States that do not appear to support the 'War on terror'

You’re not related to LR James are you? :lol:

What, exactly, is your problem with communism?

What right do you have to fuck up the old thread with your uniformed, simpleton shit?

It has to be said, I agree with Nick here. Site policy is that when a thread goes off on a mega-tangent, the posts relating to that tangent are to be split off into a new topic named whatever the mod in question feels is appropriate (and frankly I think you got off lightly with what this one is called!). If you don’t like it, PM Firefly and ask that the site policy be changed. If it is, then the mods will subsequently implement the new policy -but not before.

No. This thread contains all comments relevant to the new topic and irrelevant to the thread from which it was split. Nothing is out of context.

Yes. See pdf27’s last post.

No, the forum software does that automatically by showing the name of the the first poster in the new thread as the thread starter, as with all other threads.

So, given that you introduced the topic of India’s cowardice in the thread from which it was properly split in the post which is now the first post in this thread, it really is all your own work and you have no one to blame but yourself for the existence and title of this thread and for you being named as thread starter.

You, and I, would object if similarly repugnant comments were made about Canada in relation to any of the many military efforts from which it has been absent in the modern world. India deserves the same respect.

India is entitled to keep out of what is already another Vietnam, just as Canada and Britain were entitled - and very wise - to keep out of Vietnam when America and some Commonwealth forces were there.

So stop wasting bandwidth bitching about my modding and think about apologising unreservedly for your outrageous allegations about India’s cowardice. If you can’t do that, at least be man enough to stand behind your own words. So far you’ve done neither.

Oh, what joy! What is it we’re discussing here?

By now?

Whether herman has been treated unfairly by RS* or not.


Whether there is any reason India should be fighting in Afghanistan/why International armies are.

Thank you, for that!

Given the history of the region, the past wars of India and Pakistan and the posession of nuclear weapons, it would be, in my opinion, madness for India to become embroiled in what is happening in Afghanistan. It is also, in my opinion, niave to think that Afghanistan is simply about Afghanistan and not a regional power struggle.

I wonder if this ever happened to the Taj Mahal if Canada or America would get involved? I guess not, cause afterall, its not Our Problem.


It’s rather foolish to make collective, derogative comments about a whole group of people of any type.

As far as I’m concerned, the only way you can be in a position to name anyone or any people cowards, is if you have been involved yourself or have volunteered to become involved.
And then, of course, there is the matter of proof of cowardice.

It’s rather pathetic to describe people as being cowards from the safety of a keyboard. Still I expect that you’re off to the Afghan any time now. :lol:

As we all know, the conflict in that region is centred around, and fought for, economic reasons, i.e. oil.

The islamic extremists - let’s say Islmists for simplicity - as opposed to the very day muslims, recognize this. This is why they wish to follow the old ways. For, they know, that the oil-rich, muslim nations are dependent on Western purchasing power and, therefore, have to bend to the West to some degree. The Islamists would have none of this. Preferring to rule like medieval warlords using the technology and laws of that time so that oil and its sales does not effect them. More important to them, is the sale of heroine, which they can more easily sell to anyone.

I said…Germany at least gets involved. Where are the Japs?or the Indians? or the Chinese?..At least Germany tries while other country’s hide behind a veil of cowardisim!!!
…I never singled out the Indians did I?? Are you guys BLIND. Why is this just about the Indians.Why doesn’t the Mod create a seperate Jap Thread under my name as well. Why not create a seperate China Thread under my name as well? Your missing my point. I only engaged in the conversation about India because someone deliberatley misconstrued my words and made it sound like India was the only topic of my original comment. So when I asked RS why he created this Thread as an INDIAN coward thread, ask yourself, why he excluded China and Japan from the title ? Its mainly because he wants to incite a riot between myself and the original subscriber who objected to my original comment, who happened to reply to me about his dissatisfaction on my commenting of India. For the last time, this is not about INDIA. Its about body bags coming home while other countries , like Japan, China and INDIA, do nothing except make mmoney from their private contractors they send over. Sure, America has contractors too, but at least they sacrifice soldiers to fight so the world can be a better place to live in!

There have been numerous terror attacks in India where the US and Canada didn’t get involved. I’m pretty sure we’ve done nothing in regards to the Mombai attacks…

And for the FIFTH TIME, Please change the title of this THREAD. I did not create it and I don’t approve of the title. I never authorized a thread like this. I never singled out INDIA. …Why was China and Japan DELIBERATELY excluded from the Thread Title??? Why? Because its a conspiracy of overzealous Mods.

And yet you keep carrying on in it like a babbling troll. Interesting timing as well…

Maybe its time,

Maybe for a bit…