Support for people affected by Hurricane Katrina

The airlifts don’t only lift white people, I’ve seen black people getting hoisted up on the news! And to Firefly, I don’t think it should be called looting if you’re stealing to survive, but weather it is or isn’t is a whole nother matter entirely.

The US gave the use of a carrier task force and gave aid in food, water, helicopters, vehicles and troops on the ground. So don’t give me this “they gave the least money” crap. Work out what the use of the carrier taskforce and the direct aid cost the US taxpayer first before complaining that they were slow to open their cheque book. The US was giving out aid on the ground before the UN had even drafted its statement and before it had ensconced its “observers” in their hotels. [/rant][/quote]

I very much have, i was in Bali when it happened on holidays and watched the news for hours on end, germany japan and australia were infact the countries that gave the most money in the first place and usa gave hardly anything, then the usa got accused and IT was only THEN they started to help more and more.

Some people say the airlifting of white people in new orleans instead of blacks is a racial thing, they could be right…
A black man on T.V news was saying how the USA cant even look after its owne country and isnt so great after all.
This has obivously upset all the black generations thoughout america.[/quote]

But the donated money was doing the four-fifths of f*** all good for the first few days. The US could have donated the contents of Fort Knox to whoever and it would have made no difference. In the immediate aftermath, it was US and Australian Naval assets in the area who were able to assist far more than the consultants who were having preliminary meetings about which hotels to have the initial meetings in to form the committee to draft the first press release requesting donations to pay their expenses bills. Money is no substitute for actually helping.

As for the airlift only taking white people, where did you get this from? Even the BBC, which finds every item of news to be a damning indictment of President Bush even if it is about Panda bears giving birth to twins, hasn’t gone that far. I presume Lt-Gen. Honore is part of this white racist conspiracy?[/quote]

Quite - had the US donated loads of money & not sent its taskforce, what would have been done? Nothing at all! It was the US (and Aus) which provided the first actual response to the disaster with its ships, its aircraft, its food, its fuel, its water, its aircraft, its tents. Dollars in a bank account are no substitute for this. Bank accounts do not distribute aid. A large figure in an account does not feed people, or give them shelter. And I watched most of this on the BBC, where they were trying to belittle the US’s efforts at every step.

I say again - do you know how much the direct aid was worth, including the use of the carrier task force?

It costs US$569,000 PER DAY to operate a US aircraft carrier (just the carrier). The whole carrier task force costs US$43,600,000 PER DAY just to operate.


This is just the operating costs of a carrier task force, and does not include the food, water, tentage etc. which was provided. Would you have preferred them to have just dontated more money initially & have left the carrier task force in port? It sounds like you do.

Useful summary of who gave what:

Good Lord CommandoJordo, does the propaganda ever end? Now check this out “New Orlean’s finest” looting themselves?

Its nice to read your posts Man Of Stoat…Thanks for the back up. :slight_smile:

And for the people that would like to blame BUSH…
The people would not have been hungry or thirsty and needed to loot had the mayor of New Orleans requested that the governor of Louisiana declare martial law and the governor declared martial law on tuesday, like the governor of Mississippi did. Thousands of troops were standing by waiting on the martial law declaration and the weak minded indecisive governor refused to make that decision. That decision rests with the state governor solely. People suffered because of political concerns by the governor. The National guard is under the control of the State. NOT THE FED’s

Amazing! While I would have absolutely no problem letting people taking food and clothes. Why the other stuff? And why were the Police joining in?

Free for all!

Point taken. But before you jump on that exceedingly tall horse of yours, remember only 1 person here is criticising the US. Also quite a few of our members may not have the understanding of how US states Vs Federal Govts work.

Well Mike (and other septics here), the government of the UK is about to play a very cruel trick on the refugees. 500 000 ration packs are being sent to help feed the displaced persons, but unless the BBC is massively misinformed on the matter, they won’t be in the carboard boxes that many forum members have come to know and love.

Apparently we will be putting the food in armoured metal boxes. Oh yes. Not just metal, but armoured too. Maybe it will prevent people from looting your fruit dumplings?

Am I missing something?? :?

Am I missing something?? :?[/quote]

Yes indeed you are… :lol:

Anyway… i think this natural disaster that has caused havock in America is the start of the collapse of the USA, but of course i could be wrong thats just my opinion. :slight_smile:

Well Mike (and other septics here), the government of the UK is about to play a very cruel trick on the refugees. 500 000 ration packs are being sent to help feed the displaced persons, but unless the BBC is massively misinformed on the matter, they won’t be in the carboard boxes that many forum members have come to know and love.

Apparently we will be putting the food in armoured metal boxes. Oh yes. Not just metal, but armoured too. Maybe it will prevent people from looting your fruit dumplings?[/quote]

Where did they get that from? Just shown them being loaded up at Brize and the boxes were either the brown cardboard some of us know and love or someone’s put a lot of effort into painting the ‘armoured steel’ boxes.

Just watching the news and 60 nations around the world have offered support to the US to help ease the effects of this disaster. Thanks to all that expressed your sympathies.

USA is asking for help from other countries , this is outrageous, President george Bush has done the wrong thing.
America is the most richest country in the world, well then they should prove it and stop asking for help, the world should ignore them.

1 As of yet we havent accepted any help. 2 These countries are offering support for the victims. They arent helping fund our war on terrorism. 3. So the people that would be ingnored are those offering assistance. Its a gesture of good will to all man regardless of differences. MAYBE YOU SHOULD THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A SEC. Maybe your acting a bit Dubya like and dont even know it. :idea:

If the second richest country in the world suffered a natural disaster, who should offer them aid? Only the USA?

Regardless of what you think of the US government, if a country or organisation is in a position to help then they should. You can’t refuse to help just because you are jealous of the US’s GDP.

I dont know why you seem to be so anti-US Cdo and I dont really care. Just imagine if your city was hit by such a storm and it was you suffering the same fate. Im sure you would be happy for any assistance and would be gratefull if some Yank plucked you out of the water! :evil:

I apologize i do not mean to be looked as a anti american or out to offend anyone, my parents used to tell me that they worried about me because my hate of the americans ran thick but yet im a christian and i must do the right thing…
By the way firefly it would be a miracle if my city was flooded…we have huge water lack problems and have one water day limitations in the summer and autumn but i see your point your coming from. :slight_smile:

I apologize i do not mean to be looked as a anti american or out to offend anyone, my parents used to tell me that they worried about me because my hate of the americans ran thick but yet im a christian and i must do the right thing…
By the way firefly it would be a miracle if my city was flooded…we have huge water lack problems and have one water day limitations in the summer and autumn but i see your point your coming from. :)[/quote]

Aren’t Xtians supposed to love their fellow man? And aren’t you also some kind of communist (that was you doing the pro-commie flaming when you first arrived here, right)? Communists persecuted xtians in a big way.

This rabid anti-americanism is so trendy and left-wing at the moment, and is frankly dull and boring.

Well we perfer the word christians, man of stoat…
If you want to talk about communism or related we’ll discuss in the Russian section.