The Evil Western Allies

Ha Ha ha Royal, that’s nice;)
But where is the Evil western allies here?:smiley:
May be they awarded the Japane war-minister H. Todzio with special medal for the “contribution with the special cultural and health-program of the China’s population”?
Or maybe the australians would make the Japan Imperor the Honor Citizent of Sidney for the promotion during the WW2 with the idea about superiroity of asian race leading by the japanes , and for the activity with joining the whole Asia under Great Japane management ?

Yeah. I was going to post the Merkel with twins picture but Panzerknacker gets a bit prudish about such things so I didn’t.

Nothing wrong with the Polish sense of humour. I think I linked this in some other thread (can’t recall which one). Segment from an Australian TV show which confirms the sensitive nature all Australians have, in this case how we are sympathetic to our Polish migrants’ war experience. :wink: Need sound.

He certainly qualifies on the grounds of racial superiority and joining us (if involuntarily) with Asia, but unfortunately there won’t be a vacancy until we can get rid of the monarch from another country who’s been running us since they started dumping convicts here.

The position is currently held by Her Majesty, Elizabeth II, Queen of England and, in her spare time apart from also being head of the Church of England, she fits in being Queen of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, and Saint Kitts and Nevis. Just a pale imitation of the old British Empire her dad ruled over, when he was King Emperor, but still rather better than the Showa descendants managed to hang onto. :smiley:

I don’t think there are any precise figures on the number of rapes committed by the Soviets. There may be some guesstimates but I don’t think each incident was studiously recorded.

In truth its the German women who threw themselves at the Soviets as for years they werent allowed to make any Porno movies by the Nazis who were all gay.

So it was a great release for them to see the Soviet Military and I believe they especially liked Soviet Sea Men. Ah to be in the Navy in 45.

Well Firefly , looking for great rise of Western Germany porno-industry after the war i would admit the Janks appreciated the Germans women potential.:wink:
As i remember the Western Germany cinema made the most fun porno during the Cold war;)( in spirit of the “Little Red riding hood”).
Now i/m understand who has inspired the Germans - Red Army in 1945 :smiley:

And have the anecdotes about Poles mate?
I’ve read in one of the forum in the USA there a lot of anecdotes about fun poles.
My friend poles-assian Lancer told me that it was resault of the bad English of first polish wave of emigrants who mass have come to the USA after the war.

Now i’m understand what was real reason of Soviet offensive to the Germany and capturing the Berlin.
It was pursuiting of insolent Germans woman who refused the soviets love and run away from the soviets to the west and Berlin.
If they stay home - the soviets never go further the Silesia. All what they needs - the love of the germans girls. Later with the propogandic aims the Soviet propoganda developed the idea that it was a “liberation of Europe”.
Indeed it all were for the women.:wink:
As the frenchmans speak - Search the woman.
BTW after the 1945 in the Eastern Germany were born about 2 millions of babies who have been born from the soviets “fathers”. Not bad decigion of problem of the European population.:wink:
This is a irony of fate - Hitler wanted the clearising of Germans blood, Soviets wanted the mixing it with the “fresh blood” from the East. Nowadays in fact the former Eastern germans are wery bright and succesfull peoples in the union germany.
Look for the good example - Rammstain;)


This is most insensitive.

The German submariners suffered terrible losses by the end of the war.

The didn’t get any fun from going down any more.

Their shcnorkels weren’t what they used to be.

As for seamen. Well, they were practically dry in that area.

I guess it’s O.K. to gas people now a days like Sadam Husein did whoa !but it wasn’t so good when HITLER gassed those untermenchen the slavs and jews.

Justice was served in 1946 when all those nice Nazis met the rope. The Nurnburg trials established one fact that the civilized world will not tolerate a regime that participates in war crimes. and holds its leaders responsible for their actions. Stalin hated that idea LOL after all he slaughtered 30 million of his own people in his purges in the 1930’s which puts him right along side of Hitler as one of the greatest mass murderers of all time.
The days of taking care of the opposition by whacking off their heads are over and have been over for 72 years.When the regimes in the middle east begin to conduct business in a civilized manor the world will be a much better place for them ,but as all misguided countries (like WWll Germany and Japan) they will just have to come around the hard way BUT THEY WILL COME AROUND. Castros Regime is next!

Question ! how come no one has mentioned the Marshall Plan and that we gave back all the occupied countries by 1949. If I recollect the Soviets never
gave back POLAND,HUNGRY,ROMANIA and all of eastern europe untill they fell.
one can not resurect the dead.

Cavalry Gunner

Hello Cavalry Gunner! Welcome to the forum!

I am risking to be serious here but what a heck. I will try.

So why did you say all those nice Nazis? I know a few that had a good live afterwards thanks to USA. And some of them (please do not tell anyone) even conducted medical experiments on alive American POWs!

When the regimes in the middle east begin to conduct business in a civilized manor the world will be a much better place for them ,but as all misguided countries (like WWll Germany and Japan) they will just have to come around the hard way BUT THEY WILL COME AROUND. Castros Regime is next!

Yes, right. I even know how to accelerate the process: use bigger letters next time. It will help to spread the wind of democracy to the majority of the people on this globe.

Question ! how come no one has mentioned the Marshall Plan and that we gave back all the occupied countries by 1949. If I recollect the Soviets never gave back POLAND,HUNGRY,ROMANIA and all of eastern europe untill they fell.

He-he-he The great hearted generosity of MArshall Paln. I am sure it was done only out of charitable intentions.

And get it by now: The Man has never been on the moon! It is not possible as the moon is not bigger than a dime!

Hi Gunner.
Well you right nowaday we have an excellent example of the state that began to conduct bisiness in a civilised manor with our help - Iraq;) The civil and religion terror that killes the much more people than at times of Suddam.

Who are we?
As far as i know the USA$Co had the colonial war in Vietnam untill the 1972.And France has the bloody colonian war in the Algire in the 1953.
The UK has the colonian bloody war in Kenia in the 1952-60 during the Mao Mao uprising

…the demographer John Blacker, in an article in African Affairs, has estimated the total number of African deaths at around 50, 000; half were children under 10

British forces were accused of widespread Human rights abuses, including rape, torture and castration. The number of Kikuyu killed by the British and the Kenyan Police are about 20,000. It is alleged that even Kikuyu not directly involved in the rebellion were persecuted by the British . Lawyers working with Mau Mau veterans have documented about 6,000 cases of human rights abuses including fatal whippings, rapes and blindings

For the you to know - the bloody soviet regimes killed a much less people in that period- Hunguary in 1956 ( 2500 perished rebels and 650 soviets), supression of Cheshoslovakia in 1968 (all casualties 72 mens including 11 soviet soldiers and two officers).
And you will laugh but nobody raped the Hanguran and Chech woman and castrated the rebels.

So tell us please what did you mean as we gave back all the occuuped countries in 1949?


Why not?

It’s a great way to stop problems with the next generation. :smiley:

You really shouldn’t make such light comedy of rape…

What if it were your sister, mother, or girlfriend?

And the economic strength of West(tern) Germany was not born of rape, but of The Marshall Plan.

I would like to see you if some one will costrate you to stop the problem:)
In this way you should aree the much more pleasure way to stop the problem with the next genaration - to rape the woman to born the babies?

Easy Nick , we have fun with thrad that you,ve began.:wink:
We are just kidding, right?

And the economic strength of West(tern) Germany was not born of rape, but of The Marshall Plan.

Oh really the economic strength of western Germany was resault of the US plans?
Sily me, i thought it was resault of hard work of Germans people.
And what was the reason of the economic strangth of Japane- may be it was due to the US military presents in Okinawa?:wink:

Well thank you Nick for frankness :wink:
Now we finaly hear what you really think;)

But it’s hard to be sympathetic about a Soviet invasion of Poland, synchronized with the Nazi Germans, and the resulting massacres of Polish Army officers and the intelligentsia.

Nick i think the Sympaty is wrong word for the cynical pre-war policy that has began not from “Invasion of Poland” in 1939 but yearly in 1938 from capturing the Chehoslovakia and Austria.
If to tell about sympaties - it had to be symphatic to the Britain-France policy of supporting German agression to the East.
And i think you sure understand Nick that it hard to be sympathetic to the Nuclear Terroristic attack of Japane in the most end of the war that was aimed for mass murdering of the SIMPLE CIVILIANCE .Not “Japan Army officers and intelligencia” but mostly woman and children.
But i still hope that you have at least a bit of symphaty for the Ukrainians and Belorussian peasants on the territories captured by Poland since 1921 who initially greeted the Red Army as liberators in 1939.

While I’ve no doubt Stalin felt he was acting in the Soviet’s best interests,

Actually my friend you’ve understood it!!!:I/m happy;)
You are a good boy.
Indeed the policy of Stalin who till the most of end try to stop the GErmany via the peace treaty with West
He tryed to save the Chehoslovakia till the most end- but Deladie and Chamberian pressured the Edward Behesh to refuse the soviet assistence.
He tryed to sign a treaty with Britain - but they hate him EVEN more then the Hitler ( the Churchill frankly despised USSR). The Britain refuse it.
He tryed to sign a treaty with Poland in summer of 1939 befor the German attack - but damn - proud poles refused it.
He saw like the USSR appears to be ALONE to face the most powerfull army in the Europe that hated the slavs and dramed about Eastern lands.
Besides in the far East Japs began the test attack in Halkin-gol in summer of 1939. The USSR was in very hard political and military position befor the war on two fronts.
And he finally invent a great political thing - he stop mouth the soviet jewish elite in the gov ( who biologically hate all the Germans in that time) and signed the pact with Hitler.
As the resault the Japs have saw as Hitler “betrayed them” and begin to develop the offencive to the southern Asia.
And Hitler begin the war with a Britain.
Thus when the Hitler has began the attack to the USSR instead the New Crusade to the East he got the war on two fronts - with Britain and USSR.Later the greedly Jap involved into the Ally coalition the USA.
And we have got a real chance to win this war.
So my friend the real pre-war policy is much more complex and hard for understanding as try to primitively inspire you the your lovely western mass media and official “historians” who saw the very convenient way diring the Cold war.

its invasion of Poland in hardly comparable to the supposed failure of France and Britain to act against the Nazi regime in 1939.

True…from the western point.
But from another hand - do not forget the so called Soviet Invasion od Poland was a direct resault of previous policy of Britain, France and …Poland in the 1938;)
May be from British/France point( who never saw the such mass ethnical terror of population and never saw the Death camps on its lands) to direct Nazy to the East it wasn’r so bad idea.Coz Hitler promised them to fight agains Bolshevism.
Howeve it sould be at least a stopid to think that Stalin should agree with them- and he shouldn’t sign a pack with Nazy in 1939.
And from the my point - i m not sure i’ve got the chance to be born if the Nazy finaly captured the USSR and have realised its famouse plan OST - the limitation of slav population of USSR untill 50 mln ( (like they wanted to limit the Jewry)

Like and USA who supplied the Japs in war against china.
May be they also ware a ally Nick;)

Yeah, I guess they had it coming then, didn’t they?!

Yes but it was too late Nick…

Chevan, I’ll respond to your other essay with an essay later, but it’s comments like this that I find galling. I think I’ll have to coin the phrase “Chevy facts” for unsupportable nonsense thrown out on a message board…

The US “supported” the “Japs” war against China? WTF are you even talking about? The US condemned the Japanese attacks in China roundly and early, and this eventually led to war between the US and Imperial Japan. Granted, it took ten years. But spare us the pseudo-history you know nothing about…

In fact, there was a substantial Chinese political lobby that had organized itself in the US, as they were one of the first major ethnic minorities to begin wide scale resettlement in the US in the 1800s. Newspapers also diligently reported on Japanese IA atrocities in China during the 30s and early 40s, which certainly led to a hardening of attitudes of of the US public towards the “Japs.” Especially the Chinese-Americans. They were screaming bloody murder at the IJ bloody murder taking place in their ancestors’ homeland, even in the early 1930s.

There was no aid “supplied” to the IJapanese. I swear, you seem delusional when you spit out these “facts,” often in addition to spewing nonsense that has been previously disproved or mitigated by actual documentary evidence…

Yeah, those evil British that invaded Poland in 1939, and murdered their entire military command structure… :rolleyes:

And then there’s the secretly fascist Neville Chamberlain sending the Japanese destroyers and Spitfires (so the USN would have to weaken itself by sending the Royal Navy 50+ ‘lend-lease’ destroyers later on)…

Those dastardly British, a bunch of fifth columnists the whole lot of them. To think they would pretend to be the only Allied nation to stand up to Hitler for a whole year, despite horrible odds. Scoundrels! :mad: :slight_smile: