Swiss say: "No more minarets!"

I don’t disagree with what you say, except for my following post, but I think we should be cautious about treating all Muslims as one group (which they’re not, as the conflict between the different sects shows) just because they’re different to the dominant culture where they happen to live.

There were similar misgivings about and hostility to Catholics in Australia up to the 1960s, and very strongly up to WWII, based on ill-informed notions of loyalty to Rome over the Crown and so on.

I think it’s fairer to assess everyone on their own qualities and conduct.

Admittedly there is now a reasonably founded suspicion that any Muslim is a potential threat to the society in which he or she lives, but there is an element of throwing out the baby with the bathwater in treating them all as hostile.

It would make as much sense to treat all Americans, or all former American servicemen, or all Americans raised as Catholics, as potentially disloyal and dangerous because Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the biggest terrorist act in the US until 9/11, was all of those things.

That said, I don’t much care for Islam because it offends every principle of liberty and human rights which I think is important, but most Muslims would think I represent all that is decadent in the infidel world.

Neither of us is right or wrong. We just have different beliefs.

But I still think that many of them would be better off exercising their beliefs in countries which shared their beliefs rather than trying to make us accommodate their primitive bullshit which oppresses women and objects to the liberty we claim as our right and generally objects to the society they voluntarily came to but want to modify so it can mirror the shithole they left for a better life.

And to those who think like that, in the time honoured welcoming attitude for which Australia is renowned:

The Old Testament, which Jews never got past and which Christians include in their Bible, ain’t exactly a charter for tolerance and liberty according to modern standards.

Leviticus is always a good start for primitive bullshit which nobody in their right mind would observe now, and not least since the invention of sanitary napkins and tampons.

Yeah , that’s is my thoughts too- why not to say “NO more synagogues” then?
It sould be honest to muslim of our countries at least.

Why not say “No more Christian churches.”?

Western Europe spent centuries destroying itself in wars between Christian sects.

And the stupidity was that Christian priests and or clerics on both sides duly blessed their combatants and assured them that they were doing (the same) God’s work by slaughtering the other side also doing (the same) God’s work, and assured them (not unlike Islamic bullshit now) that if they died on the battlefield they would go to heaven.

Right up to WWII, when the German army had “God with us” (in German, naturally :D) on their belt buckles.

If the Germans could appropriate God to their task of wiping out the Jews and the Slavs, why shouldn’t the Jews appropriate Nazi exterminations to Jewish ambitions for a homeland?

After all, they were both just a bunch of thugs determined to grab what they thought they were entitled to by violent means designed to exterminate their opponents, based on their own distortions of history and their racially ordained destinies.

BAH! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

yet i heard the Saint Inquisition didn’t specially cared about Human Rights when burned the millions of “witches and heretics” through centures…

Human nature never much changes,only the labels do.

Being a secret worshipper of the Godess Kali, I embrace religeous tolerance and can only feel that some of the chaps on this site are downright intollerant.

Worshippers of Kali – the monstrous goddess of destruction and demon-slayer, initiated India’s Thug cult, who
sacrificially strangled many thousands of victims, becoming the original killer cult. Thugs existed as a clandestine sect
for almost a thousand years, longer than any other known killer cult. The full body-count of Thuggee victims, like its real
origins, remains an unsolved mystery, but the cult spread across India like a plague. Their modus operandi grew
increasingly gruesome and ruthless, joyfully massacring women, children and babies. This reign of terror only
terminated when the British army hunted-down and hanged some four-thousand prototype, group serial killers.
Incredibly, even now this cult remains shrouded in secrecy, yet they created a terrorist conspiracy with international
links. Today this legacy is more relevant than ever.

There are lessons to be learnt from the past, and those old lessons from religeous intolerance have to be near the top of the list.

Well, maybe, but as John Masters explored fictionally in The Deceivers the Thuggees might have been devotees of Kali.

Or in reality they might have been simply a bunch of criminals who preyed on travellers.

Either way, I don’t think they were a model of religious, or any other tolerance.

Nor was Kali, in any of her various manifestations which were always extreme.

Although both Thuggees and Kali serve as sound models for some of the Muslim thugs currently prancing about the planet in equally devious and deceptive guises.

P.S. The link in your last post keeps coming back to this page. I was hoping for a sheila with snakes and shit around her.

Interesting response, RS, surely you weren’t taking me seriously?

Just for you - her name is Heidi - no Sheilas available:

Who knows? It was last night, which at my age is a very long time ago and beyond recall. :wink: :smiley:

That girl needs a serious dose of worm treatment. :smiley:

Clearly, she’s getting it! :slight_smile:
