Tensions in Korea: S. Korean Warship Sunk

Would this mix of explosive leave the traces of individual components? I’m no chemist, just curious. This mix in the U.S. is called Composition B, a very common filling for many different munitions. IIRC.

Too bad that the US military is so widespread around the world right now, they should attack togheter with south korean forces and erase definitively this nutcases off the map.

But who wants to run a xenophobic, economic basket case that will take decades to transform to modernity?

As Colin Powell once said, “you break it, you buy it.”

I think the south Koreans are eager to bring his bad cousins up north into the modernity if they occupy the territory.

The US Military shouldnt occopy NK, that I agree, That is why people get melancholic with WW2, it wasthe time US invaded worthy countries like Germany, Italy and France, you know.

Yes , the exactly the chemical composition of explosive is unique for each country where it has been produce.Even the licensed explosion , produced say in China might be different from the original one.This is well known fact. As for Soviet exposive- i heard they add the Aluminium powder for part of ammunition. It was the common practice for artillery and especially for avia-gun shell.I don’t know however about torpedos…

Koreans will buy it and run it…
Iraq2/Afganistan2 cant be even realised there on definition.The possible nuqlear conflic in region might to cause the death of millions and creat the ecological disaster in entire Asiatic region. So the war is denied, whatever want it the wasington or not. China is not enough stopid to let the new war be started right on it’s border.
I think the ONLY possible way is just …leave the both Koreas alone and let them to unite. Peacfully like GErmany.I don’t think it impossible.