are you republican,democrat or fascist?.

mate,roosevelt was good,bush is bad.

I am a democrat, if you ask me, Republicans are selfish bastards who couldn’t care a flying shit about the country’s people and economy as long as they make a few extra $100,000 :evil:

oh sorry,i thought you were saying that you were ashamed of me mate.

:smiley: im democrat too

StalingradK do you think that the political right has lost out to the Christian right. I do not mean this in a derogatory way( being a holy roller) but with the possibility of the overturning of Rowe V Wade in the near future. Has GWB sold his soul to the fundamentalists.
The GOP is making a mistake in delving into the dark waters of Womans rights and will pay the price not only in the next election but for the considerable future.

Mind you this may not be such a bad thing . I followed the US election and felt Kerry was the best choice. The swift boat stuff hurt him and he should have gone for them. I’d take the testimony of his crew over the politcly biased retoric of the veterans who bearly knew him.
At least he went to the war unlike GWB. However had the VC decided to attack cocktail bars in Texas George would have been on the front line.

Yes this country has fallen to deeply into religion more than politics, not saying religion is bad but come on, worshiping won’t help your country’s foriegn policys or the country’s ecconomy, I am just as religious as the next guy but… WHAT THE FUCK?
Our fore fathers never made this country to be ruled by religion but by debates freedom of expression, and freedom of speech which I think is dramatically declining… DAMN THE POLITICALLY CORRECT SHIT :o , not on the word of god. Though god is 8)

Well…I somewhat agree. Lets not forget L.B. Johnson was a Democrat and responsible for the escalation in Vietnam. Dont forget one of the most celebrated presidents was Abraham Lincoln and a Republican. But IMO the Democrats seem to have done a better job.[/quote]

As a fellow American I am ashamed of you :stuck_out_tongue: , you should know that Republicans were more like Democrats back then, political views changed very very much after 1890 and you could say the sides switch the views but kept the names… and the best president was FDR hands down, he took us through the depression and throughout WW2, next to FDR is JFK and Bill Clinton.[/quote]

Your ashamed of me for what? Coz it would appear you basically just restated what I did. There have been a couple of good republican presidents but I think we have had much better demos as presidents. There are + and - to both sides. Thats why im a Independant. But I lean more towards the Democrats. FDR was only great because he lead us thru a tough war. Many of his plans to reform the country werent working. WW2 pulled us out of the Depression. JFK was calm and a good president. I still think he should have been court marshalled for his actions on PT-109. (Asleep at the wheel and I dont care what anyone says) Now Bill Clinton…I wish he could run again. He could be the biggest male slut in the world and I would vote for him again if he could run. :smiley:


Lets come back to earth here for a minute. Clinton was not impeached for a blow job…he was impeached for lying under oath in a court of law. What good did Carter do?? Carter let Castro empty his prisons of his worst scum and send them to the USA.
In a nut shell, the Democrats want to tax the money I work hard for and give it to lazy welfare people. The Republicans want me to keep more of my money with less taxing.
If you like paying taxes and supporting people who don’t want to work Vote Democrat…If you want less taxes and keep more of your money that you work hard for Vote Republican.
You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps. Look who you see backing the Democrats and look who you see backing the Republicans.

There are good on both side’s, but I see the democrats rewarding mediocrity.

i see the republicans as a pro dictatorship (see the schwarseneger letter),who excludes and discriminates some kinds of people,and want to make the things as the laws of the old west.

Clinton left the country with a great economy,i dk if he was or not corrupt,but he left the country with money,that is the important,and the people lived better than now,with the bush’s goverment and the bancrupt of united states.

the best president,Franklin Roosevelt,was democrat.

of course,this only my opinion,and im influenced to my cousin gunter,who lives in america.

Where does Gunther live and what does he do for a living? just curious, was he born in america? I agree with you arnold sucks for california, I predict he will not be re-elected. :smiley:

Biting my lip, I have to agree with Erwin, Americas forign policy has more to do with the profitability of companies like Halliburton than with political expediancy. GWB came into post with a financial surplus and has since blown it on a capricious sojorn into Iraq, that has everything to do with gas prices and nothing to do with 9/11 or imagend WMD’s or links to Bin Larden. I’m sorry but " he( Saddam) tried to kill my dad" is a piss poor reason to go to war.
The UK has forces in theatre only because or leader is a knob and our toms love a kick off.

Iraq is not a good cause anymore, they do not want it…THEY DO NOT DESERVE IT… IM all for getting the hell out.

Gunther?,he lives in ney york city,and he has works in a company (well,that was 1 year ago :lol: ,maybe now he changed the work again).
and he is 24.

What the hell are you talking about? People who vote for republicans usually have less than 4 teeth, Live in the south, and sit on their asses collecting welfare while they sit at home in their trailer. White trash mostly if you ask me… And also, I don’t think you know much about politics, because republicans tend to make bad situations worst for the country in living space and privleges, and we all know that the republicans tried to impeach Bill Clinton Twice, and both times for not “sleeping around”.

So what, both sides arent perfect, for example, I’m not for abortion but we should still have it, you know why? Common sense, which people do not have, abortions will still happen even if it’s banned, because people will die trying to get a backalley abortion. If you look at records of backalley abortions, the woman only has like a 40% survival rate. And the working hard part? I’m sorry, but what point are you trying to give over that republicans is the side that works “hard” when they lay-off hundreds of thousands of people almost every year, if you look at what Clinton did, he gave jobs to people, improved cities and towns, and accually started giving money the ghetto communities for improvement. He was a good example of a good democratic.

And what you said is iggnorant also, a lot of people (maybe 40% of them) cannot even get their foot in the door because they live in crappy areas and can’t get out. If you knew anything about America, it is said the hardest thing in this country is “getting out of the ghetto”. And whose fault if this? People that do not make the people put enough money into taxes to make poor areas liveable. If you do not want to pay taxes, then you want this country to become like Northern New Jersey… and for that… Get the hell out of this country and never come back.

Republicans in my eyes are selfish, money eatting, racist bastards (there’s only 1 maybe 2 black people in the republican partyy) and anyone who votes for them… I just don’t know what to say… Is this country going to hell or something?

Good to see that General Isation is still serving his country well !

WTF? No, really, wtf? And there’s only 1 maybe 2 black people in the republican party? How’s about Condi and Colin then! What about the Florida Federation of Black Republicans?

My wife was originally a card-carrying Democrat. Since growing up & moving to Europe, she has renounced that and is considering joining Republicans Abroad, after spending a few years experiencing 19% sales tax, 55ish% income tax & huge numbers of people on indefinite, state-sponsored sick leave for “stress”. Oh, and 42% sales tax on new cars, and $6+ a gallon for petrol. Not to mention the almost zero economic growth, over-regulation, social engineering, chronic welfarism, lack of personal responsibility, political correctness and so on that Europe is so famous for & Democrats want the US to become more like.

Once you’ve grown up a bit and have earned real money, you’ll see just how much they take away from you just to pour into the gaping maw of government and welfare. Then you’ll change your mind just like the wife.

Not literatly 1-2 people :? and 19% sale tax? what the hell, I’m talking about America, NOT EUROPE, and I know how much taxes are here in my specific area of this country, and ever since a republican ruled this state, it’s gone to hell, no one can get a job, one of our biggest cities is going to hell and being sucked dry of funds. And those tax numbers… wow, come live here in America, only the petrol prices are the same. And without taxes (that accually go to the state), your country would be a hell hole, no one realized that, honestly you must sacrifice some to better your country, if you haven’t joined the military, think of it as doing your part. And republicans also spend tax money on useless stuff, and mostly on their selves.

And cuts? What the heck are you talking about, explain to me.

What’s going on in Europe anyways… DAMN MAN, they are like robbing you guys :frowning:

Keep in mind, MY POSTS WERE ABOUT AMERICA NOT EUROPE, I don’t know what’s going on their. So don’t be offended by what you said if you live in Europe, if you are offended and you live in America, I just don’t give, so yeah…

And what you said is iggnorant also, People that do not make the people put enough money into taxes to make poor areas liveable. If you do not want to pay taxes, then you want this country to become like Northern New Jersey… and for that… Get the hell out of this country and never come back.

Republicans in my eyes are selfish, money eatting, racist bastards (there’s only 1 maybe 2 black people in the republican partyy)

Speaking of Ignorant (sp) what you say is twisted around. That’s how the democrats here in America get the votes…they buy most of the votes by giving money to lazy welfare people who know if they want more free money they better vote democrat. I pay 30% taxes what do you pay?