The forum faces.

I thought as much…

Chubby & Co:
despite the long list of inexact statement you have posted, the answer is dont, I am a wiser man know , I wont get mixed with trolls anymore.

A forum “half face” he, he, thank you for the picture. :cool:

I’ve got the other half somewhere around here…

Why don’t you take one pic? Why do simple, when complicated is waiting in the wings, eh?

The wiser man, wouldn’t start the unprovoked attack FIRST, buddy.
Who has called me an …Communist?
Now you looks rather like an …loser:)
Besides you were advocating a rather stupid point- The level of violence and criminal IS N"T depended on whatever might people own a personal wearpon or not.
There are a lot of wearpon in Africa, Afganistan and other Arab states for private use in peoples hands .That’s doesn’t prevent the TOTAL TERROR and mass violation of peoples rights here.
As like the Right to wear weapon did not prevented Argentinian Junta to genocide your own people just 25 years back.

But what does wonder you that much:D?
The view of photocamera?:slight_smile:

The wiser man, wouldn’t start the unprovoked attack FIRST, buddy.
Who has called me an …Communist?

I called that because you are communist. Period.

And if you are so interested in the period of 1976-83 in here there is a topic, in wich you can educate yourself a bit before start posting rubbish.

This way of thinking make me to conclude that you are a fascist.Period.

And if you are so interested in the period of 1976-83 in here there is a topic, in wich you can educate yourself a bit before start posting rubbish.

As you wish
Oh lets educate myself:mrgreen:

Has i been enough educated now?:slight_smile:

Or now you will to revise the Agrantinian history, you old-fashion nazi?

Nazi and fascist were usually the calificatives of the Stalinist to whoever didnt agree with their ideas, so again, history repeat itself.

As you are both a communist and Stalinist and holocaust denier ( who also qualifies as nazi) is obvious that kind of insults were used agaist me, aniway, try to mantain a civilizated conversation with you is pointless, I should keep trying with persons who at list a minimum level of education and understanding. I am a very valuable member of this forum insulted by the last sewer garbage.

That is my punishment for being too kind with the last surviving kind troll here.

Hmmm… so you go running to the mods demanding disciplinary action against people who say nasty things about you (indeed, on one recent occasion for intruding on a “private” conversation taking place on a public forum). Yet you feel free to use similar language about others without offering any supporting evidence, and take the attitude that because you have a large number of posts, you are more valuable than others on here.

Frankly, you’re in grave danger of becoming a legend in your own lunch hour!

Honestly I did not espected any disciplinary action, I know very weill the Mods here, a disciplinary action would be asking too much of them.

Yet you feel free to use similar language about others without offering any supporting evidence, and take the attitude that because you have a large number of posts, you are more valuable than others on here.

The level of freedom in any forum is given by the Mods, not the members, you have the tools to remove any offensive post of mine, and also any of the chav, I dont know what you are waiting for. But if there a deletion of sanction try to do that as fair as possible.

I think the word Nazi is out of line as well my “sewer garbage”…what you think?

I think this all becoming rather silly and that it is time for us all to show a little maturity and dignity - but, then, what do I know?

I agree with you. Enough of this arguing. Let more people post their faces!

You’re both grown ups and aren’t affecting the rest of the forum, so as far as I’m concerned it’s a case of “Big Boy’s Rules”. If that changes I’ll start taking action.

Yep. I also think you started it by calling him a communist without evidence, and that it was an entirely predictable response.

Yep. I also think you started it by calling him a communist without evidence, and that it was an entirely predictable response.

Probably a bit subjetive, is only that I feel he is always supporting a communist/stalinist agenda, that is why I called him in that way. I wont take it back of that word.

I think this all becoming rather silly and that it is time for us all to show a little maturity and dignity

Agreeed, unfortunately, silly is the word of the day for any attemp to achieve a civilized conversation with a person wich is clearly not civilized nor educated. The place for a caucasus goatkeeper is with the goats not in internet.

My fault, I should not demeane myself engaging in talks with the chav.

Uh… since Chevan is highly unlikely to wear Burberry, I would suggest that while he may be other things he definately isn’t a chav!

No wonder why you have to run from the Chavs, they all have track suits on!

Not much. :smiley:

If I have to show maturity and dignity, I’ll need a double transplant. :wink:

Anyway, in the interests of promoting a bit of maturity, dignity and, most important of all, harmony, here are examples of Argentinian and Russian maturity to which all members of the board should aspire. :wink: :smiley:

Argentinian maturity.

Russian maturity.

If this conciliatory post doesn’t calm the warring factions down, I don’t know what will. :mrgreen: