The forum faces.

Very true!:lol:

The warring factions on this thread remind me of when, as a boy, I used to fight practically every day with the boy next door.

My mother, probably aware that her little chap was in no danger, would allow us to get on with it. :army:

His mother would appear and begin berating us. He would always cry and point at me stating “He started it!” :mrgreen:

It is a curious thing, but people who think track suits and similar shapeless, unironed, and baggy vestments are items of high fashion are invariably at the opposite end of the social and intellectual scale across all borders.

Woe betide them in the next international pogrom, for they are easily identified and too stupid to realise why, but at least they keep up a healthy diet to maintain their high level of fitness to help them run from their persecutors.

And this is why they should wear tracksuits, which are the favoured item of what we call bogans, somewhat ironically as I’m wearing a mismatched tracksuit of sorts as I type, but at least I don’t look like this example of nationally televised Bogan Pride

Well, me old marra, there’s part of the story missing.

Did you start it? :wink: :smiley:

Only after he’d shared his toffees with me! :wink:

Guyes, is he not nice?:slight_smile:
I like him such, the failed latin dictator , who banned the forum members without notifications and reasons, now regrets he was “too kind”:)That’s why i think the GULAG cryes for him:)
He is not just cynic and tyrant, but an finished egoist.
P.S. Sorry to all, i can’t stop , now this “educated” piece of s…t is insulting me ,distorting my forum nickname.
But i will be not agains to split his attack on me out of this thread to separate one.

Why don’t you two make another thread and keep it going there…

I am an excellent driver. I am an excellent driver.
Dad lets me drive slow on the driveway. But not on Monday, definitely not on Monday.
I am an excellent driver.


Man!!! Get a life! Really! No offense! :slight_smile:

I am a very valuable member of this forum insulted by the last sewer garbage.

I dont actually see any member of this Forum as being particularly more valuable than any other.

What, may I ask, brings you to this stunning conclusion?

Well, that’s me totally disillusioned! :lol:

With girls like Kristina to recommend it, Siberia might not be such a bad prospect. :lol:

Kristina’s journey began in the unforgiving, arctic climate of Siberia . Her father, a musician and composer, enveloped Kristina’s home in music, and Kristina fell in love with music and dance at an early age. As a child, Kristina used her ballet training to hone the skills that would one day make her a ballroom champion. She studied both Latin and Standard styles, but it was the Latin harmonies and movements that truly stirred her passion.

Wouldn’t mind stirring her passions meself.

FF only said ‘particularly more valuable’.

He didn’t rule you out being a bit more valuable.

So you needn’t be totally disillusioned, just a bit disillusioned. :smiley:

A long farewell to all my greatness? :frowning:

One just can avoid to think about how far are those pictures of the stereotipical british image. :rolleyes:

Argentinian maturity.

If you going to post pictures of a baby at list post one of good looking baby.

Well, if the shoe fits, wear it!

Is that a boy or a girl?

A boy ( and what a boy), is me at 2 years old.

Now thats what I call EPIC PHAIL! :smiley:

Well…I did have some deterioration.

Only a little? Sure it wasn’t more than just a little? :wink:

I beg to differ, this is an EPIC FAIL, (no smilie covers this one,)
