Suicide attack

They were probably frightened we aussies were gonna catch em and throw them straight on a Barbie (BBQ), or feed them to the Crocs. :lol: :lol:

Yes its called stupidity.

most of time, japanese bravey made them simply just easier to kill. in thepacific island battles, the japanese often attacked in unfavorable situtaions or launched suicidal banzi charges which firing bars from cover could take care of.

i beleive their officer’s didn’t even carry a proper weapon, they had that puny nambu pistol and a short sword.

japanese officers stand up and say CHARGEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and all soldiers run on mg’s. :lol: :lol:

I think you’ll find that the call was “BANZAI!”.

Interestingly (to try to bring something to this thread), instructions for the Americans fighting the Japanese was to shoot the guy with the sword first, for several reasons:

  1. He’s the officer. Kill him, they lose their leader, planner, and main driving force.
  2. The katana was much under-rated as a weapon - officers armed with swords would do a disproportionate amount of damage against soldiers armed with bayonets, E-tools and rifle butts in hand-to-hand fighting. People found this out to their cost, thinking it was some medieval throwback which had no place on a modern battlefield.

what ever you say :roll:

Sorry, forgot to add a :wink: after BANZAI!

I think you’ll find that the call was “BANZAI!”.

Interestingly (to try to bring something to this thread), instructions for the Americans fighting the Japanese was to shoot the guy with the sword first, for several reasons:

  1. He’s the officer. Kill him, they lose their leader, planner, and main driving force.
  2. The katana was much under-rated as a weapon - officers armed with swords would do a disproportionate amount of damage against soldiers armed with bayonets, E-tools and rifle butts in hand-to-hand fighting. People found this out to their cost, thinking it was some medieval throwback which had no place on a modern battlefield.[/quote]

I have dabbled in Kendo for a while while I was in university. During this time I have seen my teacher (who was the at this time European champion) fight the at this time German champion in a contest. If they would have been using real, sharp swords instead of bamboo shinais, the fight would have been over very fast. First they circled each other for a few minutes, trying feints, then one of them accidentally gave himself an opening, which the other one used imediately, in a real fight the attacked person would have been out of combat, either by having his head split or chopped off, or his hand chopped or or his stomach sliced open.

A Katana in the hands of somebody who really knows to use it at close range is a devastating weapon.


Edit for typos

Swords aside,

the reason why the nips took to the kamikaze attacks was simple.

The chances of returning from a bombing run were so minimal anyway that in order to enhance the chances of actually doing any damage they had to crash the aircraft in to the ships.

The yank aircraft carriers suffered a lot more than the British for the very reason that they had wooden flight decks. The Brit carriers had wooden covered metal decks. It wasn’t quite a case of shove the wreckage over the side and crack on, as obviously the wooden deck had to be replaced.

But little damage was done.

And we did get them back in spades with little boy and fat man.

first of all,the term “nips” is faintly racist. second of all, ill rather shoot katana-bearing officer with a colt then try to fight him with a shovel:)

No, “nip” is short for Nipponese (aka Japanese). It is about as racist as calling someone a Brit or an Argie. Wind your neck in mate.

I apologise for my brief venture into the top half of the site, it won’t happen again…

Yeah hosemonster, don’t know you anything?

Nip is the same as Jap.


Also why do you use a Nazi avatar?

Do you in someway respect them? Only ask because I am interested in why you choose your symbols. Most Brits on this site have chosen a avatar to match their country. Why would you choice a evil regime?

well, in the US, nip is considered a racist term. “nip the nips” was a racist american propoganda cartoon during world war 2. and i don’t need to wind up, mate.

yes, i do know alot. a lot more then you.

and trollface, i am german by blood. and this fellow drinking his fake coffee is probably really hating his job.

he likes the german army,he has german blood,gen sandworm did the same!,and fw did the same,and they aren´t nazis (btw,they are our dear admin :stuck_out_tongue: )

It wasn’t just Japanese Suicide planes and trucks that demorilised the Americans, the Japanese also had suicide Submarines, By late 1944, the war situation had deteriorated for Japan to the point where extraordinary measures were seen as offering the only way out of an increasingly grim military predicament, so they decided to use suicide kaiten special attack submarines, :twisted: , anyway, they used a standard Type-93 24" torpedo.

The ‘normal’ attack method (if one can call it that) :lol: was for a mother sub carrying from 4-6 kaitens to approach the target area, locate the target vessels, and then release her kaitens to attack at a range of between 6-7000 meters.

it wasn’t just the japanese that did suicide attacks. the germans created a modified v-1 missle that could be steered by the pilot. moments before the missle hit the heavy bomber, the pilot would press teh energency ejection switch and jump out. of course, ejecting is a bit hard to do…

anyway, hitler expressed dislike of this technology and it didn’t go far. “suicdie is not the german character or something like that” there was one unit made of a couple dozen volunteers. their goal was to drive the missle into formations of heavy bombers.

however, it wasn’t too much of a success as many missles missed…

Yeah, although, I’m not sure about the V-1, part.

It was a rocket powered aircraft, just trying to find it now!!, but was more similar to the ME-262 or the Komet type aircraft.

The technical expertise and matierials just wouldn’t have been there to fit a pilot/ejector seat to a V weapon, at this time in the war.

Hitler did indeed vito the idea. Which shows, at that time, anyway he hadn’t completely lost his marbles. Which he did only a few months later, in his spectacular Fuhrer style.

With regards to the japs,

(I would like to point out that Nip in Great Britian is not classed as an insult, I appreciate however that the Yank culture/language has differed from the mother tongue slightly. After all you call a backside a fanny, we use fanny for a totally different body part!!!)

They had all manner of suicide attack platforms.

The aircraft as mentioned


Subs both one and 3 man

Lunatics with explosive on the back.

In the end the whole nation were going Kamikaze!!!

Banzai cliff, and of course the Yamato grounding herself so that her guns could be used against ground targets, her crew flung in to battle as infantry.

This grounding of course signalled the end to the Battleship era. Yamatos sister ship had been hammered by aerial bombs from USN planes and sunk just like most other battle ships. The only way to keep her guns firing for very long was to ground her, so she couldn’t sink.

Kamikazes is not suicide in Japanese tradition. Kamikaze meaning “Divine Wind” was something Japanese people took honorably and it was not looked down apon like in other cultures. Some Japanese high commanders commited the ancient ritual of seppuku, sometimes harakiki where they take their katanas and plunged the blade into their abdomin.

i think i might just do that:P

A esquematic about the “Baka” (Okha)