The forum faces.

Okay this is going to make you laugh


You look rather fetching in that T shirt.

I like cows wearing human clothes.

I might send you a PM, when I’m finished with this herd of cows. :smiley:

P.S. Could you post a pic of your udder? I’m an udder bull.

Boo! Bad puns! lol, jk.

Come on! Why laugh? I was crying…

Why Cry? Its just for my Upcoming Short Movie " Cowman and Beefboy"

Here is me in my “office”

The Hannah Montana poster in the background is fetching…

Very nice General Zod !! , is good to see another hard working man, welcome to the club.

Butterfly curtians, Hannah Montanna poster, enimen and 50 cent poster, and girl that i cant recall i ever seen before with HUGE udders:shock:and your a red sox fan. And the cow look does not fit ya real well.

nice cars though.

advised to remove pic from the board,… ;(

Thanks :mrgreen:

Yea , it seems mr Panzerknacker lives in most free state of world - he doesn’t fear to post his identifiable photos as much as he wish:)
But two paranoiacal dudes from USA and Britain hide their faces as a last criminals:)
Is this not funny gentlemens?
Look at me, if somebody just call in KGB , they easy should catch and sentence me for a pictures of still secret S-300 combat car that i’ve posted before.
If , say Nick call to them- the game is over for me ( i just hope he don’t know the phone number of local KGB agents:):slight_smile:
But this is not a reason to hide my identifical face in this forum , right.
Of course if your wear a big inscription on your camuflage uniform “This is PDF, search my face here…” - you definitely had the reason not to post you photo in net;)
But if you catch the local jihadist bas…rd around your home( great job IMO), hide your face there when you at services in you unit. what sense to fear us, we know you just as pdf , right?

It doesn’t even look funnily Dorr.
If this is a kind of newest hight-tech NATO’s camuflage - we get a serious problems:)
This is a rought violation all of Geneva military conventions - if one side will use the caw’s camuflage, attacking the other side.
IT will be absolutly unexpected:D:D

A recent one of me -

(Give or take a few pounds in weight.)

Here’s a picture of me for what it’s worth
Ahh…summer in Ireland.


A recent one of me -

Are you naked there ? :slight_smile:

Nice, nice to see new two faces. keep coming guys.

Yea , it seems mr Panzerknacker lives in most free state of world - he doesn’t fear to post his identifiable photos as much as he wish:)
But two paranoiacal dudes from USA and Britain hide their faces as a last criminals:)
Is this not funny gentlemens

That was a good one.

Not quite. Just topless.

Did your lovely wife object? :smiley:

how do you know?

you guys never met right ? :stuck_out_tongue: