Support for people affected by Hurricane Katrina

That explains alot …

That explains alot …[/quote]

I dont really appreciate that Mike… dont post pointless comments like that.


That explains alot …[/quote]

I dont really appreciate that Mike… dont post pointless comments like that.[/quote]

I’d say Mike’s post had a point.

  1. You had posted some fairly strong anti-american comments.
  2. You also observed that your parents worried about how much you hated America.

Point 2 goes a long way to explaining point 1, as Mike observed.

That explains alot …[/quote]

I dont really appreciate that Mike… dont post pointless comments like that.[/quote]

I’d say Mike’s post had a point.

  1. You had posted some fairly strong anti-american comments.
  2. You also observed that your parents worried about how much you hated America.

Point 2 goes a long way to explaining point 1, as Mike observed.[/quote]

Yes #2. does stand for #1. but i did not mean to offend anyone :? .
Mike M. made a smart ass comment which isnt neccasary and i think that is pointless.

Commando, Your post above explains this post. I dont think I was out of line. The USA could get through this problem without anyones help but if Countrys want to help…I thank them for it.
I know how you feel…when I saw videos of scumbags cutting off american peoples heads in iraq, I felt the same way. What made you feel that way toward the USA?? I would really like to know :?:

Commando, Your post above explains this post. I dont think I was out of line. The USA could get through this problem without anyones help but if Countrys want to help…I thank them for it.
I know how you feel…when I saw videos of scumbags cutting off american peoples heads in iraq, I felt the same way. What made you feel that way toward the USA?? I would really like to know :?:[/quote]

I dont have hatrid towards the average american but more dislike the government.
I guess i started to dislike the USA when i went to a american church, all they spoke about was their country and how well their society lives in well peace and how they are better then all else.
A year ago me and my friends got into a big fight with imigrants from the usa because they were mocking the aussies for having no pretzels in pubs… but i got a big list and rather not say :slight_smile: , but ill say again i got nothing against the average american, i myself have american friends.

They should have mocked the Aussies for being rubbish at Rugby instead!

We’re not that rubbish at rugby but yes we arent the best… but we are the best in most other sports… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Not Cricket either :wink:

It started when you went to A church? What type of church? Where was this church? When I was younger my parents made me go to church and I never heard what you claim. It does not take a whole lot to start a church here in the USA. Jesse Jackson is a reverend, LOOK AT THE HATE HE PREACHES. IM not a very religious person, never have been but I believe its what is in your hart not who you worship that counts.
I would hope you don’t judge Americans by a few dickheads in a BAR!!! No offense but that seems kinda shallow.

It started when you went to A church? What type of church? Where was this church? When I was younger my parents made me go to church and I never heard what you claim. It does not take a whole lot to start a church here in the USA. Jesse Jackson is a reverend, LOOK AT THE HATE HE PREACHES. IM not a very religious person, never have been but I believe its what is in your hart not who you worship that counts.
I would hope you don’t judge Americans by a few dickheads in a BAR!!! No offense but that seems kinda shallow.[/quote]

No offence taken, its all different reasons aswell, alot of people in the world dislike the USA…its just a fact.

We rule the world in cricket, We havent lost to a country ashes in 18 years. :smiley:

Well, you’re going to this weekend :smiley:

From your quotes it sounds like your going to some very strange churches, not very mainstream :shock: Maybe your parents were right. :wink: Im sure there are lot’s of people who hate Australia too. The world is full of hate and people who preach hate…look at Jessie Jackson. As for…Fighting with people who were mocking the aussies for having no pretzels in pubs. Ill be nice and not tell you what I think of that. :?

Im really sorry,it’s a great tragedy,i hope that bush will get up and start to do something.

Erwin…you dont have a clue.

Erwin, Read and learn.

There is a lot of talk about what went wrong; there is little talk about what went, and is continuing to go, right.

There is no shortage of heroic people, people who took great risks for others. There is still no greater love than this “to lay down your life for a friend”

New Orleans is the armpit of the United States. It is no surprise that that looting took place, given the culture and poverty and moral decay of the region. There is a large amount of narcissistic opportunists that did what they do best, greedily took as much as they could for themselves with blind regard for others.

If you want to point fingers.

Individuals. Well, how many simply ignored the numerous warnings for whatever reason(s): Apathy; laziness; denial; inability to properly reason; ambulatory problems; hopelessness; stubborness. Knowing they were not leaving the potentially perilous environment; how many of those failed to make even basic preparations? Just simple supplies like food, water, clothing, flash lights, diapers and so forth. THOUSANDS had no basic contingency plan. The grasshopper and the ant.

Family units. How many siblings, aunts, uncles, children, grandchildren, cousins, parents, failed to properly protect their immediate and extended families?

Local government. Those closest to the situation dropped the ball thirdly. (democrat)

State. A laughable before, during and after response that is enough to make you want to cry. (Democrat)

Federal. TOOO SLOOOOOOOOOOOW but once the ball was rolling progress is being made.

Nationally: The everyday citizens are rolling up there sleeves and sending what they can including themselves. The well known are capitalizing by grandstanding, and politicizing. The racial tensions they are provoking are going to be long felt and unjustified.

Internationally. What did you expect from the French and the Germans,

And no Oprah, I don’t ‘owe the people of the catastrophe an apology’, but if it helps, at all, I am sorry that so many have suffered and lost friends, family, loved ones, pets, homes, jobs and a clear vision of their future. It’s time to quit blaming and start helping. Didn’t we have enough of this garbage during the last election?

Ok mike,im agree in all with you,bush is great,he did the best and saved every body (well,every white instead of blacks) and well,the help was fast (delayed 3 or 4 days, :roll: ),also the he worried about the population (specially because he loves and privileges black and poor people)

im afraid that if something happened in his dear texas,nobody would have died,specially all his white state mates.

Bush is great!,the Best president in the USA!!!

i told you my cousin loves him?

Usa grow up a lot with him.

oh,the TV,newspapers,radio and internet and some americans and the most of the foreigners were lying.
you are right mike.


I think you already posted this Mike.

Erwin, Your views are very raciest and IGNORANT. Do you realize they had to stop helping people so they could deal with the idiots shooting at rescuers?? You do understand the national guard is not sitting in a big building ready to go somewhere…they have to be mobilized and that takes time, which the Local DEMOCRAT government DIDN’T do. Stop listening to your cousin because he does not know his ass from a hole in the ground.