Suicide attack

well, in the late stage of the war, Germany expect young scout to have basic trainning of glider and then expect them to pilot a jet to fight against allied fighter, now that is suicide attack.

Maybe, but it was not the degenerated order of no return like the japanese did.

u no that a small Japanses battle ships and a squadron of fighters\bombers could carry out the suicidal as the AA guns are hit by the battleship the planes carry out there job


Difficulty to penetrate the defence of US fleets was a common factor which faced every Kamikaze attack.

Invariably an incoming attack would be detected by the picket screen, then the raiders would have to penetrate the hordes of carrier borne fighters. All this before reaching the target. Once the enemy fleet was sighted, then the mission became harder.

It was just not the carriers with heavy AA, it was the destroyer and cruiser screen, some of which were specialist AA vessels, then you came to the battlewagons with the heaviest concentration of AA. Some older battlewagons had been converted specifically to the task of AA protection.

Any kamikaze that got through this was extremely lucky.

Regards to all,

After which he could get very unlucky - or lucky - it depends on one’s point of view. :smiley:


I didn’t realize I had made :shock: a joke. Thanks for pointing it out Cuts, I’ll try to do better next time.:mrgreen:

Regards to all,