Yeah, a really honest ‘man’ ! :roll:

AFAIK he was only the President of RSA.
‘Voted’ in by the leftist western world.
However better than I’d hoped.

For a terrorist that is.

Yeah, a really honest ‘man’ ! :roll:[/quote]
yes (hey!,what has if he was with other woman!,that isn´t important for the country!)
and of course he´s a man,why do you put “” between MAN???

Because the low-life sh1t is a draft-dodging, wife cheating, dope-smoking, vow-breaking, self-opinionated, lying, murdering piece of kak !

I would add grandmother-beating but that’s the only thing I’ve got no evidence of.

THAT’s why !

He should be arrested purely for being in posession of an offensive wife !

Never mind the fact that she’s abused her position as the spouse of a minister for personal gain…


Because the low-life sh1t is a draft-dodging, wife cheating, dope-smoking, vow-breaking, self-opinionated, lying, murdering piece of kak !

I would add grandmother-beating but that’s the only thing I’ve got no evidence of.

THAT’s why ![/quote]
:shock: ,it isn´t important if he is a murdering piece of kak,if he smoked,or he lied to his wife when you´re a president!!!,YOU HAVE TO MAKE BETTER YOUR COUNTRY,not to be a good civilian!,that isn´t the goal of a president.

and im afraid Bush IS SHIT,who wants money at cost of fucking his country,killing americans,givving the soldiers drugs!,sending bombers to kill iraqi civilians and thinking that he´s good.

btw,tonyblair sucks :wink:

intelligent thinking cuts!

Because the low-life sh1t is a draft-dodging, wife cheating, dope-smoking, vow-breaking, self-opinionated, lying, murdering piece of kak !

I would add grandmother-beating but that’s the only thing I’ve got no evidence of.

THAT’s why ![/quote]
:shock: ,it isn´t important if he is a murdering piece of kak,if he smoked,or he lied to his wife when you´re a president!!!,YOU HAVE TO MAKE BETTER YOUR COUNTRY,not to be a good civilian!,that isn´t the goal of a president.

and im afraid Bush IS SHIT,who wants money at cost of fucking his country,killing americans,givving the soldiers drugs!,sending bombers to kill iraqi civilians and thinking that he´s good.

btw,tonyblair sucks :wink:[/quote]

No Erwin, in a place like the United States it is important that he’s not a draft-dodging, wife cheating, dope-smoking, vow-breaking, self-opinionated, lying, murdering piece of kak, because he is both the figurehead for the nation and the political leader.
As the figurehead he should be setting an example for the youth of the country, not telling them that it is ok to lie.

I’m not defending the present president at all, but your question was about the slimeball Slick Willie.

(And I agree with you about Tony Bliar too !)

I find American politics bemusing, They attempt to impeach Clinton for a BJ , though he left office with a strong ecconomy. Then re-elect the man that blew the cash pot on paying for a dodgy war while giving tax rebates to rich. If the reports on the money trail from Iraq are true shoud’nt US forces in Iraq be named Force Halliburton.
Yes Blair is still a knob and I have been drinking again ( I’m off until Thursday)

Because the low-life sh1t is a draft-dodging, wife cheating, dope-smoking, vow-breaking, self-opinionated, lying, murdering piece of kak !

I would add grandmother-beating but that’s the only thing I’ve got no evidence of.

THAT’s why ![/quote]
:shock: ,it isn´t important if he is a murdering piece of kak,if he smoked,or he lied to his wife when you´re a president!!!,YOU HAVE TO MAKE BETTER YOUR COUNTRY,not to be a good civilian!,that isn´t the goal of a president.

and im afraid Bush IS SHIT,who wants money at cost of fucking his country,killing americans,givving the soldiers drugs!,sending bombers to kill iraqi civilians and thinking that he´s good.

btw,tonyblair sucks :wink:[/quote]

No Erwin, in a place like the United States it is important that he’s not a draft-dodging, wife cheating, dope-smoking, vow-breaking, self-opinionated, lying, murdering piece of kak, because he is both the figurehead for the nation and the political leader.
As the figurehead he should be setting an example for the youth of the country, not telling them that it is ok to lie.

I’m not defending the present president at all, but your question was about the slimeball Slick Willie.

(And I agree with you about Tony Bliar too !)[/quote]
my cousin is a good patriot yankee,the family Schätzer is spread in more than 4 countries,and has a long history line,not very destacated but still line,and we are characterised by patriotism.
my cousin Günter loves usa.

i really like usa too,and i know that if usa falls,WE FALL!.

ask an american about the looking of Clinton,and you will find it´s a very liked president in some states (there are extremist republicans and some states).

and of course blair is pure shit,and a co*/sucker,but im afraid tatcher is the worst and ugliest thing i ever saw on my life,if i have to choose tatcher or tony for prime minister,by far,i will choose tony.

kirchner sucks!

TRUE WORDS LARGEBREW!,i see an intelligent mind :smiley: ,i always like you!,continue having your peaceful and correct posts! :wink:

Not biased against the Baroness at all are we Erwin ?
I suppose a good spanking by a teacher will always remain in one’s memory.
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The only Prime Minister of the United Kingdom with a pair of cajones since Winston Churchill.

Fair go Cuts but lets face it she was a real munter and attractive to those of a dominated nature. I still use her image mentaly to delay payload delivery.

Ah bloody oath mate, I wouldn’t let her have any Cuts love in my wildest dreams, but even thinking about the WMF would give me horrifying nightmares ! :shock:

if you are talking what im thinking,and about margaret tatcher…that´s nasty :expressionless:

if you are talking what im thinking,and about margaret tatcher…that´s nasty :|[/quote]

Erwin, the WMF is what Generalissimo Bliar’s wife is known as - the Wide Mouthed Frog.

(I’ve just tried to download some pics of it onto this site to no avail, then tried to set links to them with similar results.
I’m very glad to say that this site has an ugly filter !)

Kennedy got the US involved in a ground war in Vietnam and gutted the US strategic nuclear forces. Had Eisenhower’s policies been continued the Soviets wouldn’t have started the Cuban Missile Crisis - they wouldn’t have dared IMHO. I really have very little good to say about him or LBJ - the best I can do is pass some of the blame to their cabinet like Robert Strange MacNamara or Ramsey Macdonald (MacNamara did everything he could to destroy the US strategic advantage over the Soviets, and Macdonald did everything he could to tie the hands of the US armed forces - last I heard of him he was claiming US forces from the 1991 Gulf War should be prosecuted for war crimes on the grounds they killed enemy soldiers…)
Reagan may have been lazy, but he broke the Soviet economy and won the cold war without a shot being fired. For that achievement alone he belongs among the greats.

Bullshit. 1st…It was Eisenhower who sent “advisor’s” to Vieinam. Kennedy sent a few more but wanted to eventually pull them out. LBJ started the ground war. The 1st actual battle between US and Vietnamese forces was in the Ia Drang Valley in 65.

2nd…the Soviets would have done the exact same thing. We had offensive Nukes in Turkey and Kennedy would have jumped on Cuba if the CIA hadnt pissed him off so bad.

Here is my take on Kennedy. I dont care want anyone thinks… Kennedy was killed in a coup. America did lose its innocence when he was killedc. He was an okay president but probably should have never been one. IMO he should have been court marshalled for his actions on PT-109. He was asleep at the wheel. Funny that was the only American PT boat sunk during WW2. Anyhow you cant dispute the fact that he and the Soviets did a good job at defusing the Cuban Missle Crisis.

Well…I somewhat agree. Lets not forget L.B. Johnson was a Democrat and responsible for the escalation in Vietnam. Dont forget one of the most celebrated presidents was Abraham Lincoln and a Republican. But IMO the Democrats seem to have done a better job.[/quote]

As a fellow American I am ashamed of you :stuck_out_tongue: , you should know that Republicans were more like Democrats back then, political views changed very very much after 1890 and you could say the sides switch the views but kept the names… and the best president was FDR hands down, he took us through the depression and throughout WW2, next to FDR is JFK and Bill Clinton.