The forum faces.

I find a more modern photo of Rising S !! he always next to the "Thimbles " :smiley: :smiley:

The MOST WANTED?:slight_smile:

Nah. If that was me, my tongue would be hanging out. :smiley:


Would this be you?


No, and it wouldn’t be my tongue, either. Or any other organ. :smiley:

cash, I am trying to offend you, but your pic reminded me somehow of this famous movie-guy:

jens :mrgreen:

One of the ironies of freedom - somehow I don’t think we would have had 30 years of IRA bombings if we had been able to set the KGB loose on them!

Edit: the MoD have kindly put up a high-res photo of me in uniform along with my name and home town on the interweb, so any competent Jihadi probably has my inside leg measurement by now. Thankfully, however, google hasn’t found it and I’ve no intention of making their life easier by posting on here - the google spiders are rather active locally.

Nah. If that was me, my tongue would be hanging out.

Check this pages and your tongue would be on the floor for sure :smiley:

That’s enough porn in this thread PZ…
Yo better link us the photo of your girlfriend for critical analysis:)We’ll compare their with the hot-babes photos above:D

If you had the KGB my friend the “IRA bombers” would have falled down the forest in Syberia , as far as 30 year ago.

Indeed, and that would have been a total tragedy, honest… Even so, I try to tell myself freedom is worth it, just doesn’t feel like it sometimes.

But how many peoples killed the IRA for last 30 years?
Is it not tragedy?

Even so, I try to tell myself freedom is worth it, just doesn’t feel like it sometimes.

This is one amazing paradox of the democracy…Sometimes you can’t even openly speak about the definite things , being not blamed in “extremism”.

Total deaths in the Troubles due to terrorism were ~3,000 - so somewhat higher than the casualties which caused the current “War on Terrorism”. The IRA were responsible for ~1,000 of these, but also for having kicked off the troubles in the first place.
Still, since “9/11” convicted IRA murderers have no longer been welcomed with open arms in New York, so there was one good side effect.

And you still think that bunch of IRA leaders-killers worth ot their rights for freedom?

Still, since “9/11” convicted IRA murderers have no longer been welcomed with open arms in New York, so there was one good side effect.

The othe good effect was that also the Chechen’s killers like Basaev and ets. have been no longer welcomed in Washington.

Panzerknacker:faint for the heart

I think the price in this case (letting them run about free) is worth the benefit (the additional rights and freedom I and others like me have. I just don’t like it very much sometimes.

Approved picture,… by the minister of home affair


Thanks, here I made a little “improvement” to your picture :wink:

British intell wasn’t far from it at times, at least in Northern Ireland…:wink:

And the KGB didn’t win in Afghanistan, did they?

They never were…

Not after they became a joke-state of anarchy and organized crime when they defeated the Russian Army in 1996…

They brought the hell of Russian re-occupation on their own country…