had happened.

Is this the first post on this thread? It seems like a rather bizarre statement. I don’t quite follow the context.

Involved in what - may I ask - and what is a veil of cowardism? Is it used to veil their courage?

This was split out from another thread, so the first post refers to the contents of that thread.

You See You see! That is exactly what I am talking about. A Mod of this fine site takes a sentence out of context from another thread and CREATES A NEW THREAD all by themselves and puts MY NAME attached to it. This is just like Hitler. This is a dictatorship of thread creation. What right does another person have to create a New Thread and put my name on it. I just might complain to Mr. Firefly about this. I find it to be unjust, unfair and it smells of over zealous Mod usage of power. Now other uses are wondering why I created this stupid thread when I did not create it. I demand formally once again that my name be taken off the thread as I did not create this thread. I do not like this communist dictatorship that choses to put user names to threads people did not create. It is outrageous. It is unfair. This is how communism started . This forum is for all to love and learn from. The power of a select few to create threads at whim putting my name on it is communist I tell You. I demand fairness. Please PDF and Nickdfresh; please see this from an objective point of view. I know RS meant well, but its not fair. Please do something about it.

It was split by a communist dictator who is trying to ruin my fine name. Can’t you guys see this is unfair? Wake up and be objective. Even if you don’t like me, pls see this from an objective point of view. If this could happen to me then who is next? This is how communisim started . We must speak up now against this iron handed approach.

I thought it was started because the downtrodden working classes wanted an equal share of the fruits of their labour…but maybe my years at uni were wasted and it means something else?

Calm down, old chap.