haha, Australia cant defend itself, too much coastline with a small population, Indonesia could over run us in a couple of weeks providing w ehad no allies but thats when America comes in and kicks butt along with the Kiwi’s

Not to mention JORN, the P-3s, and the RAN. It’s similar to the Germans with Sea Lion - they can overrun you if they land and sustain their forces, but they can’t. So like the UK in 1940, you’re safe.

but what you dont understand, Australia has a ENOURMOUS coastline

compare Australia to Englands land mass, then our population, then compare it to Indonesia’s population

we’re gonners

hopefully our 1 billion aid donation the government gave during the tsunami disaster should save us for a lil while longer

Compare the RAN to the Indonesian navy, and work out the distance they have to cover. The only way they can do it is build tens of thousands of enormous Trebuchets to fling parachute troops all the way to Australia - anything else would get sunk/shot down hundreds of miles short of Australia.
The length of coastline is utterly irrelevant unless you want to prevent smuggling.

You have got an enormous coastline but there is sod-all inside it relatively speaking and the terrain inside is very difficult to cross. Wherever you land - perhaps excepting the eastern coast - you are hundreds of miles of difficult country away from anything vital or any major population centres other than Darwin or Perth.
Melbourne, for example, is thousands of nautical miles from any potentially hostile nation and thousands of overland kilometers. Provided that the rail-links are blown and you have sufficient fighter cover to prevent a major air-hop it could take months to cross the country.

And that is why they will not win. The size of the country to be controlled, lines of communication are vast and can not be covered (see Iraq). As Massena found out in Portugal big armies need lots of food.

Also, don’t forget all of the ex-British squaddies who are so pissed off with this country that they are transferring to the Oz army!

Your armed forces (sorry Defence Forces) have probably never been in better shape :smiley:

Edited to add: I’d be joining them if you let junior ranks transfer, instead I’m thinking of NZ.

I’d go for it if they are prepared to accept a bald 45yr old larikin for posting to the Banyo Tavern in Brisbane. Tubby if you are accepted in NZ ask for a posting near the Bendigo in Alexandra , Central Otago just dont drink the speights, if you stick to Lion Red you’ll be right.

What you dont know is that australian army may be small but we are bloody good fighters, trained for any kind of scenario.
Besides if Indonesia invaded australia, Australias best friend who is CHINA would invade Indonesia…then of course U.S.A and England will protect us.
But then again…Everybody loves Australia :smiley: :smiley: :lol: :lol:

hahaha, never thought of it like that, nice thinking :smiley:

join the OZ army, join the Australian SAS, they r the best trained troops in the world, even better then the foreign legion (believe it or not)

we also have the best trained air force

Err, the foreign legion are normal troops (albeit quite good ones), not SF, so there’s no comparison really.

There’s also the proper SAS & SBS to consider too…

  1. At last report, I heard the Aussie SASR was the 4th best trained unit in the world. The British SAS was the highest

  2. Aside from the RAAF’s training, did you know that for a full on campaign, we have enough bombs to equip our fighter-bombers for one day only? :shock:

when was it that u last heard, cauz when i last heard it was the Australian SAS

  1. At last report, I heard the Aussie SASR was the 4th best trained unit in the world. The British SAS was the highest


when was it that u last heard, cauz when i last heard it was the Australian SAS[/quote]

No no didnt you hear? It was Fijis special forces the’re the best in the world!!

why dont you guys post links or something to provide evidence for your claims. If you dont, your image is going to end up like Ironmans.

right sry, take no offence, i just seem to be generally pissed.

  1. At last report, I heard the Aussie SASR was the 4th best trained unit in the world. The British SAS was the highest


when was it that u last heard, cauz when i last heard it was the Australian SAS[/quote]

No no didnt you hear? It was Fijis special forces the’re the best in the world!!

why dont you guys post links or something to provide evidence for your claims. If you dont, your image is going to end up like Ironmans.

right sry, take no offence, i just seem to be generally pissed.[/quote]

Hence the recent dullard-bashing threads, although the subtle message doesn’t seem to be getting across… :roll:

Im not to sure if My country has the best Aircraft Pilots :? but i do know we are pretty well trained for any battle.

One thing I noticed listening to soldiers of various nations is that the one thing the military don’t teach is humility.
If it is not the own platoon, company, battalion, regiment, arm of service which is the best in the world, it is one’s national military.
Your own isalways by far the best!


Good point Jan :slight_smile: , They want the soldiers to be fighting for a country of pride and not humility and shame.

  1. At last report, I heard the Aussie SASR was the 4th best trained unit in the world. The British SAS was the highest


when was it that u last heard, cauz when i last heard it was the Australian SAS[/quote]

No no didnt you hear? It was Fijis special forces the’re the best in the world!!

why dont you guys post links or something to provide evidence for your claims. If you dont, your image is going to end up like Ironmans.

right sry, take no offence, i just seem to be generally pissed.[/quote]

I think it was the “7:30 Report” a couple years back. Although I didn’t praise the Aus SASR nor the RAAF as much, so I don’t see your reasoning for the backlash.

Correct but in the British armies case it is true. :stuck_out_tongue: