Yeah, just over 15,000 of them. Then, when the Japs invaded, YET AGAIN the Poms decided to throw us to the lions, just as they did in WW1. Our blokes were told to surrender and many of them did (14,972), were incarcerated in the infamous Changi “POW”( term loosely used, more like concentration camp) camp, which consisted of the Changi Prison (still in use) as well as six other barracks areas (Selarang barracks where the Aussies were “housed”), and died horrible deaths due to disease and starvation.

Would you like a chip for the other shoulder too?

By the way that statement is, of course, self pitying Aussie whining. If you actually studies Gallipoli you would nothe that there were far more “pom” casualties than Digger ones.

Our blokes were told to surrender and many of them did (14,972),

Were there any that werent captured and didnt surrender? I thought they all surrendered. I’d be interested to know stories of the escapees.

G’Day mates!

Just wonderign who were the “Chindits” becuase there is bearly any information about these allied jungle fighters of WWII.

Do you think what the Japanese did to the Aussies was fair considering we DID feed thier prisoneers and kept them in good health.

I posted a NEW topic by mistake.

It doesn’t answer thE question fully, but try the War MEMORIAL’S SITE for that.

Thanks Timbo! That help me out. :smiley:

I don’t believe I just read that !

Try this:

Try Google

Choose life etc etc etc…

Thanks Firefly. Im sorry if i offended those. ( because i didnt really know who they were)