in sydney they sniff and drink metholated spirits, i didnt know about the horse glue sniffing though…

Yeah horse shoe glue sniffing kills the brain cells, they also like sniffing petrol, surely they werent that dumb back in about 30 years ago doing that :? :? .

yea they sniff petrol here too

Alas, sometimes u cant blame them as they have no identity

yes, majority of people would take advantage on the fact they can go to uni for free no questions asked, and no matter how dumb they r they can go to uni

True, very true.
Some good posts you make minimalstix :wink: :wink:

Do you know if there are still native half naked abo’s that run around the outback, cos if there are i reckon the government should scoop up the white people mixing aboriginals and place them with the natives to regain their cultral traditions and get away from white man. :smiley: :lol: 8)
One day the aboriginee will simply be outbred by white man, Half casts will become fully white…its kinda sad when you think of what we did to a whole beautiful race on the luckiest country in the world. :frowning:

yeahs it very depressing, thats why they should stop wasting away and try regain their cultural and historical identity instead of wadting there lives on booze and drugs

When i went to Sydney a month ago i didn’t see any aboriginals but plenty of asians alot of chinese.
Over in perth theres heaps of half casts though.
i have to say mate out of all the cities in australia ive been to Sydney and Perth are the most blessed and nicest. :smiley: :smiley: 8) 8)

what do guys think of crocodile dundee? is it a horrible sterotype?

not as bad as Redneck imbred Neo-Nazi hillbillies from Alabama :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, crocodile dundee is an old aussie croc bloke good for a laugh.
There are actually quite alot of blokes like that guy but aussies over where i live are VB beer drinking, bare foot guys that call the pub and footy their home and life…Ahhhh the life of the Aussie.
good thing about watching footy with a beer at your favourite pub is that alot of the sheilas come and join ya haha.

see, luckily im in Sydney with alot of Greeks, Italians, Slavs

more immigrants that Anglo-Saxons :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I came from the Saxons mate…

bur ur an educated Saxon, not one that drinks VB all day, goes to Centrelink in the afternoon and watch the Rugby by night

In absence of any MOD here, Id say, please get back on topic. If you guys want to start an Australian social issues thread please start one in Off Topic Topics. :evil:

:oops: Thanks Firefly!


Welll anyway minimalistix you got any relatives that were in the Australian Army WW2 mate, quite alot of people were involved!?

Minimalistix, you have a Greek ancestory right?, so when did your ancestors move to australia, which Generation was it do you know ?

By the way being a bit off topic :oops: but have you seen that movie about the Austraian greeks “Fat Pizza” :lol:

my Mums Parents moved to Australia in 1960 and my mum was born in Sydney 1961, my dad and his family came in 1969 and my dad was 8 going 9

so im like generation 2 and a half (lol)

and the show Fat Pizza is mostly about Lebanse people

the main character Paulie is Maltese and the other two main characters Habib and Rocky are Lebanese

i got second highest score in my year in our last History test which was about Australia in WW2

Minimalistix, just trying to get things back on topic (almost) back when I was around your age, which was a good long time ago ( early 70’s ) I used to stay up late at the weekend for an Australian tv show called Spy Force in which two Aussie commandoes called Erskine ( tough but not as tough as big Dunc) and Harbour (slightly effeminate of German heritage) would stick it to the Japanese on a weekly basis. I remember it as being top stuff but that may be due to not having seen it for around 30 years.
Have you ever come across this show and if so has it stud the test of time . If you have’nt a clue what I’m on about ask your dad as we seem to be of a similar age prehaps he may remember it.

Large Brew ive never heard of this show, certainly will ask my dad about the show though, thanks

By the way can anyone find out how many aussies served in Singapore?

Indonesia invading Aust, or even over-running us??? Don’t make me laugh…that bunch of semi-illiterate, hopeless muslim wakkas haven’t got a chance. Their naval vessels are rusted to shit, their 2 submarines can’t even submerge (ex german type 209s), their aircraft are falling out of the sky, not to mention that their pilots are too afraid to fly at night, as well as their pathetic army-good against subsistence farming communities, but sadly lacking against skilled, professionals. Their SF, Kopassus, is second-rate and are regarded as “bullies”, even by their own non-SF troops!!!
The Indons would be butt-slammed before they even left their home ports!!!