Hey… BDL, idiot, we already went over this, read the whole thread dammit.

And republicans are pretty much racist and the country is like, ran by republicans… so wtf?

How can you say that they are racist when they have (or at least had) TWO black people in the president’s cabinet?

Sorry, I forgot to ask permission from a 14 year old before I posted :roll:

Oh, and fuck off

Does Condeleeza Rice know how racist her party is?

Sorry, I forgot to ask permission from a 14 year old before I posted :roll:

Oh, and fuck off

Does Condeleeza Rice know how racist her party is?[/quote]
BDL,the offensive comment you did later here is gone,but if you insult again stalingrad,you will see the things different (WITH THE WORDS BANNED!!!).

yes,there is a black minority in that party (wich have been put by the republican leaders to gain support of the black population and then fuck them when they are in goverment!)
so shut up!.

They need the votes from minorities, that’s the only reason they have black people in their party, but the funny thing is, they still are not getting any from them :lol:


Ummm… and exactly how many senior black politicians are there in the Democratic party? Ever hear of “Dixiecrats”, or wonder why the south was solidly Democratic from the end of the Civil War until very recently? Prior to LBJ the Democrats were very clearly against the civil rights movement, and it was Republicans (notably Eisenhower) who forced what Civil Rights legislation there was through.

Erwin, I haven’t seen the original post, but this looks to me suspiciously like a Mod threatening to use their power as a Mod to muzzle someone whose political views they disagree with. I suggest you consider your position carefully here…

No, it was the phrase “Fuck off” I think that did it. And guess what, we were not talking about the 1950’s recently in this thread, only present day, the views of democrats and republicans have drastically changed throughout the 20th century… in this case, change it good :lol:

please try and stop insults mate, all it does is ruin your argument by provoking animosity.

Can and will do :oops:

trying to be the victim isn`t nice pdgf,bdl insulted me:

Interesting you feel like that Erwin, since you defended them so much in the SS thread. :wink:[/quote]

so,shut up please.

and btw,im not doing this because of your politic postion.

and you are against me only beacuse im argentinian,so,take care boy,you don`t want to be closely watched,want you?

Lol, you should make a banner for your signature that says “Erwin is watching you” with eyes in the backround, that’d be so cool :smiley:



thanks you so much for th idea 8)

Erwin good picture now everyone scares you ,and me to :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll:

:evil: you want to be banned???!!!?!??? :evil: .

kidding :lol: :lol: :lol: :smiley:

No Problemo… watching you, erwin is, yoda says

:lol: :lol: :lol:

No!,wait!,there is something worst than a racist!!!..A Republican!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

JOKE :wink: ,don`t take it as an offence,apologizes mike :slight_smile: