The AK-47 or the M16 ?

Hmmm I think I’ll have to go for the AK sort of in a round about way by picking the Galil family of rifles, same principle but better workmanship.

Never fired one unfortunately just heard good things and would like to get my sticky mits on one, preferably 7.62. Just for a play mind :lol:

You’d be much better off with one of these

But not one of these

Totally off topic I know.

Only got little red crosses, was that directed at me and if so what would I be better off with?

man, i cant stand the M16, or any of its reletives (car15, m4, ect.)
almost the only country in the world w/o a full automatic standerd service rifle (not including M4)
ill take an AK or a galil anyday.

The Galil has one big advantage though… it has a built-in beer opener :wink:


You sir, see straight through me :lol:

SHHHH, u want everyone to know our secret!!!

This is especially a problem if, like me, you are left eye dominant. I have learned to fire from the right shoulder, but I cannot get anywhere near the scores I got with my left eye when firing a weapon from my right shoulder. Allegedly there are some left handed L85s (probably not A2) out there…

Having said that, I can still do alright when firing a 12-bore (always learned it right handed - can you fire a shotgun left handed?).

Even more bizarrely, I used to do OK on pistol from either hand (well either stance) until the barstewards banned it.

im left eyed,
i dont care if its right handed rifle or not, as long as the ejection port is at least 3 inches forward of my eye.
i have a .22 i cant fire from fmy left cuz the shells hit my eye as the eject.

i fired l85 from the sholder, it aint that bad. speshily when ur used o 12 guage slug guns :wink:

yea u can fire shot guns lefty. its unwise to w/ semi autos tho, all the gasses go right into ur lungs.
pump is ok tho

Re. Galil: Problems - the rearsight is mounted on the flimsy, wobbly topcover, and thus immediately removes the inherent accuracy of the rifle. The safety catch works the wrong way & is a PITA to get off, or you use the dust cover, AK style. It’s also damn heavy.

If you want a really excellent AK-derived rifle then you need the SIG 550 (Stg. 90). A highly accurate AK-derived design, that was put through a severely punishing testing regime:

And yes, I’ve fired one, and it’s seriously accurate at 300m. In fact, I’ve fired the whole family (550, 551 and 552).

EDIT: And Tubs, there’s no LH L85s, only prototypes. Sorry!

another problem w/ the galil is when u take the mag out, the action will slam shut sometimes, other than that i still like it better than the AR

Last time I looked at a Galil it didn’t have a last-round hold-open…

well, if ur ‘proper’ (lol) with firearms, ull automaticly open the action after the last shot.

I don’t even remeber there being a hold-open at all - just like the AK doesn’t have one.

yea, we have one for sale at the local range, it has a hold. (galil)

Damn that bastard that raised my hopes, I will be having words tomorrow!


yea, we have one for sale at the local range, it has a hold. i dont know, but i think fire arms are required to have a hold or an open or something like that[/quote]

No, there’s no requirements for firearms to have a hold open in the US or anywhere that I know of. Next time I’m at the gunsmiths I’ll have a look at his Galil.

Just had a look at an exploded diagram, and I can’t see any hold-open of any sort - it could be an after-market mod though.

I’ve seen a Chinese AK with a bizarre auto-hold open that was crap & would go forwards when you knocked the rifle. The guy shooting it got utterly battered by it - although there’s 4/5 of feck all recoil on the thing, he was a big bloke & the AK seems to have been designed for siberian midgets wearing thick clothing, so it really didn’t fit him!

A chinese Ak??- for real mate?, that would be quite ammusing, i mean of course itll be bizzare and out of the ordinary, ITS chinese !!! :lol:

My friend has a Romanian AK-47 (only semi-automatic), and its stock is somewhat shorter than what it should be, so it was weird to hold.

Oh right, you know what year this Ak was made in mate ?