The AK-47 or the M16 ?

was anyone else confused by that last sattement??


I think late 1950’s early 1960’s.

I think late 1950’s early 1960’s.[/quote]
I think 1947 :wink:

Did you mean the Romanian or the Chinese one ?

Did you mean the Romanian or the Chinese one ?[/quote]

Romanian :? :slight_smile:

16 years ago I was in Romanian Army at so called “Reserve Officer School”. At that time we had several variants of “AKM” (Romanian obviously) and 3 models (by year of entering in production):
Model 1961;
Model 1963;
Model 1974;
All three with 7.62 mm caliber.
Now ('cause we have several weapon factory) we manufacture “AKM” (new shape and materials) with different calibers (amongst them it is also 5.56 mm).
Edited: 5.45 :oops:

Have you got a link to the Rumanian arms industry I’d be interested reading up on that a bit, thanks F66

Briefly, few links and infos. (more to come if needed)

Good descriptions here:

Edited: Romanian MOD:

16 years ago in the Romanian army Dani, thats impressive.
Where you born and bred in Romania?

Dani, this is as I’m sure you’re aware, the (very) short bbl AIMS. (AIMS is also called the Pistol Mitraliera 63 I understand.)
Do you know when the side folding model was first produced ?
Also do you know if the the AKSU type muzzle device was originally a Romanian or a Soviet design ?

With side folding metal stock after 1990 (maybe 1992). That muzzle device is Romanian.
Speaking of folding, for tanks crew and paratroopers we had this up to 1990 (I don’t know how to say it in English):

It is a Russian picture. I wanted only to show the folding.

For AIMS: this is not "Pistol Mitraliera 63 " 61, 63 and 74 were models (see my previous post - Pistol Mitraliera = Submachine Gun)

For Army special forces and “Securitate” troops, prior to 1989, it was a special Pistol Mitraliera (we called BB) with a very very short barrel.
Unfortunatelly I don’t have any picture of it. I will search. :slight_smile:

Thanks Dani, I was interested to know if the muzzle device on the AKSU, (the very short AK74,) was pinched from another WAPA country or if the Sovs had made it themselves.
If it first appeared on Romanian wpns in 1990 then perhaps it is Russian ?

Do you know the designation of the side-folders, especially the short 7.62x39 one pictured above ?

Here’s a couple of pics of the AIMS:

It can be seen why the rearward swept foregrip is necessary with the under-folding stock.

Mag changes can be a bit of a nightmare as the front of the magazine tends to hit the rear of the grip.

Off-topic: I don’t intend to make this topic as Romanian Army. Please apologies.

Actually, Romanian Army will replace “old weapons” with new ones:

Guard of honour on Frigate “regele Ferdinand”.
Weapons, as far as I know will be produced in Romania. They are Israeli design.

Another view (back in autumn 2004 in Portsmouth)

Otherwise please check this at Romanian Navy Academy.


Afghanistan - Military police.

Afghanistan 2003, different Romanian weapons

Afghanistan 2004

Dani - how did we convince you lot to but L85A1s after all the problems we had? And did anyone notice that someone’s nicked all the foresights? :wink:

Saw a lot of your lads in Iraq, they all seemed to have AKs still

Oh shit those weapons you say came from Isreal are old L85A1s from the British army, total bag of shit (especially when they have an iron rear sight and no fore sight???

Edit to add: Bugger you beat me to it :lol:

I feel so very sorry for the Romanian navy !
The weapons they are carrying are L85A1’s - God alone knows what behind the scenes shenannigans went on for the British Government to unload those things on your countrymen !
(By the way, they should ask for some foresights.)

I apologise unreservedly for the actions of the politicos.

But I do like the secret weapon in the foreground of the third picture - please ensure she is delivered to my bedspace.

Edited to add: Bugger ! Both of you beat me to it !

:oops: Sorry for that
I was intended to talk about Tavor:

In Romania are still huge debates of what weapon should be choose (also to be produced in the country).

For different assignments, Military police have also these:

Well, I supposed that BritGov delivered those together with frigates (we bought 2 frigates from UK).

Also it was a suggestion from UK MOD that Romania should buy 40 (or something) old Tornados. RomGov denied so far the suggestion.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

It is strange that there has been no info from the British side reference the sale or however else they have got shot of the SA80s.

I doubt if it means we will be getting a decent weapon in the near future, but stranger things happen at sea.

Dani, if Romania is to produce these useless things, (which don’t by the way meet NATO minimum standards,) campaign now to ensure that the presses are not the same ones that Royal Ordanance use.
They cannot bend metal of sufficient thickness to properly support the bolt carrier.

I sincerely hope that this is a glitch and that you have received these as a gift.
As a battle rifle they make great fishing weights.

To Britcon, have you noticed that in the first picture the remains of a butt no. can still be seen on the ‘wpn’ of the matelot nearest the camera ?