Terrifying future


go to Church and talk to your priest about the Book Of Relevations ;)[/quote]

My priest?

What are you on?

  1. Why should this be a condition. Its part of Turkey. You aint gonna get Turkey back, live with it.

  2. Internet polls are no listened to.

  3. There are far better things to worry about regarding Turkeys EU application.

  4. GO AWAY…


  1. Why should this be a condition. Its part of Turkey. You aint gonna get Turkey back, live with it.

  2. Internet polls are no listened to.

  3. There are far better things to worry about regarding Turkeys EU application.

  4. GO AWAY…[/quote]

  5. Be proud of the country you were born and live in.

  6. Grow up and get some real life experience, eg. join the Aussie Army.


:shock: :? …Sorry minimalistix but that isnt really true mate.
Are you trying to say that the anti Christ (muslim) are rising up and Christianity should do the Same ??

HOLY WAR !!?!?!

Jordovski, step away slowly, make no sudden movements, do not attract attention to yourself or the theme developing infront of you.

The last thing we need is a fucking Zionist kick off. YES holy war is what he is suggesting but if we let the thread die now we can avoid having him and his mates juping up and down all over this forum.


Just a friendly word of warning, I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to carry on with this thread.

The moderators here do not take kindly to the sort of thing you are saying (see the reason IRONMAN got banned for more details).

As I am practising the art of “Internet Zen” (while suppressing my feelings of incoherent rage) when dealing with some of the “members” of this site, I will not disagree with you on this matter, but I think others will.


LOl Tubbs,

Minimal-is-Dick has already shown he is a Trolling halfwit bent on his own agenda with no intention to contribute to the general forums. I dont think it will be long before he is banned.

On another note, I think I preffered Iron-git, at least I learned something form the threads he was in. Not from him, but the other posters. Still it was better than this CHIT!

Its a small point but can we please leave the Ferrous practice of mispelling curses behind. I am proud of my Anglo Saxon Heritage and consequently would like to see the words htey have offered the English Languge used and spelt correctly.

LoL, trolling half-wit xF

Holy guano buff-cove, I will try better in future.

Am I being accusd of trolling, as far as I am aware Im merely being obtuse to one particular individual and his un-necessary posts. admittedly highlighting these will reuslt in my posts becoming more plentiful for which i apologise.

I am, like most earthlings, “mostly harmless” and do accept correction, and remedy my actions where I am shown by my superiors to be wrong. This is not the action of a TROLL, who will stick to his guns like a Jawless Fijian in Aden!

yes,i see that from your grammar errors :lol:
hey anglo saxon:

Am I being accusd of trolling, as far as I am aware Im merely being obtuse to one particular individual and his un-necessary posts. admittedly highlighting these will reuslt in my posts becoming more plentiful for which i apologise.

I am, like most earthlings, “mostly harmless” and do accept correction, and remedy my actions where I am shown by my superiors to be wrong. This is not the action of a TROLL, who will stick to his guns like a Jawless Fijian in Aden!

you accept corrections?,well,delete all your posts and start them again!!!


  1. Why should this be a condition. Its part of Turkey. You aint gonna get Turkey back, live with it.

  2. Internet polls are no listened to.

  3. There are far better things to worry about regarding Turkeys EU application.

  4. GO AWAY…[/quote]

well ill ignore everything you said cauz if u ARE religious, then u should have respect for the Mother Church of Christianity, if not, go away and stop following me around the forum attacking me

LOl Tubbs,

Minimal-is-Dick has already shown he is a Trolling halfwit bent on his own agenda with no intention to contribute to the general forums. I dont think it will be long before he is banned.

On another note, I think I preffered Iron-git, at least I learned something form the threads he was in. Not from him, but the other posters. Still it was better than this CHIT![/quote]

oh yes i havnt contributed to the forum at all, just three topics RELATED to ww2 (not including the ones not on ww2) in a few days and quite a few posts in the topic related to the french/greek/aussie army

go away, cauz of all things, id be suprised if YOUR banned from this forum as ur the one making abusive posts too me

leave me alone


Only messing mate! :wink:

I suspect quite a few people on the other side of the Great Schism such as myself would have reason to dispute that…
And please, please do something about that spelling - it’s downright painful to read!

and the pope too!,the head of the church in the present :slight_smile:

LOl Tubbs,

Minimal-is-Dick has already shown he is a Trolling halfwit bent on his own agenda with no intention to contribute to the general forums. I dont think it will be long before he is banned.

On another note, I think I preffered Iron-git, at least I learned something form the threads he was in. Not from him, but the other posters. Still it was better than this CHIT![/quote]

oh yes i havnt contributed to the forum at all, just three topics RELATED to ww2 (not including the ones not on ww2) in a few days and quite a few posts in the topic related to the french/greek/aussie army

go away, cauz of all things, id be suprised if YOUR banned from this forum as ur the one making abusive posts too me

leave me alone[/quote]

I missed this earlier…

Minimalistix, please take my advice and tone it down a bit. Not everyone is as rabidly fundamentalist Christian as you are! You may feel that you hold on to the word of the Messiah and that you are therefore always in the right, but…

I have some news for you, all religions essentially preach the same thing! I am a Christian, but I realise that if you look at any of the “holy books” in any detail, they read pretty much the same.

Take for example the great flood. This has been reported in all of the religious texts you care to name!

Chill out mate, and stop being such an IRONMAN!!!

It’s neither big nor clever to start threads or to post with the intent of winding up the other members, any clown can do that - or is that what you’re demonstrating ?
Besides, once you’ve made a provocative post you can’t just squeal ‘leave me alone’ - show some backbone for heaven’s sake !

Look son, it would be a good idea if you took Tubbyboy’s advice to heart, he’s been very patient and polite to you.
If you did so and took the time to contribute non-inflammatory posts, you will in time be accepted as a normal member.
If on the other hand you continue in the same vein as you have hereto, your sojourn on the site will be short and not so sweet.