The Evil Western Allies

Since you’ve been elected as mod in our forum ( this was good news fro me) i have began to worry about your dictators tend to invent insultings phrases for the other members.
Firstly, tell me man Where i did write “supported” ?
Have you a problems with sight?
The my phrase was “USA who supplied the Japs in war against china”.

There was no aid “supplied” to the IJapanese. I swear, you seem delusional when you spit out these “facts,” often in addition to spewing nonsense that has been previously disproved or mitigated by actual documentary evidence…

Really man i spit out the facts that has been previously disproved?
So tell me that the FACT that the the essential part of the oil and materials in Japane during the China war was supplied by the AMERICAN companies is DISPROVED.:wink:

Why is that?

Nickdfresh busy Modding

I think in my own defense, I must point out that I was modded roughly three days ago. Feel free to point out any edits of posts I have (intentionally, or in actuality) performed. Also feel free to do a comparative analysis on my pre-modding posting style and my post-modding posting style, if anything I’ve tried to tone things down…

Firstly, tell me man Where i did write “supported” ?
Have you a problems with sight?
The my phrase was “USA who supplied the Japs in war against china”.

You said “aided,” which is sort of worse actually. Since English is not your first language, I won’t bother arguing. But you’re still guilty of just throwing things out there with little actual evidence, or indeed any historical precedent that anyone who’s ever read or researched the Asian war would never even imply…

Really man i spit out the facts that has been previously disproved?
So tell me that the FACT that the the essential part of the oil and materials in Japane during the China war was supplied by the AMERICAN companies is DISPROVED.:wink:

Firstly, the American gov’t didn’t sell Japan oil, oil companies did. I don’t think the Japanese consulted with the US gov’t or American oil conglomerates before launching its invasion of China nor was the oil SOLD to them to allow them to do so, and the tap was indeed turned off from the USA. And I suspect most of the oil was probably from sources within the Pacific rim such as in the Dutch East Indies, which the Japanese curiously eventually felt the need to eliminate the middle(Dutch)man…

Secondly, speaking of my modding responsibilities: What on God’s green earth does this in anyway have to do with this thread titled “Poles at the Front.”

Oh Nick now i see why you have the problems with sight.
The glasses is too dark;)
Take off it from the eyes please couse you began seriously bother me:

You said “aided,” which is sort of worse actually…

Well Nick the glasses is more dark then i even i guessed;)
Where did i write the “aided”?

I think in my own defense, I must point out that I was modded roughly three days ago. Feel free to point out any edits of posts I have (intentionally, or in actuality) performed. Also feel free to do a comparative analysis on my pre-modding posting style and my post-modding posting style, if anything I’ve tried to tone things down…

Nick i know you enought long time ( since you called me as “drunk russian” in last year), and i well known of you tend to insult the members when you lose the control of your behaviour.
Recently i’ve convinced of it again when you have began to insult the Kato for his sharp posts, Althought he did not intend to insult anybody personally and he simply expressed the his critical american position.
So since you have got the right of the mods - i 'm doubt you will change your habits.
And this fact worry me a litle.
Coz i know you far not so loyal and calm like the Gen Sandworm or George Eller.

Firstly, the American gov’t didn’t sell Japan oil, oil companies did. I don’t think the Japanese consulted with the US gov’t or American oil conglomerates before launching its invasion of China nor was the oil SOLD to them to allow them to do so, and the tap was indeed turned off from the USA. And I suspect most of the oil was probably from sources within the Pacific rim such as in the Dutch East Indies, which the Japanese curiously eventually felt the need to eliminate the middle(Dutch)man…

Well concerning the American gov.
Firstly they did not admit any sanctions to stop the trade with the Agressors UNTILL the most Perl-Harbour.
Sec the state got a great taxpays from the very profitable Oil selling to the Nazy Germansy and Japane.
Third the many so “private oil companied” were the “pocket companies” of American elite who were the GOVENMENT of the USA itself( or controlled the congress via the strong lobby).Even the Geogre Bush famuly was get profit of the selling oil to the Nazy Germany.
And fourth - the American isolationists has a very strong positions in Congress.
Their principe was “BE out of war in Europe” - in practice was interpretated as by them as “The money have not smell” - to continie to trade with any enemy sides in Europe.

Secondly, speaking of my modding responsibilities: What on God’s green earth does this in anyway have to do with this thread titled “Poles at the Front.”

MAy be the polish questions is TOO importaint in here - it deal with everything about war;)

My eyes are light sensitive. You actually said “supplied.” No one “supplied” Japan’s invasion but Japan, and a lot of really unlucky Chinese, who starved after their villages were pillaged (and the women raped) because the Japanese logistics were so poor. So in hindsight, even the Japanese barely supplied the JIA…

Nick i know you enought long time ( since you called me as “drunk russian” in last year), and i well known of you tend to insult the members when you lose the control of your behaviour.

Ah yes, memories. :slight_smile: I think I was actually illustrating a point in which you seemed to be repeating anti-Semitic, racist stereotypes and conspiracy theories with no evidence behind them. I was merely showing the nasty Western stereotype of Russians of drunks who like their strongmen. And that was wrong, I do apologise…

And there’s nothing wrong with being drunk, I post drunk on rare occasion…

But, the problem here I have is that I didn’t actually insult you - not directly. Feel free to point out where I made a disparaging comment about you personally.

After all, I think you’re the one calling me a fascist. I mean, I’ve struggled long and hard to stay in the closet on this. But yes, at heart, I’m a raging fascist that enjoys street fighting, Aryan whores, art thievery, and a nice glass of scotch once in a while…

Suffice to say, I didn’t insult you personally. I insulted your posts --there’s a difference. If I hurt your feelings, I do apologise though. And I’ll try to keep my fascism in check in the future. I admit I get a bit impatient and argue this stuff too much when I should just close a thread because it is so wildly off topic, it’s just plain disrespectful of the original thread starter (that I notice doesn’t seem to post here as much any more).

Maybe it’s because I’m such an “angry” “fascist” bully that I spam his threads with nonsensical, off-topic arguments to cover Joe Stalin’s ass?

But feel free to stop muddling the argument with nonsense, and show where I edited or censured you. :slight_smile:

Recently i’ve convinced of it again when you have began to insult the Kato for his sharp posts, Althought he did not intend to insult anybody personally and he simply expressed the his critical american position.

You mean like racist stereotypes and just regurgitating the same info of opinion masked as fact or arguments? Actually, that’s borderline trolling. But okay, whatever. who cares? I wasn’t a mod then.

So since you have got the right of the mods - i 'm doubt you will change your habits.
And this fact worry me a litle.
Coz i know you far not so loyal and calm like the Gen Sandworm or George Eller.

Yeah, those guys are the best. I shall aspire to be more calm and serene.

I’m finding my ohm now.

Well concerning the American gov.

Well, you see, this is the problem. We’re in a thread regarding “The Poles at the Front.” And there you go talking about the American gov. policies in Asia. You see, I don’t get it mate. Really, what’s your point?

Firstly they did not admit any sanctions to stop the trade with the Agressors UNTILL the most Perl-Harbour.

So, you mean the Japanese were so incomprehensibly evil that they attacked the US completely unprovoked?

Sec the state got a great taxpays from the very profitable Oil selling to the Nazy Germansy and Japane.

So? They were supposed to know what Japan and Germany were supposed to do?

BTW, didn’t the Soviet Union under fearless leader Marshall Stalin actually help train large numbers the German Wehrmacht officers and men by hosting them for large military maneuvers involving armor? Merely so they could skirt the provisions and prohibitions of the Versailles Treaty the cold, unfeeling evil French had imposed on the German Army…

I guess the German Army enjoyed Mother Russia’s hospitality so much, they just had to come back later.

Was this in the intrinsic interest of the Soviet Union? Or was it just for the money?:slight_smile: Or was it to gain a clear military advantage against France and Britain?

Third the many so “private oil companied” were the “pocket companies” of American elite who were the GOVENMENT of the USA itself( or controlled the congress via the strong lobby).Even the Geogre Bush famuly was get profit of the selling oil to the Nazy Germany.

Of course. Anybody selling oil to Nazi Germany made money off it. And many American and European corporations. Of course, I think there was a healthy trade and an economic cooperation between Stalinist Russian and Nazi Germany as well? Was there not? I’m no fan of the Bush family, but I might also point out that George Herbert Walker Bush was a Navy bomber/torpedo plan pilot that carried out several hazardous strikes on Japanese positions, including on the heavily defended island of Chi Chi Jima. The island where some of his squadron mates were shot down, captured, later executed, and partially (symbolically) eaten by the Japanese officers…

And fourth - the American isolationists has a very strong positions in Congress.
Their principe was “BE out of war in Europe” - in practice was interpretated as by them as “The money have not smell” - to continie to trade with any enemy sides in Europe.

Yes, and the US Gov’t under Roosevelt, that you indict so much even though they had little to do with the events in Poland, was seeking maximum opportunity to get into the war, including waging a secret naval war from late 1940 to 1941 with the U-boats of the Kriegsmarine against US Navy destroyers.

They also goaded Japan into war by CUTTING OFF ALL “SUPPLIES” with an embargo.

MAy be the polish questions is TOO importaint in here - it deal with everything about war;)

Yeah, maybe you could actually talk about Poland. Thread closed. If someone has something relevant regarding the Poles on the Fronts, please PM me…

There´s a little detail you´re all forgetting here (perhaps especially Nick and Chevan :slight_smile: ).
The Soviet Union was never attacked by Germany. It was a big hoax invented by the Evil Western Allies to keep the spirits (and production) high among their exploited working classes. Rather than being involved in World War II the Soviet Union was resolved to direct its not inconsiderable expertise and industrial might towards the peaceful inventions of, among other things; a completely odourless brand of vodka and perfecting the wheelbarrow.
What, you might ask, happened to all those German troops, that didn´t die fighting the evil Red´s and all the Lend-Lease materiel that the Soviet´s couldn´t care less about as they were very busy at that time, productionizing
the inline rollerskate and developing the marshmallow? Something they felt they could do without foreign aid.
Well, for the aircraft and tanks: They were never built, they were just part of the hoax, making the working class believe they actually built something that could kill Germans (which they were never allowed to do).
The canned meat all went to Australia where it was used to feed the millions of Emu´s in training for their coming invasion of Japan. The field radio´s were given to the kids of prominent US Congress members, the 400 Radars were put up in the US west coast states in an attempt to finally find Bigfoot.
Those hundreds of thousands of trucks were stockpiled on secret locations in the Arizona desert, where they remain to this day, because the scheme for which they were hoarded never came through: An evil capitalistic cooperation called Habbakukkon (Halliburton is of no relation), planned a large scale import of marshmallows from the Soviet Union, using those very trucks driving over a planned Pykrete bridge over the Bering Strait. Only the continental parts of this impressive piece of infrastructure was ever built: The Alaska Highway on the American side and the Road of Bones on the Soviet side. When it came to the actual construction of the Pykrete bridge, Habbakukkon found out that the Russians had got the marshmallow all wrong: It was less sweet than sugar, it actually contained nutricients and it wasn´t even bad for the health, and needless to say the bridge was never built.
And the German soldiers?
In the summer of 1941, trouble was brewing in some the Reich´s occupied territories and on the 22nd of a certain month, the shit hit the fan on the island of Bornholm in the Baltic. The inhabitants of this Danish island once saw Bornholm allocated to Sweden after another Danish defeat in an ill chosen war, but these hardy people threw out the Swedes, with no outside help, and they had just decided to do that once again.
What they perhaps didn´t realise, was that they were up against a vastly more powerful enemy, this time with weapons of the modern age. Anyway, they couldn´t clear their island of Germans in a fortnight as they had thought, and the Germans just kept pouring in to replace their losses, but they fought on! Nearly 4 years and 4 million dead Axis soldiers later relief at last came from the east, where Stalin had decided, that with the German army bled white on Bornholm (and saddled with a production of unexportable marshmallows outstripping internal demand by a factor one billion) it was time to walk nearly unopposed westwards, against unreaped candy markets.
While a graph of the population of Bornholm was hardly dented by the
unsuccesful German attempt to educate the islanders of their place in the Reich, they were now exhausted by all those years of fighting and let the more peaceful Russians walk in unopposed.
The Russians were quite angry with them for killing so many friendly Germans and so decided not to extend the sex offers (otherwise reaching the European population from the Aegan to the Baltic (Tito was delighted)) into the Baltic. Also, the islanders were never allowed to taste the marshmallows the occupying troops were constantly eating. After vacillating about half a year, the Russians found the islanders to be perfectly happy with their own wheelbarrows and totally disinterested in inliners and left.

As to all the people the USSR is said to have lost during the war, most vanished while creating the worlds largest “human chain for peace”, but nobody really want to talk about that, because they did it on the ice north of Russia/Siberia (best foto oppurtunities from aircraft), and then the ice broke.
The rest was hijacked by OSS thugs who used them for experiments trying to establish a secure method for transforming peaceful bolsheviks into rampant unquestioning consumers. (They only succeeded with the invention of satelite TV).

That was great. Thanks.

Oh, crap! Sorry. Off topic again!

yes i do agree with u …i dont under stand… briton invades s/africa,america,australia,new zealand, inda…and 2 them it was right 2 do so…but hundreds years later…germany tends 2 do the same thing and its all war on germany.ive got nothing against england…1 side of my family comes from uk…just stating some points