The Evil Western Allies

I’m not sure if someone else brought this up but I might as well.
ALthough I’m not a big fan of the allies bombing campaign, it is absurd to say that the Axis treated its prisoners well.

The Germans killed hundreds of thousands of Russian prisoners through starvation and neglect in 1941 and the Japanese treated American POW’s, most noteably those captured in the Phillipines with shocking brutality.

In addition the tactics which were used by the allies in later bombing campaigns were more or less the same tactics implemented by the Germans in London and Moscow.

With all due respect to the origanal poster you seem to be poorly informed on the subject on the whole.

Well Torange we just have fun with this thread.
But if you are so great informed on the subjects - could you mention us when the did Germans specially creat firestorm targeting for the killing of people?
And am i understand you right- if the Nazy killed about 2,5 million of soviet POWS and about 10 millions of civilians of USSR - does it justify the sporadic violence toward the Gernan population and raping of 2 millions woman in occuped by Red Army territories?


Mate, they definitely look like fun topics.

Let’s see who can get a laugh out of them, with or without upsetting anyone. :smiley:

It can be done, like Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw pointing out recently to Germany that Poland’s voting position in the EU, which is related to national population, would have been better if Germany hadn’t killed six million Poles in WWII. That is a huge knee slapper. They haven’t stopped laughing in Berlin since this clever Polish bon mot

Almost as funny as Basil Fawlty hosting German guests and barely mentioning the war.

this is a column from
“The Bombing of Warsaw in World War II refers both to the terror bombing campaign of Warsaw by the Luftwaffe during the siege of Warsaw in the Invasion of Poland in 1939 and to the German bombing raids during the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. About 1150 bombing sorties by German aircraft were flown against Warsaw on September 25 1939 in an effort to terrorize the defenders into surrendering. 500 tons of high explosive bombs and 72 tons of incendiary bombs were dropped on the city in all. The Germans did not hesitate to bomb civilian targets and hospitals marked with the Red Cross symbol. During the September campaign the Luftwaffe used all available aircraft to drop bombs on Warsaw, including even obsolescent Junkers Ju-52/3m bombers[1]. However, not all bombs found their intended target as some bombers dropped their load in error on German troops in the northwestern suburbs of the city. In the course of the war approximately 84 % of the city was destroyed largely due to German mass bombings but heavy artillery fire was also responsible.”

I am not arguing that the war crimes of the Soviet Union were justified , however I will say that the only to be expected since revenge is only human nature and its very easy for wicked people like Stalin to put the majority of his troops in military fervor considering the fact they had already had war crimes commited agaisnt them.

The German people knew this well and many fled as fast as they could away from the Russians.( I’m sure you know this I’m just bored) So yes I’ve read quite a bit and watched several fairly victor free propeganda shows about this.

If you’d like I can link you to them on youtube.

AS for the fire bombings in retrospect I think they were savage and unecessary. However once again it was very easy to propegandize these pilots into bombing innocent civilians considering Operation Sea Lion and the V-Rocket program.

In conclusion the war is long over and I enjoy studying it as a student of history although I think it a mistake to hold bitterness and point fingers, it was a terrible war, all sides commited terrible war crimes


Did anyone mention the fact that the West absolutely refused to aid the Soviets materially and definitely wouldnt send 1/2 a million trucks, food rail road engines and planes, not to mention high grade aviation fuel etc…

Boy we were real bastards…

Its a wonder the Soviets managed to win the war!

Common it was not that easy. F.ex. the always mentioned the high octan fuel has never been shipped for… of course for the very same lend-lease fighter plains that also have never been sent.

Conclusion: The reason why US had never sent fighter planes was to get rid of the exessive stock of the high octan fuel. Even here the capitalist exploiters managed to get the cream of the pie!

Its a wonder the Soviets managed to win the war!

This of course is one big conspiracy agaist the honest part of humanity. USSR as every child knows only knew how to send people to GULAG and demand more canned pork from the blue eyed Americans. But the US was not better! Just think of all those rediculous claims + the arsenal of victory. Bullshit! It was Greece and Australia that were the actual fist that smashed the Axis.


Hopefully everybody understands this thread correctly :slight_smile:

Anyone read the Uncyclopedia’s entry about WWII?


Are you serious if so evidence please. I don’t see how Australias involvement in part of the pacific theatre and partisan resistance in the Balkans trumps Operation Overlord.

I wouldn’t go that far.

Greece had nothing to do with it. :smiley:

<Speaking patheticly> My arguments are the words of Rising Sun*!

<wispering> Of course they did not! You and me know that well. But it is just for those prophans out there…

<aloud> No-no! They made a single desicive impact on the Creta! Have not we discussed it before?

It just occured to me this thread isn’t serious is it?:shock:


You’re not trying to diminish what the Greeks did in smashing the Axis while the Russians were ice-swimming 1941-45, are you?

Of course it’s bloody serious! :smiley:


The Cretins, by cunningly sucking in German paratroopers and giving them a pasting while the English and Australian forces were busy sunning themselves on the Cretinous beaches, discouraged the Germans from trying to drop paratroopers again in Crete. Or anywhere else.

The consequence was that the Germans had no understanding of airborne warfare and therefore were unable to respond effectively to it, apart from minor accidents like Arnhem, for the rest of the war.

This is how Crete won the war. :smiley:


Steady-on, old chap. Ivan is trying to subvert you. :smiley:

Heinrich Himmler retired after the war to his chicken farm and started a company called Tyson Foods. Hermann Goering is on the board of directors of Weight Watchers. Rudolf Hess received the Nobel Prize for acting. Albert Speer expressed gratitude after the war for the “urban renewal” of Berlin using the novel technique of carpet bombing to clear out old neighborhoods. Joseph Goebbels didn’t immolate himself after all and joined a troupe of dark midgets with the Barnum and Bailey circus.

Adolf Hitler made a new career after the war as the new Gerber Baby model. He also did a passable imitation of Charlie Chaplin. Joseph Stalin retired and is living in Atlanta, Georgia.

The Russian people were ever so grateful for the demolition of their pre-war industries which permitted them to begin again with an entirely new industrial base.

The Fallschirmjager of the Luftwaffe organized skydiving demonstrations without parachutes following the war and got pretty much the same results as they did over Crete. The English general in charge of the defense of Crete received the Victoria Cross for giving new meaning to the phrase “bugging out”.

General MacArthur became president of the United States only to give it up in disgust at the insubordination of Congress in not agreeing that everything he said should be chiseled in stone.

President Roosevelt served another four terms, but suspicious newspaper columnists reported that he looked an awful lot like Eleanor.

Admiral King was reported to have choked to death on an English Muffin served during High Tea.

Eva Braun made porn flicks in Hollywood until she was well into her early eighties.

The Duchess of Windsor never became queen of England but is said to have told her friend that she was definitely married to one.

And so it goes…

That is bloody funny. :mrgreen:

He He He RS;)
And do you know what poles made as the answer for the German laugh?
The polish right-wing jornal Wprost ( our favorite polish press in the forum) published the photocollage with Angela Merkel;)
Inscription “The stepmother of Europe”
Did you hear it?
It’s interesting what our polish friends think about?:wink:

That’s all right Torange.
Indeed the bombing company of Warsaw in 1939 was the pitufull parody of bombing the Stalingrad in august of 1942 where the whole 6 army aviation were directed for that.
However the Stalingrad like and Warsaw in 1939, 1944 ( and London) were the legitime military target - this was a city-castles that were strongly defended by the army. And there were a lot of enemy for Gemrans troops units. ( in 1944 in Warsaw there were about 40- 50 000 of bold rebels who fierce resisted for the Germans and killed about 10 000 of Germans soldiers and policements.)
This cruel Germans raids that were moslty aimed for the terrorozing of the enemies troops ( and in second turn - the civilians) had less common with the allies strategic compain that was aimed mostly for the slaughter of the civilians and burning out of the cities that sometimes had no the troops or even any significand military targets. ( Or those target were out of bombing area)
In this prospect neither the Germans bombing of Britain nor the bombing of Soviet cities could not ever be compared with the firebombing of Germans cities( both in the scale of terror and aims of bombing).
This unprincipial company of Firebombing terror ( that the Nazy even could not able to dream) wasted for the air a enourmous materials and resources ( at leas half of War Budget of Britain was spend for the RAF;))and let the Germans the additionally whole year for the continie the terror and henocide of occuped and captured peoples.( and they used the Death-camp on whole power for this last year of war).

I am not arguing that the war crimes of the Soviet Union were justified , however I will say that the only to be expected since revenge is only human nature and its very easy for wicked people like Stalin to put the majority of his troops in military fervor considering the fact they had already had war crimes commited agaisnt them.

The German people knew this well and many fled as fast as they could away from the Russians.( I’m sure you know this I’m just bored) So yes I’ve read quite a bit and watched several fairly victor free propeganda shows about this.

If you’d like I can link you to them on youtube.

AS for the fire bombings in retrospect I think they were savage and unecessary. However once again it was very easy to propegandize these pilots into bombing innocent civilians considering Operation Sea Lion and the V-Rocket program.

In conclusion the war is long over and I enjoy studying it as a student of history although I think it a mistake to hold bitterness and point fingers, it was a terrible war, all sides commited terrible war crimes


Absolutly agree here.
It seems you have the resonaible approach Torange;)
I do not wish to be a as…l to curse only the allies strategic command for the all evils in the ww2. Certainly this is not my point.
The firebombing of Geman population was TOO UNSIGNIFICANT revenge for the mass crimes in the East. But i think you should agree that we pretend not only for the winner role , we pretend for the better and good side in this war - right?
So was we really “better” if for the answer for the cynical ( and military senseless) terroristic bombing of Brtitain in 1940-41 where about 43 000 of British civilians has been killed - we killed about 600 000 of germans in 1943-45?

P.S. just do not consider it too serious in this funny thread:D