The forgotten holocaust


It is my understanding of Leon Trotski that the worst thing you could do to any of the early Leninist/Bolsheviks was to refer to their Jewish origins…

Leon, himself, is said to have been running away from his “Jewishness” by becoming an atheist Bolshevik/Menshevik to begin with…I don’t know who else this applies to, but it’s definately a known factor.

They were not proud of the Jewish religon, and sought to distance themselves from it as much as possible, as an example to the new society they thought they were creating…

Correct me if in error

Well, you know… once upone a time in halaxy far-far away…

Halakha - the collective body of Jewish religious law, including biblical law (the 613 mitzvot) and later talmudic and rabbinic law, as well as customs and traditions.

The clame is that some of those poeple were Jews according to the rules of Halakha.
One of the rules is that Jewishness is passes through the mothers line, not through the fathers one. Accoding to this one I am a Jew. But i am a Christian. That is no-no according to Halakha.

Going by your first paragraph you’re probably a Jedi!

I suppose the same applies to Communists of any other religion. Wasn’t Stalin a former seminary student?

Might you ever be in error sir?:slight_smile:
Just let me say the obvious fact that the jewish life today is no more determined only by the Judaism.
There a lot of the outstanding bankers, producers, scientists that have plenty different views toward religion and social order - upon marxism, capitalism - till the atheism and even feminism:)
But all of them feel themself as a Jews.
The jewry today is much more then judaism.
Actualy the Leon Bernstain-Trotski denyed the traditional judaism and thought that the “religion is the opium for masses”.But this absolutly didn’t mean he did not recognized himself as a jew.
Moreover he seriously thought that Jews should play the leading role in the building of new social structure, and this is widely known fact even among the jewish historians.
The personal secretary of Grigory Pasputin and former jeweller of Tsar family , Aaraon Semanovich , wrote in his book “Recollections” the interesting speech of Trotski in 1919.

"Мы должны превратить Россию в пустыню, населенную белыми неграми, которым мы дадим такую тиранию, которая не снилась никогда самым страшным деспотам Востока. Разница лишь в том, что тирания эта будет не справа, а слева, и не белая, а красная, ибо мы прольем такие потоки крови, перед которыми содрогнутся и побледнеют все человеческие потери капиталистических войн. Крупнейшие банкиры из-за океана будут работать в теснейшем контакте с нами. Если мы выиграем революцию, то на погребальных обломках её укрепим власть сионизма и станем такой силой, перед которой весь мир опуститься на колени. Мы покажем, что такое настоящая власть. Путем террора, кровавых бань мы доведем русскую интеллигенцию до идиотизма, до полного отупения…А пока наши юноши в кожаных куртках - сыновья часовых дел мастеров из Одессы и Орши, Гомеля и Винницы - о, как великолепно, как восхитительно умеют ненавидеть они всё русское’

We shall transform the old Russia into the desert, populated by White Negroes, who deserved the such Tyranny that was not dreamed by the most terrible despots of East.The difference is only that this Tyranny will not from Right, but from LEft, Not White, but Red, and we will shed a such rivers of blood, that put in shade the the previous victims of capitalists wars.The biggest bankers from across the ocean will work alongside with us. If we will have won the Revilution, in debris of it we will have strengthen the power of Zionism, and we willl be a such power that world kneel down. We’ll show them a REAL power.Through terror, bloody baths we reduce the old russian inteligencia till the Idiotism, till the full stupidity…but while OUR YOUNGS in leather jackets - the sons of the watch-makers from Odessa and Orsha, Gomel and Vinnica ( the cities, where the jewish community lived in Tsar russia - my comment)- how amazing , delightful might they hate all russians".

The other sources claims that it was in Trotski article " dying cont-revolution".
This article clearly demonstrats the relation Trotski to the jews and ethnical russian.He obviously tryed to involve the young jews into the Boslhevick’s side.
He was one of them who were responsible of starting Big Red terror…
Of cource the terror was a mutual, common and total.
But somethimes the “sons of the watch-makers from Odessa” losed any human look in ther mad cruelty. This is also a well known fact that Jews actively participated in the Cheka, NKVD and even among the Gulag chiefs(seeГУЛАГ#.D0.9D.D0.B0.D1.87.D0.B0.D0.BB.D1.8C.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D0.A3.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B2.D0.BB.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D1.8F), especially in the 1918-mid of 1930 during the most fierce mass terror.

Later Nacis cynicaly used the crimes of Boslshevics-jews as a “justification” of their Ethnical clearisings.In Every city they come in the 1941 ( especially in Ukraine), they immediately started the Ethnical terror as a “retrebution” and “demonstration the liberation” for locals.
So as i sayd the original article of ERIC MARGOLIS is a hidden old nazy blunder- the attempt to colored the Bolshevick’s crimes with the Ethnical tinge.
This is very danger IMO.

Sure mate Halakha.
I/m stupid:)

No more russian than for instance American one
Or their British comrides thing.
Indeed the cruelty was a common and mutual.The russian Caucasian wars of 19 centure was a tupical cruel wars against the Ottoman impare and its former allies- locals aborigens ( mostly pro-muslims) .It was a war with old enemy for territories , kinda like the Western Colonian wars.
Later the Turks has started the REAL GENOCIDE
That has exceed all that world seen before in the Caucaus…

Thanks for the link to the Philippine American war, I was aware of that conflict but hadn’t realised it had got that bloody.
I doubt Wikis upper estimate of 1.5 million civilian casualties, many quite possibly just moved away from the war, Philippinos being great sea goers and there are thousands of islands to hide in.
America’s history in the PI is appalling, the Philippino people fought bravely against Japanese after MacArthur left in WW2 only to watch as the US rebuilt Japan and handed the country back to the same corrupt upper class group that had collaborated with the Japanese. A country with huge natural resources is now one of the poorest in Asia.

The British reaction to the Indian Mutiny (I notice Wiki calls it a rebellion) was fairly predicable. Many British subjects were murdered and for a while it looked as though they would lose India.
At the end of mutiny they set about executing the mutineers, the traditional punishment for such actions, enthusiastically assisted by those Indians who had stayed loyal to the crown, and only showed restraint after an outcry in the British press. Not mentioned in Wiki I see.

My original comment was not meant to disparage Russians, rather to point out that atrocities were not exclusively carried out by Soviets in that country.

Wow, your carefully presented facts and logic really destroyed my post.
(That’s sarcasm if you hadn’t worked it out).

If you’re new to forums here’s a couple of tips.
i) The little exclamation mark in the triangle in the top right hand corner is for alerting the Moderators. I just clicked on it so they’re on their way.
ii) If you disagree with someone, attack the post, not the poster.

iii) Don’t drink and post at the same time.

Well, that’s the end of Nick and me, then. :smiley:

I might jump of a bridge myself.
What’s wrong with this clown? Is he slagging me or what?:confused:


LOL It was the moderators! If you think that’s bad, you should have seen the racist rant on Russians and Slavs in general!

Stevey is just a stupid little Nazi troll who is slagging everyone off.

Sorry, but you haven’t been specially favoured. :wink: :smiley:

Don’t worry please.
This racist 16-years kid ( with intellect of no more 12 years child) try to slagg everyone here.
I just womder how our Sado-Mazo mods letting him to post and them enjoing by Deleting his posts .

The word Holocaust has always mystified me as to its origin. Apparently the word is from Greek Origin and means death by fire. Below photo from Lager Nordhausen C.C.


It is always interesting to see how when the atrocities committed by the RUssians are brought up, it is suddenly anti-semitic and anti-Russian, and pro-Nazi. Stalin killed far more people than the Nazis. The Japanese committed horrible atrocities in the Pacific, yet their apologies are almost non existent and they had never been forced to pay back to the victims and the families of the victims to the extent that Germany has. I’m certainly not anti-semitic and I have Jewish friends, but there is no doubt in my mind that the influence of Jewish people in making everyone remember over and over again the terrible Holocaust has been far greater than that of the victims of other regimes. That most definitely includes Russia!
I served with pride in the US Army, so I’m not anti-American either. However, the US did everything they could to allow Russia (and Japan) to keep everything under wraps. If the truth would have been known in this country, perhaps they would have had as much trouble getting public acceptance of the war as they have with Iraq now.
To call attention to the atrocities committed by Stalin and his regime is NOT anti-semitic or pro-Nazi. It is a call for the truth to finally come out. Nazi Germany was by far NOT the only evil during WW2, but they sure as heck paid dearly for it and with greater harshness. The fact that the US joined Stalin in the war has always been one of the times in history that I think that the US got it wrong. That was a mistake that a couple of generations paid for with the fear and apprehension of a cold war that defined over three decades of US history.
A professor of history of mine once said in class “The best service that a citizen can do for his country is to demand an accounting of the abuses perpetrated on other peoples of the world”.

There is one critical difference however. Germany was an expansive, empire-building regime which invaded and occupied a significant number of other countries (and furthermore, declared war on the US - the US did not declare war on Germany until after the Germans declared war on the US). The Soviet Union did none of these things, and US aid during WW2 to the Soviets was overwhelmingly military in nature and aimed at ensuring the Soviets continued to kill Germans.

If the Russians had caved in to the Germans early in the war Hitler would have mopped up the rest of Europe, struck east to the Middle Eastern oilfields and invaded India from the West while the Japanese attacked from the east.

The US would have found itself isolated with little or no chance of invading Europe.
And bear in mind that if they had have got ashore they would have found that the German elite regiments were not safely behind barbed wire in North Africa or dead in Russia as they were on D-Day.