The Balkan War Thread

Not at all…

Becouse this is puppet, but not the inner american organisation right?
Well may be becouse GErmany and France still have a PRIDE to ask - what to hell the they will do in Iraq?
At the same time the most of others supports this adventure UNDOUBTELY

But few NATO nations actually do what the US says and the characterization of NATO as a US “puppet” is just silly. Certainly the US has enormous influence by the extension of it as the largest military power, if it is waning because of flawed policies and the penchant for unilateral actions…

You can go down the list of nations and then evaluate their contributions to the US’s policy goals, and find most are minimal save for intervention in Afghanistan where Canadian and UK forces have suffered significant losses or people and material. And there is a substantial contribution of other NATO forces such as Germany and Denmark. But the Attack on the United States of September 11, 2001 triggered the NATO doctrine, so they were responding to a treaty obligation as many nations have since the beginning of treaties…

See a Kato posts above …
The Narco traffic, the muslim extremists and ets…

As far as the KLA? There are many drug smugglers in Europe. But since we’re talking about Islam, does not Islam prohibit any drug stronger than coffee? Even alcohol? Are we really blaming the religion for criminals that the religion itself condemns?

Not muslims but the Muslim Extremists ( who in fact the most of the kosovars are)
And if you think that the american base is the guaranty…
Just wathc to Iraq now- this is most danger place for living today although there a lot of American troops.

The security situation improved greatly when the US pried the Sunni insurgents away from al Qaeda of Iraq, whatever actually constitutes ‘AQI’. The truth is that the Sunni nationalist guerrillas were growing weary of the savage terror attacks on civilians endemic of the ‘mass violence to trigger a spontaneous uprising’ --which seems to be the failed ideological basis of Islamic extremist movements. This event called the “Sunni awakening” (in which the US is paying them not to kill our troops, but is being squandered as with all gains from “The Surge” by the sectarianism of the Iraqi Shiite gov’t) is in itself is a bit of contradiction of the premise of this thread…

What cases?
Where is the Ukrainian speech welcomed in Russia? I want to learn about such places.

The Russian ethnic stock is the most vague and indefinite concept within the compass of Euroasia. In fact Moscovia, predecessor of the Russian Empire, had the ethnic stock made up through mixing between Slavic tribes and Finno-Ugric peoples.

Then there was extensive mixing with Tartar, Turkic peoples and other nations that where included into the Russian empire. Afterwards there was mixing with Belarusians and Ukrainians.

So it is difficut to say what is the Russian ethnicity and it is unclear on what ideological grounds it can be based. Other nations of the former USSR has a long history of nationalism, struggle to preserve their ethnicities while Russians ( originally Slavic-Finno-Ugric Moscovians), have been just mixing with different nations all the time in the Russian Empire or the USSR and continue to do so in multy-national Russian Federation.

Besides there is a need of some national ideological and political basis for any ethnicity. Russians have not had any. Soviet Communism, Russian monarchism had little to do with any ethnicity, they were the systems of the multi-national empires. The legal status of the bulk of so-called Russians in the Russian Empire (who were mainly bonds) was significantly lower than the status of of all the jews, foreigners from Europe and many conquered nations.

Even the national symbols of the multi-ethnical population of the modern RF have no sence at all. They are the flag of the tsar Russian Empire, Soviet Bolshevik anthem and the coat of arms stolen from non-existant Bysantia.

The Russian federation has had extensive cooperation with the NATO with lots of treaties, many common exercises, Russian officers studying in the US and other NATO military academies, NATO specialists saving Russian submarines etc.

It is an open question which state collaborates with the NATO more: Ukraine or the Russian Federation.