Terrifying future

its not only Zionism, its also Christian prophecy

In which case can we leave religion out of this entirely.

Otherwise the discussion will swiftly reduce to ‘my holy book says…’ vs ‘well my holy book says…’ which will get us nowhere except another flame war, the like of which hasn’t been seen since some ferrous idiot buggered off to leave us all in relative peace.

lol in that case i apologise, just wanted to bring out a point

Minimalistix - Could you explain, in a civil fashion the difference between Christian prophecy and the basis of Zionism, I think we may be talking at cross purposes. :wink:

Yep it is the ladder ||
/ \

How does that “ladder” explain anything about hte triumph of Israel and the destruction of the temple, the destruction of the Arabs and the ascendancy if David?

StalingradK did you not read that I asked for an informed and civil appraisal of the differences between Christian prophecy and Zionism, Your Drawing was neither of those things. Back to captain whammo for you!

(actually I can see where Frionpan got it from now)

Im afraid the jews discriminate catholicals (im catholical BTW).
They call catholicals “goya” in spanish.
and as they hide behind the anti-semitims sometimes,they wanted to conquer the argentinian patagonia with their plan andinia

Im so sorry about the things the jewish population suffered when the nazism was,but we aren´t all hitlers,nazis and anti-jewish!.

Zionism and Christianity Prophecy is very much different

Jews think there the chosen race, yet they dont know when Solomons Temple is rebuilt the anti-chirst will come :wink:

The old Testament predicts certain events for the future of the Christian and Jewish Peoples, these predicitions are firther explained and expanded upon in the book of Numbers nad Deuteronomy.

This is the Basis for the Christian Zionism. Compounded by the faked documents that purported to reveal a Jewish Masterplan the Zionists draw their “suppositions” from the predictions in the Bible.

Evidently they have re-interpreted and manipulated the words to result in a dramatic theatrical destruction of the middle east, but the basis for their bleif lies in scripture, however ill founded. Your View that the nation of Israel must survive due to its inclusion in the Book of Numbers suggests you adhere to the views of Zionism.


Zionism a delightful idea that grants a carte blanche to Israelis and Jews to throw diplomacy etc out of the Window.

“The land of Israel belongs to God, and He has decided to give it to the Jewish nation,
in accordance with the covenant sealed on Mount Sinai, a covenant that no other nation
was willing to undertake. After a long exile, we’ve returned home. We bear no malice toward anyone
and seek no harm to anyone. But we will not surrender any portion of our land to foreign powers,
and if foreigners rise up against us to destroy us, we will fight against them and,
with God’s help, we will destroy them.” Martin Wasserman

see Also:
Spanish Inquisition
Divine right of Kings,
www.masada2000.org (last one was a delightful gift from IRONMAN)


go to Church and talk to your priest about the Book Of Relevations :wink:

My father, being a priest, might not be the right priest ot talk to, go for hardline, evangelical, Happy clappy, thigh holster, deep south, revivalist, Baptist, Ironman / David Koresh types.

The CofE is surprisingly quiet on the “hellfire/brimstone, day of Judgement and destruction of the temple” elements at hte end of the Bible, it doesnt go down well with coffee mornings, the WI or the Flower guild to name but a few.

There are prophecies in the wacked out hellfire, demons, sulphurous pits, and forked tongues part of the Bible, that suggest the heathen world will attack Israel and build a huge temple to the heathen Idols. True to form God will then turn up, go Postal on the bad guys and knock it all down, queue Israel lives in peace and the credits roll. The big fight at the end happens on a Gerry Bruckheimer budget at a place called Meggedo - hence Armeggedon. The end of Days.

(I am cynical, I am Sarcastic, It is big and it is Clever)

Or even read it for yourself (It’s really rather short, so isn’t hard). IMHO whoever wrote it was either smoking industrial strength dope, was having a laugh, or really did see exactly that and didn’t have a clue what it meant so wrote it down exactly. It is very, very wierd.

thats the point of asking ur priest about it, cauz many ppl cant understand it (apart from the intellectual people such as ourselves :stuck_out_tongue: ) and many make different assumptions of its meaning as they dont understand and u can imagine what happens next

so if u dont understand just simply ask ur minister or priest

which also bring me to my next point

sign this petition

they need 1 million signings so the EU can take this seriously, its to make one of the conditions of Turkey joining the EU, making Hagia Sophia back into a Church instead of a museum.

for you people that dont know what Hagia Sophia is, its basically the Mother Church of every Christianity Branch, whether you’re Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, whatever, this is basically the Mother Church

its a Orthodox Church though (as Orthodoxy was the first branch of Christianity with Catholic being the 2nd) and it has much history and all

basically when the Turks conquered Constantinople they turned it into a mosque, and when Ataturk was in charge of the Turkey, he stopped it being a mosque and turned it into a museum basically

double post

bah, never mind, Zionism it is then.

As someone who is claiming to be an “intellectual”, do you think you could possibly spend some time studying the rules of spelling, grammar and punctuation? This post (and most of your others) are almost completely devoid of all of them and are quite painful to read. Right now the only response your claims to be an “intellectual” are getting out of me is derision. The one rule I have experienced is that the smarter people are, the less likely they are to admit they’re smart and the more likely they are to listen to new ideas, however dumb. Those who claim to be intelligent (particularly those who post IQ scores) are usually as dumb as two short planks.

Quite apart from the fact that online petitions are a complete waste of bandwidth (so easy to fake everyone ignores the result), doing so would be an incredibly bad idea anyway.

Edit: Comments vanished for some reason - edited to restore.

When you say they will take that Poll to the “EU” who do you mean:?
The executive?
The council?
The Parliament?
The Member states?
A focus Group?

ooh the joys of democracy - an online Poll, being waved infront of an international community of everyone from Americans to Yugolsavians (maybe a Zambian every now and again)

My democratically elected EU representetive is going to have to:
Read your petition,
Realise that half the signatories are from outside the member states,
He will have to decide what is effectively a Town council matter -(what use the building on so-and-so street should be put to)
He will have to decide if the supra-national econonmic body that is the EU has any jurisdiction in Religious matters.
He will have to decide weather to Alienate vast tracts of the European electorate by siding with the Christian interest group in a non state matter.
He will have to weigh the advantages of gaining a member state against the wishes of some internet pollsters wet dream.

And all this on a wage that he quite possibly doesnt deserve - When he should be serving my interests as a European citizen. I am much more concerned with the economic reality of a single currency and common agricultural policy than the use of a collection of stones in some far off corner of the meditteranean. Petition the town council but FFS keep religion as far from poltics as you can, especially international ones and it would be alot easier to sleep at night!

As someone who is claiming to be an “intellectual”, do you think you could possibly spend some time studying the rules of spelling, grammar and punctuation? This post (and most of your others) are almost completely devoid of all of them and are quite painful to read. Right now the only response your claims to be an “intellectual” are getting out of me is derision. The one rule I have experienced is that the smarter people are, the less likely they are to admit they’re smart and the more likely they are to listen to new ideas, however dumb. Those who claim to be intelligent (particularly those who post IQ scores) are usually as dumb as two short planks.


well its the internet, so ummm, No